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1959-1969 莫里康内配乐电影别名表
1959-1969 alias list of films composed by Ennio Morricone
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"Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook" 2013 English edition
编号 No.
电影及导演 (意/中)?/font> Name and Director (IT/CN)
别名 Alias
Alla scoperta dell'America - tv - (Sergio Giordani)(直译 发现美洲)

The Discovery of America

La scoperta dell'America

federale France (original title)
El federal Spain
Le fédéral France (poster title)
Mission ultra-secrète France
O Fascista Brazil
O fasistas Greece
Operation Idiot USA (TV title)
Pomo, se olen mina Finland
The Fascist USA
Zwei in einem Stiefel West Germany
Verrò (short film) (直译 播种/我将回来))
Vicino al ciel (short film) (直译 接近天堂)
Diciottenni al sole (Camillo Mastrocinque) / 太阳光下的18岁
Beach Party-Italian Style (1962, United States, TV title)
Eighteen In The Sun (1962, United States)
I motorizzati (Camillo Mastrocinque) (直译 摩托化)
Los motorizados Argentina / Spain
La cuccagna (Luciano Salce) (直译: 百万女孩)
A Girl... and a Million (undefined)
Idoni kai amartia Greece
La voglia matta (Luciano Salce ) / 狂热的欲望/欲海惊心杀人夜
La voglia matta Italy (original title)
Crazy Desire USA
Lockende Unschuld West Germany
The Crazy Urge Italy (TV title)
Duello nel Texas (Riccardo Blasco) / 红沙地上的枪战
Duello nel Texas Spain (original title)
Drei gegen Sacramento Austria / Germany (DVD title) / West Germany
3 gegen Sacramento Germany (DVD box title)
Agrios san ton anemo Greece (reissue title)
Duel au Texas France
Duell i Texas Sweden
Gringo Spain
Gunfight at Red Sands USA
Gunfight in the Red Sands USA
Monomahia sto Texas Greece
Taistelu punaisella hietikolla Finland
I basilischi (Lina Wertmüller) (直译 蛇怪)
Die Basiliken West Germany
The Basilisks (undefined)
The Lizards (undefined)
Il successo (Mauro Morassi ,Dino Risi) (直译 成功)
El éxito Spain
El suceso Argentina
O Sucesso Portugal
The Success (undefined)
Le monachine (Luciano Salce) / 小修女
Le monachine Italy (original title)
I monahi Greece
The Little Nuns USA
E la donna creò l'uomo (Camillo Mastrocinque) (直译 男人和女人)
...e la donna creò l'uomo Italy (original title)
Full Hearts and Empty Pockets USA
Un coeur plein et les poches vides France
Volles Herz und leere Taschen West Germany
El Greco (Luciano Salce) / 格列柯传
"El Greco" - Austria, Germany, USA, Greece, Finland
I due evasi di Sing Sing (Lucio Fulci) (直译 两名逃犯)
Das GroBmaul West Germany
Oi dyo drapetes tou Sing-Sing Greece
Two Escape from Sing Sing UK
I malamondo (Paolo Cavara) (蒙多流派记录片)
Malamondo USA
I maniaci (Lucio Fulci) (直译 狂热迷)
The Maniacs (undefined) / USA (DVD title)
Beautiful Eyes (undefined)
I marziani hanno dodici mani (Franco Castellano & Giuseppe Moccia) (直译 12只手的火星人)
I marziani hanno 12 mani Italy (alternative spelling)
Llegaron los marcianos Spain
Siamo quattro marziani Italy
The Twelve-Handed Men of Mars (undefined)

In ginocchio da te (Ettore Fizzarotti) (直译 我来给你跪下)
Térdenállva jovok hozzád Hungary
Le pistole non discutono (Mario Caiano) / 我的子弹不说谎
Die letzten Zwei vom Rio Bravo Austria / West Germany
30,000 fordomda dollars Sweden
Bullets Don't Argue USA
Bullets Don't Lie International (informal title) (English title)
Colt et dollars Belgium (dubbed version) (French title)
Guns Don't Talk (undefined)
Las pistolas no discuten Spain
Pistols Don't Argue USA
Ta pistolia den pairnoun apo logia Greece
Per un pugno di dollari Italy (original title)
A Fistful of Dollars UK / USA
For en handfull dollar Finland (Swedish title) / Sweden
Für eine Handvoll Dollar Austria / West Germany
Por Um Punhado de Dólares Brazil / Portugal
Pour une poignée de dollars Canada (French title) / France
Bir avuc dolar Turkey (Turkish title)
Egy maréknyi dollárért Hungary
En naevefuld dollars Denmark
Fistful of Dollars UK
Gia mia houfta dollaria Greece
Il magnifico straniero Italy (working title)
Kourallinen dollareita Finland
Koya no yojimbo Japan
Nur einer bleibt zurück West Germany (working title)
Pentru un pumn de dolari Romania
Por un punado de dólares Spain
Za garsc dolarów Poland
Za saku dolara Yugoslavia (Serbian title)
Prima della rivoluzione (Bernardo Bertolucci )/ 革命前夕
Prima della rivoluzione Italy (original title)
Antes da Revolu??o Brazil / Portugal
Vor der Revolution Austria (TV title) / West Germany
Antes de la revolución Spain
Before the Revolution USA
Ennen vallankumousta Finland
Prima della rivoluzione France
Prin tin epanastasi Greece
The Bible (John Houston) / 圣经-创世纪
A Bíblia Brazil / Portugal
Bibelen... i begyndelsen Denmark
Bibeln... i begynnelsen Sweden
De bijbel, in het begin der tijden Belgium (Flemish title)
Die Bibel West Germany
I vivlos Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
La bibbia Italy
La bible France
La bible... au commencement des temps Belgium (French title)
La biblia Spain
La biblia en el principio Argentina
Peygamberler diyari Turkey (Turkish title)
Raamattu... alussa loi Jumala Finland
The Bible USA (short title) Bible... In The Beginning, The (1966, United States)
Agent 505: Todesfalle Beirut (Manfred R. Kohler) / 特工505大战贝鲁特
Agent 505 - The Trap Door Falls in Beirut International (literal title) (English title)
Agent 505 - farlig kille i Beirut Sweden
Agent 505: Death Trap Beirut UK
Agente 505, muerte en Beirut Spain
Baroud à Beyrouth pour F.B.I. 505 France
Formula C-12 Beirut International (TV title) (English title)
Formula C-12/Beirut USA (TV title)
From Beirut with Love UK (reissue title)
La trappola scatta a Beyrut Italy
Praktor 505 - Heirapsia me to thanato Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Rififi Beirutissa Finland
Rififi in Beirut West Germany
Agente 077: Missione Bloody Mary (Terence Hathaway) / 特工077-血战玛丽行动
007 - Contra Goldfinger Portugal
007 - Opera??o Goldfinger Portugal
007 Contra Goldfinger Brazil
007 ja Kultasormi Finland
007 och Guldfinger Finland (Swedish title)
007: Goldfinger Australia (TV title)
Agente 007, missione Goldfinger Italy
Altinparmak Turkey (Turkish title)
Dedos de oro Argentina
Gold Finger International (alternative spelling) (English title)
Goldfinger - Zlatoprsti Serbia
Gullfingur Iceland (imdb display title)
Ian Fleming's Goldfinger UK (complete title)
James Bond 007 - Goldfinger West Germany
James Bond contra Goldfinger Spain
James Bond, praktor 007 enantion Hrysodaktylou Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Altissima pressione (Enzo Trapani) (直译 高压)
Highest Pressure
Gli amanti d'oltre tomba (Mario Caiano) (直译 恶梦城堡)
De griezel minnaar Belgium (Flemish title) / Netherlands (informal literal title)
Les amants d'outre tombe France
Les amants d'outre-tombe Belgium (French title)
Lovers Beyond the Tomb (undefined)
Lovers from Beyond the Tomb (undefined)
Night of the Doomed UK
Nightmare Castle USA
Orgasmo (undefined)
Stoiheiomenoi erastes Greece (DVD title)
Stoiheiomenos pyrgos Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
The Faceless Monster (undefined)
I pugni in tasca (Marco Bellocchio) / 怒不可遏
Oklok a zsebben Hungary (imdb display title)
Cepteki yumruklar Turkey (Turkish title)
De Punhos Cerrados Brazil
Die Fauste in der Tasche West Germany (festival title)
Fist in His Pocket USA
Fists in the Pocket UK
Las manos en los bolsillos Spain
Les poings dans les poches France
Mit der Faust in der Tasche West Germany
Oi grothies stin tsepi Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Piesci w kieszeni Poland
Idoli controluce (Enzo Battaglia) (直译 发光的偶像)
Il ritorno di Ringo (Duccio Tessari) / 林哥归来
The Angry Gun Australia (video title) / UK (video title)
Blood at Sundown USA (video title)
Det kom en farlig man Sweden (video title)
El retorno de Ringo Spain
Epistrefo apo to thanato Greece (reissue title)
Gnade spricht Gott - Amen mein Colt West Germany (new title)
Gyrizo gia ekdikisi Greece (reissue title)
I epistrofi tou Ringo Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
L?nnen vaarallisin mies Finland
Le retour de Ringo France
Ringo kehrt zurück Germany (DVD title)
Ringo kommt zurück West Germany
The Return of Ringo UK
Vasenkatinen tappaja Finland
La battaglia di Algeri Italy (original title)
The Battle of Algiers International (imdb display title) (English title) / UK / USA
A Batalha de Argel Brazil
Az algíri csata Hungary
Bitwa o Algier Poland
I mahi tis Algerias Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
I mahi tou Algeriou Greece (reissue title)
La bataille d'Alger France
La batalla de Argel Spain
Maarakat madinat al Jazaer Algeria (Arabic title)
Schlacht um Algier West Germany
Slaget om Alger Sweden
Slaget om Algier Denmark
Taistelu Algeriasta Finland
Menage all'italiana (Franco Indovina) (直译 意大利家庭)
Menage all'italiana (original title)
Non son degno di te (Ettore Fizzarotti) / (直译 我不值得你)
Brazil Nao Mereco Você
Portugal Nao Sou Digno de Ti
For a Few Dollars More International (English title) / UK / USA
For nagra fa dollar mer Finland (Swedish title) / Sweden
Für ein paar Dollar mehr Austria / West Germany
Por unos pocos dólares más Argentina / Spain
Pour quelques dollars de plus Canada (French title) / France (dubbed version)
A Few Dollars More Philippines (English title)
Birkac dolar icin Turkey (Turkish title)
Due stranieri magnifici Italy (working title)
Et pour quelques dollars de plus France
For noen fa dollar mer Norway
Haevn for dollars Denmark
La muerte tenía un precio Spain
Mone dollari parast veel Estonia
Monomahia sto El Paso Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Pár dollárral tobbért Hungary (imdb display title)
Por Mais Alguns Dólares Portugal
Por unos cuantos dólares más Spain
Por uns Dólares a Mais Brazil
Vain muutaman dollarin tahden Finland
Yuuhi no ganman Japan
Za dolar vise Yugoslavia (Serbian title)
Za kilka dolarów wiecej Poland
Se non avessi più te (Ettore Fizzarotti) (直译 如果没有韦斯)
Ha már nem leszel az enyém Hungary
Sette pistole per i MacGregor (Franco Giraldi) / 七枪客
7 kostajaa Finland
7 pistolia gia tous MacGregor Greece (video title)
Die sieben Pistolen des MacGregor West Germany
Erhontai oi MacGregors Greece (reissue title)
Oi 7 yperohoi pistoleros Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Sept écossais au Texas France
Seven Guns for the MacGregors UK
Siete pistolas para los Mac Gregor Spain
Slalom (Luciano Salce) /花言巧语
El octavo hombre Spain
Geheimnis am Nil West Germany (video title)
Snow Job USA (TV title)
So ein Windhund West Germany
Thrilling (Carlo Lizzani, Gian Luigi Polidori, Ettore Scola) (直译: 惊险)
Espeluznante Argentina
Uccellacci e uccellini Italy (original title)
Pajarracos y pajaritos Argentina / Spain (Catalan title)
Des oiseaux, petits et gros France
Gro?e V?gel, kleine V?gel West Germany
Haukat ja varpuset Finland
Hawks and Sparrows (undefined)
Madarak és ragadozó madarak Hungary
Megala poulia mikra poulakia Greece (DVD title)
Oiseaux petits et gros France
Pajaritos y pajarracos Spain
Passarinhos e Passar?es Portugal (imdb display title)
Ptaki i ptaszyska Poland (imdb display title)
The Hawks and the Sparrows USA
Una pistola per Ringo (Duccio Tessari) / 林哥的枪
Eine Pistole für Ringo Austria / West Germany
Una pistola para Ringo Argentina (DVD title) / Spain
A Gun for Ringo Thailand (DVD title) (English title)
A Pistol for Ringo UK
Ballad of Death Valley USA
En pistol f?r Ringo Sweden
Ena pistoli gia ton Ringo Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
O Sartana stin kolasi ton aeton Greece (reissue title)
Ringo - tappaja Finland
Ringo: The Killer International (English title)
Uma Pistola para Ringo Portugal
Un pistolet pour Ringo France
Un uomo a metà (Vittorio de Seta) / 半个男人
Almost a Man (undefined)
Half a Man (undefined)
Un homme à moitié France
编号 No.
电影及导演 (意/中)?/font> Name and Director (IT/CN)
别名 Alias
Come imparai ad amare le donne (Luciano Salce) (直译 教我如何爱上她)
I crudeli (Sergio Corbucci) (直译 残忍的人)
I crudeli Italy (original title)
Die Grausamen West Germany
Hellbenders USA
Helvetescommandos Sweden
Los despiadados Spain
Oi kolasmenoi Greece (video title)
Os Cruéis Portugal (imdb display title)
Rio Hondon kuolemanloukku Finland
The Cruel Ones USA
The Hellbenders USA
Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo. Italy (original title)
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Australia (imdb display title) / International (English title) / UK / USA
El bueno, el malo y el feo Argentina / Mexico / Venezuela
Le bon, la brute et le truand Belgium (French title) / Canada (French title) / France
Den gode, den onde og den grusomme Denmark / Norway
Zwei glorreiche Halunken Austria / West Germany
Oioioèé, ioioié, ceié Russia (imdb display title)
A jó, a rossz és a csúf Hungary (imdb display title)
Bunul, raul si uratul Romania
De goede, de harde, de vagebond Belgium (Flemish title)
Den gode den onde den fule Sweden (alternative spelling)
Den gode, den onde och den fule Finland (Swedish title)
Den gode, den onde, den fule Sweden
Den gode, den vonde og den hjartelause Norway (TV title)
Dobar, los, zao Yugoslavia (Serbian title)
Dober, grd, hudoben Slovenia (imdb display title)
Dobry, zly i brzydki Poland
El bo, el lleig i el dolent Spain (Catalan title)
El bueno, el feo y el malo Spain
Goda, onda och fula Finland (Swedish title)
Ha'tov Ha'ra Veha'meho'ar Israel (Hebrew title)
Hea, halb ja inetu Estonia (imdb display title)
Het goede, het slechte, het lelijke Netherlands (informal literal title)
Hodny, zly a osklivy Czechoslovakia (imdb display title) (Czech title)
Hyvat pahat rumat Finland
Hyvat, pahat ja rumat Finland
I due magnifici straccioni Italy (working title)
Iyi, kotü ve ?irkin Turkey (Turkish title)
Lo bueno, lo malo y lo feo Peru (imdb display title)
O Bom, o Mau e o Vil?o Portugal (imdb display title)
O kalos, o kakos kai o ashimos Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Sá góei, sá vondi, sá ljóti Iceland (imdb display title)
The Good, the Ugly, the Bad USA (literal English title)
The Magnificent Rogues UK
Três Homens em Conflito Brazil
Zoku yuuhi no ganman Japan
L'avventuriero (Terence Young) (直译 冒险家)
L'avventuriero Italy (original title)
A kalandor Hungary
Ich komme vom Ende der Welt West Germany
Kaparkaptenen Peyrol Sweden
Maceralar beldesi Turkey (Turkish title)
O antartis Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Peyrol le boucanier France
The Rover USA
Viimeinen merirosvo Finland
La ragazza e il generale (Pasquale Festa Campanile) / 虎落平阳
La ragazza e il generale Italy (original title)
A Rapariga e o General Portugal (imdb display title)
Das Madchen und der General West Germany
Flykten till gransen Sweden
Kiz ve general Turkey (Turkish title)
La fille et le général France
The Girl and the General USA
To koritsi kai o stratigos Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Tytto ja kenraali Finland
Le streghe (Mauro Bolognini and more)(Episode: La Terra vista dalla Luna) / 女巫
Le streghe Italy (original title)
Hexen von heute Austria / West Germany
A Magia da Mulher Portugal
As Bruxas Brazil
Boszorkányok Hungary (imdb display title)
Czarownice Poland
Elavalta poltettu noita Finland
Haxor Sweden
Haxorna Sweden
Heksene Denmark
Las brujas Spain
Les sorcières France
Nykypaivan noitia Finland
Oi magisses Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
The Witches USA
Matchless (Alberto Lattuada) (直译 无敌)
Arabella, to gymno doloma ton kataskopon Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Incomparable Argentina
Lyomaton Finland
Mission T.S. France (dubbed version)
Mission Top Secret USA (dubbed version)
Osynlig spion Sweden
Sin rival Spain
Mi vedrai tornare (Ettore Fizzarotti) (直译 我会回来)
Tha gyriso agapi mou Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Navajo Joe (Sergio Corbucci) / 纳瓦霍乔
Navajo Joe France / Greece / Portugal / USA (imdb display title)
Red Fighter USA / West Germany
A Dollar a Head USA (working title)
Aci intikam Turkey (Turkish title)
An seinen Stiefeln klebte Blut West Germany
En Dollar per skalle Sweden
Joe, el implacable Spain
Joe, o Pistoleiro Implacável Brazil
Kopfgeld - Ein Dollar West Germany
Navajo Joe - 1 dollari paanahasta Finland
Navajo's Land USA
Navajos Land West Germany
Savage Run USA
Un dollaro a testa Italy (working title)
Sette donne per i MacGregor (Franco Giraldi) / (直译 七女麦格雷戈斯)
Sette donne per i MacGregor Spain (original title)
Up the MacGregors UK / USA
7 Mulheres Para os MacGregor Portugal
7 Women for the MacGregors UK (dubbed version)
7 gynaikes gia tous 7 yperohous pistoleros Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
7 tappajaa Finland
Eine Kugel für Mac Gregor West Germany (dubbed version)
Les sept écossais explosent France
MacGregor och hans 7 gunfighters Sweden
Siete mujeres para los Mac Gregor Spain
Svegliati e uccidi (Carlo Lizzani) (直译 死在醒来)
Feuertanz West Germany
Frente al amor y la muerte Spain
Il solista del mitra Italy (reissue title)
Lutrig Italy
Lutring, o hrysodaktylos diarriktis Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Lutring... réveille-toi et meurs France
O adistaktos Greece (video title)
Solo für zwei Maschinengewehre West Germany (cut version)
Svegliati e uccidi (Lutring) Italy (complete title)
Too Soon to Die (undefined)
Vaijytys Finland
Wake Up and Die (undefined)
Un fiume di dollari (Carlo Lizzani) (直译 美元河)
Un fiume di dollari Italy (original title)
Eine Flut von Dollars Austria / West Germany
The Hills Run Red UK / USA (imdb display title)
Dollarivirta Finland
Du sang dans la montagne France
En flod av dollar Sweden
Ena potami dollaria Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Kanli tepeler Turkey (Turkish title)
River of Dollars USA
Sangue nas Montanhas Brazil
Un río de dólares Spain
Ad ogni costo (Giuliano Montaldo) (直译 不惜任何代价/大满贯)
Ad ogni costo Italy (original title)
Diamantes a gogó Spain
Grand Slam USA
Le carnaval des truands France
Meisterstück der Diamantenmarder Austria
Storslam 70 Sweden
Timanttivarkaus Riossa Finland
To megalo kolpo tou aionos Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Top Job West Germany
Top Job - Diamantenraub in Rio West Germany
Um jeden Preis West Germany
Ragazza del Charleston / Arabella (Mauro Bolognini) / 贝拉
Arabella, i oraia tyhodioktis Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Bad Arabella USA (reissue title)
Ragazza del Charleston Italy
Da uomo a uomo (Giulio Petroni) / 死神骑马来
Da uomo a uomo Italy (original title)
Oldürmeye yeminliyim Turkey (Turkish title)
A Morte Anda a Cavalo Brazil
As Man to Man USA
D'homme à homme France
De hombre a hombre Spain
Death Rides a Horse USA (imdb display title)
Die Rechnung wird mit Blei bezahlt West Germany
Hamndens stund Finland (Swedish title)
Hamndens timme Sweden
Kosto odottaa Finland
La mort était au rendez-vous France
O kavallaris tou thanatou Greece (video title)
Oi 5 simademenoi tou El Viento Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Vita, morte e vendetta Italy (working title)
Von Mann zu Mann West Germany
Dalle ardenne all'inferno (Alberto de Martino) / 肮脏英雄
Dalle Ardenne all'inferno Italy (original title)
...und morgen fahrt ihr zur Holle Austria / West Germany
Dirty Heroes Philippines (English title) / USA
Ardenneilta helvettiin Finland
De la gloire à l'enfer France
From Hell to Victory Philippines (English title)
Heroes Five Philippines (English title)
Kapste tis Ardennes Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
La gloire des canailles France
Vromikoi iroes Greece (reissue title)
Diabolik (Mario Bava) / 德伯力克
Diabolik Italy (original title)
Danger: Diabolik USA
Danger: Diabolik! France
Diabolik Greece
Diabolik - mies mustassa Jaguarissa Finland (TV title)
Diabolik ger ingen nad Sweden
Gefahr: Diabolik! West Germany
I ekdikisi tou Spaterman Greece (video title)
Mies mustassa Jaguarissa Finland
O Spiderman me ti mavri maska Greece (reissue title)
Perigo: Diabolik Brazil
Escalation (Roberto Faenza) (直译 上升)
Escalation Mexico (imdb display title)
Kitorési kísérlet Hungary (imdb display title)
Faccia a faccia (Sergio Sollima) (直译 面对面)
Faccia a faccia Spain (original title)
Face to Face (undefined) / USA (imdb display title)
Aima gia aima Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Cara a Cara Portugal (imdb display title)
Cara a cara Spain
Halleluja, der Teufel lasst euch grüben West Germany (TV title)
Il était une fois en Arizona France
Le dernier face à face France
Von Angesicht zu Angesicht West Germany
Zwei links, zwei rechts und Halleluja West Germany
Grazie zia (Salvatore Samperi) (直译 谢谢你阿姨)
Come Play with Me (undefined)
Danke, Tante West Germany (TV title)
Des Teufels Seligkeit West Germany
Efharisto... theia! Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Gracias tía Argentina
Kiitos, t?ti Finland (TV title)
Merci ma tante France
Thank You Aunt (undefined)
Il giardino delle delizie (Silvano Agosti) (直译 庭园乐事)
Garden of Delights (undefined)
Le jardin des délices France (DVD title)
L'harem (Marco Ferreri) (直译 她的闺房)
L'harem Italy (original title)
Her Harem USA
I garsoniera mias anomalis Greece (reissue title)
Le harem France
The Harem UK (video title)
To haremi Greece (reissue title)
To spiti tis anomalias Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
La Cina è vicina (Marco Bellocchio) / 中国已近
La Cina è vicina Italy (original title)
Cin yakindir Turkey (Turkish title)
China Is Near USA
China Vizinha Portugal
China está cerca Spain
China ist nahe West Germany
Chiny sa blisko Poland (imdb display title)
I kina einai konta Greece (festival title)
La resa dei conti (Sergio Sollima) /大捕杀/神龙闪电枪
La resa dei conti Spain (original title)
Colorado France / Poland
Account Rendered (undefined)
Der Gehetzte der Sierra Madre West Germany
El halcón y la presa Spain
En blodig kniv - ett dodande skott Sweden
Enas enantion deka Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
La presa Spain (working title)
Luodin laki Finland
O Dia da Desforra Brazil (imdb display title)
The Big Gundown USA
OK Connery (Alberto de Martino) / 上吧 康奈利
OK Connery Italy (original title)
Opération frère Cadet France
Operaatio 'Pikkuveli' Finland
Operación Hermano Pequeno Spain
Operation 'Kleiner Bruder' West Germany
Operation Double 007 (undefined)
Operation Kid Brother USA
Secret Agent 00 (undefined)
Sta ihni tou adelfou tou Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
C'era una volta il West Italy (original title)
Once Upon a Time in the West Australia (imdb display title) / International (English title) / UK / USA
érase una vez en el Oeste Argentina / Peru (imdb display title)
Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod Austria / West Germany
Однажды на Диком Западе Soviet Union (Russian title)
Aconteceu no Oeste Portugal
Batida kan var Turkey (Turkish title)
Bilo jednom na divljem zapadu Serbia
Dawno temu na Dzikim Zachodzie Poland (informal alternative title)
Eitt sinn í vesturlondum Iceland (imdb display title)
Era Uma Vez no Oeste Brazil
Fins que li va arribar l'hora Spain (Catalan title)
Harmonica - en hamnare Sweden
Harmonika - en hamnare Finland (Swedish title)
Hasta que llegó su hora Spain
Het gebeurde in het westen Netherlands (informal literal title)
Huuliharppukostaja Finland
Il était une fois dans l'Ouest Canada (French title)
Il était une fois dans l'ouest France
Kapote sti Dysi Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Ondt blod i Vesten Norway (imdb display title)
Pewnego razu na Dzikim Zachodzie Poland (imdb display title)
There Was Once the West USA (literal English title)
Uesutan Japan
Undeva, candva in Vest Romania (imdb display title)
Vestens harde halse Denmark
Volt egyszer egy vadnyugat Hungary
Comandamenti per un gangster (Alfio Caltabiano) (直译 黑帮的戒律)
Holle vor dem Tod West Germany
L'enfer avant la mort France
Tha se steilo stin Kolasi, protou pethanis Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Corri uomo corri (Sergio Sollima) / 大捕杀2/神龙闪电枪2
Corri uomo corri Italy (original title)
Big Gundown 2: Run, Man, Run USA (promotional title)
Corre Homem Corre Portugal (imdb display title)
Corre, cuchillo... corre! Spain
Lauf um dein Leben West Germany
Mannen med kastknivarna Sweden
Prohora, katharma, prohora Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Ratsasta henkesi edesta Finland
Run, Man, Run International (English title)
Saludos, hombre France
Cuore di mamma (Salvatore Sollima) (直译 母之爱)
Mother's Heart International (English title)
E per tetto un cielo di stelle (Giulio Petroni) / 屋顶满天星
...e per tetto un cielo di stelle Italy (original title)
A Sky Full of Stars for a Roof USA
Amigos West Germany
Amigos - Die (B)Engel lassen grüBen West Germany
And for a Roof a Sky Full of Stars (undefined)
Billy Boy, to pio grigoro pistoli Greece (reissue title)
Ciel de plomb France
Duell under stjarnorna Sweden
Ekdikisis stin koilada ton keravnon Greece (reissue title)
Grigoros san astrapi, skliros san atsali Greece (reissue title)
Grigoros san astrapi, viaios san kataigida Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Por techo, las estrellas Spain
Teksasin taivaan alla Finland
Tetonk, a csillagos ég Hungary
Eat it (Francesco Casaretti) (直译 吃吧)
Ecce Homo (Bruno Alberto Gaburro) (直译 瞧!这个人)
i Sopravvissuti
Fraulein Doktor (Alberto Lattuada) / 毒气间谍战
Fraulein Doktor Italy (original title)
Fraulein Doktor Argentina / Greece
Fraulein Doktor - nimeton vakooja Finland
Fraulein Doktor USA
Gospodjica Doktor - Spijunka bez imena Yugoslavia (Serbian title)
The Betrayal (undefined)
Galileo (Liliana Cavani) / 伽利略传
Galileo Galilei (English title) / Hungary
Галилео Галилей Bulgaria (Bulgarian title)
I cannoni di San Sebastian (Henri Verneuil) /双虎将大追踪/烽火山河/一卒将军
La bataille de San Sebastian France (original title)
Guns for San Sebastian Japan (English title) / USA
Los canones de San Sebastián Mexico / Peru (imdb display title)
Die Holle von San Sebastian West Germany
I cannoni di San Sebastian Italy
Kanonerna vid San Sebastian Sweden
Os Canhoes de San Sebastian Portugal (imdb display title)
San Sebastian West Germany
San Sebastian'in toplari Turkey (Turkish title)
San Sebastianin tykit Finland
Slaget ved San Sebastian Denmark
Ta kanonia tou San Sebastian Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
The Guns of San Sebastian USA (working title)
H2S (Roberto Faenza) (直译 硫化氢)
"H2S" was never released outside Italy. Rarely seen since its original Cinema release in 1968 this surreal futuristic comedy drama is directed by Roberto Faenza whose inspirations from his art college days are clearly displayed here. Student revolts in a futuristic scientific university see an unusual role for the American actor Lionel Stander,who had previously been cast as the barman in Sergio Leone's "Cera una volta il West"(1968) The story is a puzzling one- it begins in London,England where students are controlled by a dictatorship Government where sex is outlawed.The film was supposed to have been banned in Italy and destroyed,but do they really do that to films these days.........(More see here)
Il grande silenzio (Sergio Corbucci) / 雪海深仇
Il grande silenzio Italy (original title)
Leichen pflastern seinen Weg Austria / West Germany
The Great Silence International (English title) / USA
A halál csondje Hungary
Den tyste hamnaren Sweden
Le grand silence France
Levend of dood Belgium (Flemish title)
O Grande Silêncio Portugal
O Vingador Silencioso Brazil
O ekdikitis tou diavolou Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Suuri hiljainen Finland (TV title)
Suuri hiljaisuus Finland
The Big Silence (undefined)
Il mercenario (Sergio Corbucci) / 无情职业快枪手
Il mercenario Italy (original title)
A Professional Gun (undefined) / Europe (English title) / UK
Ammattitappaja Finland
Die gefürchteten Zwei West Germany
Die zwei Gefürchteten West Germany
El Mercenario France
Mercenario - Der Gefürchtete West Germany
O epanastatis tou Mexikou Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
O misthoforos Greece (reissue title)
O skliros, to moutro kai o zorikos Greece (reissue title)
Profesyonel silah Turkey (Turkish title)
Revenge of a Gunfighter USA (informal alternative title)
Salario para matar Spain
The Mercenary USA (imdb display title)
L'alibi (Adolfo Celi, Vittorio Gassmann, Luciano Lucignani) (直译 阿利)
L'alibi Italy (original title)
A Vida é um álibi Portugal (imdb display title)
Alibi International (English title)
O asymvivastos Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
La monaca di Monza (Eriprando Visconti) / 深院偷情/蒙扎的修女
La monaca di Monza Italy (original title)
La religieuse de Monza Belgium (French title) / France
A Freira de Monza Portugal (imdb display title)
Abdis van Monza Belgium (Flemish title)
Die Nonne von Monza West Germany
La monaca di Monza: Una storia lombarda (undefined)
La monja de Monza Spain
Monzan nunna Finland
The Awful Story of the Nun of Monza UK
The Lady of Monza USA
The Nun of Monza (undefined)
To monastiri tis Monza Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
The red tent (Mikhail Kalatozov) /红帐篷.
Krasnaya palatka Soviet Union (original title)
La tienda roja Argentina / Venezuela
Красная палатка Soviet Union (Russian title)
A Grande Odisseia Portugal
Das rote Zelt West Germany
Det roda taltet Sweden
Konta ston kokkino ilio Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
La tenda rossa Italy
La tente rouge France
Le jugement des morts France (video title)
Punainen teltta Finland
The Red Tent USA
Tsiteli karavi Soviet Union (Georgian title)
Metti, una sera a cena (Giuseppe Patroni Griffi) / 爱的轮廻
Cena para amantes Argentina
Disons un soir à diner France
Love Circle (undefined)
Mettons, un soir a diner France
One Night at Dinner (undefined)
Supongamos que una noche, cenando... Spain
Il sosia / Partner (Bernardo Bertolucci) / 搭挡/同伴
Partner Brazil / Poland (imdb display title) / Portugal (imdb display title) / USA
Il sosia Italy
Roma come Chicago / Rome Like Chicago (Alberto Martino) / 罗马大盗
Roma come Chicago Italy (original title)
Bandits in Rome USA
Chicago stin Romi Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Den desperata jakten Sweden
Kosto ei tunne armoa Finland
Mord auf der Via Veneto West Germany
Nefes kesen takip Turkey (Turkish title)
Rome Like Chicago USA (TV title)
The Violent Four UK
Ruba al prossimo tuo (Francesco Maselli) / 老千兵团/鸳鸯大盗
Ruba al prossimo tuo Italy (original title)
A Fine Pair USA
Contigo, pan y caviar Argentina
Ein feines P?rchen West Germany
Ein ruhiges Paar West Germany
Ena monadiko zevgari Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Guapa, ardiente y peligrosa Spain
Mestertyven Norway
Rakastuneet roistot Finland
Sevgilimin tuzagi Turkey (Turkish title)
Un couple pas ordinaire France (TV title)
Una coppia tranquilla USA (review title)
Scusi, facciamo l'amore? (Vittorio Caprioli) /Listen, Let's Make Love (直译 听着 让我们作爱吧)
Scusi, facciamo l'amore? Italy (original title)
Et si on faisait l'amour France
Listen, Let's Make Love USA
Mas syghorite, kanoume erota Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Teorema (Pier Paolo Pasolini) / 定理
Teorema Argentina / Finland
Théorème Canada (French title) / France
Teorema - Geometrie der Liebe West Germany
Teoremat Poland (imdb display title)
Theorem (undefined)
Theorima Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
To theorima Greece (DVD title)
Tepepa (Giulio Petroni) (直译 革命万岁)
Tepepa Austria / Turkey (Turkish title) / USA (imdb display title) / West Germany
Blood and Guns USA (video title)
Der Eliminator West Germany (video title)
Durch die H?lle Companeros Germany (Pay-TV title)
Long Live the Revolution USA
Tepepa - Durch die H?lle, Companeros West Germany
Tepepa... Viva la revolución Spain
Viva Tepepa Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Un bellissimo novembre (Mauro Bolognini) / 再见晤爱/偷情世家
Aquele Novembro Maravilhoso Brazil
Bellísimo noviembre Argentina
Ce merveilleux automne France
Ein heiBer November West Germany
Ein schoner November West Germany
Ekeinon ton axehasto noemvri Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Güzel bir sonbahar Turkey (Turkish title)
Nádherny listopad Czechoslovakia (TV title) (Czech title)
Novemberhete Norway (original subtitled version)
Piekny listopad Poland
That Splendid November (undefined)
Um Belíssimo Novembro Portugal
Un tranquillo posto della campagna (Elio Petri) / 乡间僻静处/一片安静的地方
Cilgin ruhlar Turkey (Turkish title)
A Quiet Place in the Country (undefined)
Das verfluchte Haus West Germany
O pyrgos ton eraston Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Spokojne miejsce na wsi Poland (imdb display title)
Un coin tranquille à la campagne France
Vergogna schifosi (Mauro Severino) (直译 肮脏的天使)
Dirty Angels UK
Giotto - tv documentary - (Luciano Emmer) /乔托传
Giotto and the pre-Renaissance (Museum without walls)
Gott mit uns (Giuliano Montaldo) /神与我们同在
Dio è con noi Yugoslavia (original title)
à l'aube du cinquième jour France
5th Day of Peace USA (DVD title)
Blutiger Staub West Germany (video title)
Crime of Defeat (undefined)
Desertera och do Sweden
Deus Está Conosco Brazil
Die im Dreck krepieren (undefined)
God with Us (undefined)
Gott mit uns West Germany
I ektelesis Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Sulhu de askerler kazanir Turkey (Turkish title)
Teloitusryhma Finland
The Fifth Day of Peace USA
The Last Five Days of Peace (undefined)
Tri sata do pobjede Croatia
Vesztesek és gyoztesek Hungary (imdb display title)
Y dios está con nosotros Spain
I cannibali (Liliana Cavani) (直译 食人族)
I cannibali Italy (original title)
Los caníbales Argentina / Spain
Antigoni 72 Greece (reissue title)
Ihmissyojat Finland
Kannibalerna Finland (Swedish title)
Oi kannivaloi Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
The Cannibals (undefined)
The Year of the Cannibals USA
Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto Italy (original title)
Ermittlungen gegen einen über jeden Verdacht erhabenen Bürger Switzerland (German title) / West Germany
Investigación de un ciudadano libre de toda sospecha Argentina / Peru
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion UK / USA
Enquête sur un citoyen au-dessus de tout soupcon France
Epailyksen ylapuolella Finland
Epailysten ulkopuolella Finland
Inquérito a Um Cidadao Acima de Qualquer Suspeita Portugal
Investigacao Sobre um Cidadao Acima de Qualquer Suspeita Brazil
Investigación sobre un ciudadano libre de toda sospecha Spain
Investigation of a Citizen... Above Suspicion USA (poster title)
Investigation of a Private Citizen (undefined)
Sledztwo w sprawie obywatela poza wszelkim podejrzeniem Poland
Undersokning av en medborgare hojd over alla misstankar Sweden
Yoerano pasis ypopsias Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
L'assoluto naturale (Mauro Bolognini) (直译 她与他)
L'assoluto naturale Italy (original title)
Apolytos fysika Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
He and She International (English title)
She and He (undefined)
L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo Italy (original title)
El pájaro de las plumas de cristal Argentina / Spain
As Plumas de Cristal Brazil
Bird with the Glass Feathers (undefined)
Dodens fagel Finland (Swedish title)
Das Geheimnis der schwarzen Handschuhe West Germany
De messen moorden Belgium (video box title) (Flemish title)
Fuglen med krystalfjerpragten Denmark
Kuoleman lintu Finland
L'oiseau au plumage de cristal France
Ljudet av kristallfageln Sweden
Ljudet fran kristallfageln Sweden
O Pássaro com Plumas de Cristal Portugal
O Pássaro das Plumas de Cristal Brazil
Paradisfagelns hemlighet Finland (Swedish title)
Paratiisilinnun arvoitus Finland
Point of Terror USA (alternative title)
Svarta handsken Sweden
The Bird with the Crystal Plumage International (imdb display title) (English title)
The Gallery Murders UK (alternative title)
The Phantom of Terror USA (reissue title)
To pouli me ta krystallenia ftera Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
La donna invisibile (Paolo Spinola) / (直译 无形女)
La donna invisibile Italy (original title)
The Fantasies of a Sensuous Woman USA (dubbed version)
The Invisible Woman International (English title)
La stagione dei sensi (Massimo Franciosa) / (直译 感官季节)
Season of the Senses (undefined)
Le clan des Siciliens France (original title)
A szicíliaiak klánja Hungary
Der Clan der Sizilianer West Germany
El clan de los sicilianos Spain
I symmoria ton Sikelon Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Il clan dei siciliani Italy
Klan Sycylijczyków Poland
Klanen fra Sicilien Denmark
O Cla dos Sicilianos Portugal (imdb display title)
Os Sicilianos Brazil (TV title)
Sicilianska klanen Sweden
Sicilyalilar cetesi Turkey (Turkish title)
Sisilialaisklaani Finland
The Sicilian Clan USA
Metello (Mauro Bolognini) / 我的青春/梅泰洛
Metello Argentina / Greece
Ergatiki exegersi Greece (reissue title)
Queimada Italy (original title)
Queimada Finland / Greece / Spain (imdb display title)
Burn! USA (imdb display title)
Isyan Turkey (Turkish title)
La quemada Colombia
Queimada - Insel des Schreckens West Germany
Queimada! Argentina
Quemada! Spain
Tüz! - Queimada lázadói Hungary (imdb display title)
The Mercenary Canada (English title)
Sai cosa faceva Stalin alle donne? (Maurizio Rivelani) / (直译 斯大林对妇女们都干了什么?)
Sai cosa faceva Stalin alle donne? Italy (original title)
Sais-tu ce que Staline faisait aux femmes? France
What Did Stalin Do to Women? International (English title)
Senza sapere niente di lei (Luigi Comencini) / (直译 对她一无所知)
Sin saber nada de ella Spain
Uccidete il vitello grasso e arrostitelo (Salvatore Samperi) / (直译 杀了肥牛犊去烤)
Ypopsies pou fernoun ton thanato Greece (video title)
Un esercito di 5 uomini (Don Taylor) / 五人军队
Un esercito di cinque uomini Italy (original title)
Otszemélyes hadsereg Hungary (imdb display title)
5 kisilik ordu Turkey (Turkish title)
Cinq hommes armés France
Der Dampfhammer West Germany
Dicker, laB die Fetzen fliegen West Germany
Die fünf Gefürchteten West Germany
Die fünf Gefürchteten und ein Halleluja West Germany
Ejército de cinco Argentina
Exército de 5 Homens Brazil
Fem manns armeen Norway
Fem professionella man Sweden
O stratos ton pente Greece (reissue title)
Oi pente prodotes Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Os Cinco Bandoleiros Portugal (imdb display title)
Pieciu uzbrojonych mezczyzn Poland
Praeriens blodhunde Denmark
The 5 Man Army International (alternative spelling) (English title)
The 5-Man Army International (alternative spelling) (English title)
The Five Man Army USA
Un ejército de cinco hombres Spain
Viiden miehen armeija Finland
Una breve stagione (Renato Castellani) / (直译 一个短季)
Una breve stagione Italy (original title)
A Brief Season International (English title)
Bir mevsimlik ask Turkey (Turkish title)
Kalokairi mazi sou, Ena Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Alias--  1970-1979   1980-1989   1990-1999   2000-2009   2010-2019
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