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A downloaded movie used eMule with Morricone's music
L'Uccello dalle piume di cristallo/The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970)
The movie was provided by Lajiao
Relative music
The composer Ennio Morricone was shown in this movie
The composer Ennio Morricone was dhown in start of the movie (00:01:41")
The composer Ennio Morricone was dhown in start of the movie
L'Uccello dalle piume di cristallo/The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970)
L'Uccello dalle piume di cristallo/The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970)
About the movie 01, 02, 03, 04 ??????????????????About its OST music 01, 02, 03, 04

Director:Dario Argento

Writer:Dario Argento (writer)
Release Date:12 June 1970 (USA) more
Genre:Crime | Horror | Mystery | Thriller more
Tagline:A stunning portrait in psycho-terror! more
Plot:A writer is stalked by a serial killer after witnessing a murder attempt on one woman's life. full summary | full synopsis

Awards:1 nomination more

Produced by
Salvatore Argento .... producer
Artur Brauner .... executive producer: CCC Filmkunst (uncredited)

Original Music by Ennio Morricone

Also Known As (AKA)
P??jaro de las plumas de cristal, El Argentina / Spain
Bird with the Glass Feathers (undefined)
D?dens f?gel Finland (Swedish title)
Das Geheimnis der schwarzen Handschuhe West Germany
Fuglen med krystalfjerpragten Denmark
Kuoleman lintu Finland
Ljudet av kristallf?geln Sweden
Ljudet fr?n kristallf?geln Sweden
Messen moorden, De Belgium (video box title) (Flemish title)
Oiseau au plumage de cristal, L' France
P??ssaro com Plumas de Cristal, O Portugal
P??ssaro das Plumas de Cristal, O Brazil
Paradisf?gelns hemlighet Finland (Swedish title)
Paratiisilinnun arvoitus Finland
Phantom of Terror (undefined)
Plumas de Cristal, As Brazil
Point of Terror USA (alternative title)
Pouli me ta krystallenia ftera, To Greece
Svarta handsken Sweden
The Bird with the Crystal Plumage USA
The Gallery Murders (undefined)

Edgar Allan Poe Awards
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1971 Nominated Edgar Best Motion Picture
Dario Argento


Plot-1: Sam Dalmas (Tony Musante) is an American writer currently living in Rome with his model girlfriend Julia (Suzy Kendall). On the night before they are about to return to the US, Sam witnesses the attack of a woman (Eva Renzi) by a mysterious black-gloved assailant dressed in a raincoat. Attempting to reach her, Sam is trapped between two mechanically-operated glass doors and can only watch as the villain makes his escape. The woman, Monica Ranieri, the wife of the gallerys owner, survives the attack, but the local police confiscate Sams passport to stop him leaving the country, because they believe him to be an important witness. Sam is haunted by what he saw that night, feeling sure that some vital clue is evading him, and soon finds that both he and his girlfriend are the killers new targets. In an exciting conclusion, Sam chases the mysterious assailant through a darkened building. He is trapped once more, this time pinned to the floor by release of a wall-sized sculpture of wire and metal. Unable to free himself, he becomes the prey of the person he was pursuing -- the attractive, deranged wife of the gallery owner. This climax to the mystery, with strong sado-masochistic elements, has the knife-wielding lady teasing Sam in preparation to stabbing him. She fails, of course, and Sam provides the obligatory wrap-up scene with his girlfriend (IMDB)


Plot-2: Sam, an American writer in Rome, witnesses a murder attempt on the wife of the owner of an art gallery by a sinister man in a raincoat and black leather gloves - but Sam is powerless to do anything as he gets trapped between a double set of glass doors in going to her aid. The woman survives, and the police say that she is the first surviving victim of a notorious serial killer. But when they fail to make any progress with the case, Sam decides to investigate on his own, turning up several clues that point in the direction of just one possible suspect - assuming that he really knows who he's looking for... Written by Michael Brooke
In Italy, the American writer Sam Dalmas (Tony Musant) witnesses an attempt of murder of the owner of an art gallery, a couple of days before his foreseen return to the United States of America. He decides to stay with his girlfriend Julia (Suzy Kendall) and help the police in the investigation, while the serial killer stalks Julia and him. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Cast (Cast overview, first billed only)

Tony Musante ... Sam Dalmas
Suzy Kendall ... Julia
Enrico Maria Salerno ... Inspector Morosini
Eva Renzi ... Monica Ranieri
Umberto Raho ... Alberto Ranieri

Renato Romano ... Professor Carlo Dover (as Raf Valenti)
Giuseppe Castellano ... Monti
Mario Adorf ... Berto Consalvi
Pino Patti ... Faiena

Play in online for the movie 96'31" (Here)
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