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The reb tent/Krasnaya palatka
The reb tent/Krasnaya palatka
About the movie from IMDB


Director:Mikhail Kalatozov

Writers:Richard L. Adams (writer)
Ennio De Concini (writer)
Release Date:23 December 1969 (Italy) more
Genre:Adventure / Drama more
Plot Summary:The commander of a failed 1928 Arctic airship expedition is remembering the events of the "Italia" airship flight... more
Plot Synopsis:This plot synopsis is empty. Add a synopsis
Plot Keywords:Zeppelin / Airplane / Color In Title / Arctic / Survival more
Awards:Nominated for Golden Globe. more

Additional Details

????????? ???????? (Soviet Union: Russian title)
Tenda rossa, La (Italy)
The Red Tent (USA)
Tsiteli karavi (Soviet Union: Georgian title)
Parents Guide:Add content advisory for parents
Runtime:Russia:158 min / USA:121 min (International version)
Country:Soviet Union / Italy
Language:Russian / Italian / English
Color:Color (Technicolor)
Aspect Ratio:1.66 : 1 more
Sound Mix:70 mm 6-Track (70 mm prints) / Mono (35 mm prints)


The commander of a failed 1928 Arctic airship expedition is remembering the events of the "Italia" airship flight, crash and subsequent rescue efforts. The "ghosts" of people involved in the events appear in his memories to assist him in determining his guilt in the affair. The reminiscences are mixed with the real action: the flight of the "Italia", the air rescue operation from Kings Bay airfield, the expedition of the "Krassin" ice-breaker. A sort of human touch is added by the ever beautiful C.C. playing Malmgren's girlfriend. Written by E. Kocourek {}

As the leader of a 1928 Arctic airship expedition watches a television program about the disastrous undertaking, the ghosts of those involved in the voyage and subsequent rescue attempts gather to determine his guilt in the affair. Most of the film is a flash-back to the voyage and the international efforts to rescue the crew of the airship from an ice flow. Written by Anonymous (See here)

A brief
Plot Summary for Inspector Gadget(1999)

The Red Tent depicts Gen. Nubile's North Pole expedition by adirigible which resulted in crash landing.
The Red Tent is a true story depicting the North Pole expedition by a dirigible led by Italian Gen. Nubile in 1928, which resulted in crash landing at somewhere in the vicinity of the North Pole. One more thing making this event famous is, the world famous Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen was also lost in an attempt to rescue the survivors of this unfortunate accident. Peter Finch plays Gen. Nubile, and Sean Connery plays Amundsen. I consider their performances are quite excellent, especially watching Sean Connery play a role other than James Bond at that time is quite refreshing. And Peter Finch seems to be always reliable and acting persuasively. That's true even when he played a demented TV announcer in the movie "Network"(1976), after the completion of which he died and got the Oscar posthumously. I also remember that he played an important part in the similar kind of movie titled "The Flight of the Phoenix" in 1965, though it was about desperate persons stranded right in the middle of the Sahara desert instead of freezing arctic ocean and was a fiction completely (incidentally, German born actor Hardy Kruger also appears in both movies). Although I think that it would be very interesting to compare these two movies, because, as one is European made and the other is American, there seems to be several significant differences between them in spite of both handling similar situations, I don't have any intention to explicate it in this review, because there are other intersting points I want to mention about The Red Tent.
Unfortunately, this film lacks serious drama aspect, and also the
excessive use of flash-forward technique is marring the movie
Several critiques seem to have been brought against this film on the ground that there are so many awkward flash-back scenes (or rather should be called flash-forward scenes) in it to the extent that they almost destroy the integrity of the movie itself. I'm afraid I must agree to this remark. Had it not been for these unnecessary scenes and, instead, had it been spiced up by more appropriate drama aspects such as struggles for survival, which "The Flight of the Phoenix" seems to succeeded in conveying, the film could have been one of the best movies of this kind, and surely I would have given the film a five stars without any hesitation. Nevertheless, I consider the film is entitled to be referred as an excellent movie.
The Red Tent is by far the most beautiful movie ever made.
One reason for it is, "The Red Tent" is by far the most beautiful movie ever made. The scenary of arctic ocean is quite marvelous, though I don't know exactly where the film was shot. Furthermore, the simple score composed by famous Italian screen music composer Ennio Morricone (He is also famous in the field of classical area. In that area, he composes such kind of music like music-concrete or something like that, which is definetely not for ordinary audiences. Sometimes I wonder he might be composing very beautiful screen music in order to compensate it.) is surely augmenting the beautiful atmosphere. The scene of icebergs crushing into arctic ocean is literally breathtaking and awe-inspiring, and I assure you will be able to easily feel the resistance of nature refusing the trespass of human race by watching these scenes. Even it shouldn't be referred by the word "resistance", for resistance is the activity a fragile creature like human being trys to conduct. Nature is always beyond human being's imagination, and, you, for example, would never be able to fully understand the meaning of glaring eyes of a tiger that was about to eat you at his lunch time. Anyway, by this point alone, I can recommend you to watch this movie at least once.
Internationality is the key word of this movie, and it is essential for
our future world.
Another reason is concerning this film's characteristic of international nature. By saying so, I am not only referring to the famous international players participating in this movie, but also referring to the nationality actually involved in this accident in 1928. The expedition itself is composed of Italian personnel. The person firstly picking up the SOS signals from the abandoned survivors is a Russian, though I don't know whether it is historically accurate or not. The first contact with the survivors is made by a Swedish pilot (played by Hardy Kruger), and, of course, aforementioned Amundsen is a Norwegian. Although I guess that there must have been serious struggles among these countries as to which country would be the first one to reach the Sauth Pole and the North Pole, they seem to work cooperatively and heroically beyond their nationalities once something bad has happened. Considering the fact the age was between two world wars, national interest must have been prioritized over everything else. Nontheless, they conduct rescue tasks together, if it wouldn't be called remarkably cohesive. Probably facing something far bigger than human interest, i.e. nature itself as I mentioned before, they might have been compelled to do so. Or rather they might have acted heroically because of their intention to show the bravery of their own country. But, whatever is the reason, this kind of cooperative works organized beyond nationality was, and, is, and, will be the most important element to achieve world level objectives. And it is especially true in the age when all the world is connected by the nexus like the Internet, even if it only means the connection in an information area alone for now. So whenever I watch this film, I cannot help feeling the freshness, the freshness that would not be attainable by the elements only limited to one country's local interest and propaganda, and I never feel any dreariness from this film usually accompanying this kind of stories. Finally thanks to the gorgeous internatinal casting of this film, which has certainly succeeded in augmenting international feel of this film. There are British players (Peter Finch, Sean Connery), Italian (Claudia Caldinale among others), German (my favorite Hardy Kruger), and also Russians (judging by the name, director must be a Russian).(More)

Note: Hisoric information
Ingenieurwissenschaften und widmete sich danach aeronautischen Studien.

1926 ??berflog er gemeinsam mit Amundsen den Nordpol im Luftschiff "Norge". Nobile und Amundsen zerstritten sich danach. 1928 unternahm Nobile daher ohne Amundsen eine zweite Expedition zum Pol. Auf dem R??ckflug verungl??ckte das Luftschiff "Italia" in der N?he von Spitzbergen. Amundsen brach darauf zu einer Rettungsaktion auf, von der er nicht wieder zur??ckkehrte. Nobile hingegen ??berlebte und arbeitete ab 1931 als Luftschiffkonstrukteur in Moskau. 1936 bekleidete er den Lehrstuhl f??r Aeronautic in Illinois, USA und wurde nach Ende des 2.Weltkrieges Professor f??r Aeronautik in Neapel. Am 30.07.1978 verstarb Umberto Nobile im Alter von 93 Jahren in Rom.

Die ganze Geschichte kann man nachlesen in: Trag?die am Pol - Der Absturz des Luftschiffs 'Italia' - eine wahre Geschichte von Wilbur Cross.(here and here)

Umberto Nobile (21.1.1885-30.7.1978)

DVDRip format, English dub,??Chinese subtitle, 679M,??121 minutes
See a part of the movie from CC union (5'31")
A good news: A higher bit rate with AVI format of the movie was provided free download from Oct.6, 2008
AVI format English dub Embed Chinese subtitle
Enclosed a English and Chinese subtitle file
121'18" 679M 841Kbps
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