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Sacco e Vanzetti/Sacco and Vanzetti-2
1995 )(关于巴金请参见 01,
05) |

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(années folles)。
Chinese Immigration Act)限制了几乎所有来自亚洲的移民输入。该国还通过了其他一些法律控制东南欧移民。
禁酒令 1920年,针对酒精饮料的宪法第18修正案获得通过。这一修正案的初衷是试图通过禁酒缓和某些社会问题,然而事与愿违的是禁酒所带来的新问题要严重得多。基于第18修正案的Volstead法通过后,美国开始全面禁止一切酒精类饮料的制造、贩卖和进出口。此后,美国各地开始滋生有组织犯罪,走私行为愈演愈烈,一切与酒精相关的非法地下活动都在牟取着暴利。在加拿大,尽管从没有在全国范围内实施禁酒,但美国禁酒法的影响依然是十分深刻的。
第29任总统哈定的竞选誓言是“回归常态”,Return to Normalcy,应注意这里的Normalcy一词是哈定的创造。“回归常态”折射了当时的三个趋势:强化北美孤立主义,复活移民排斥主义,弱化政府行动主义。在经济上,哈定采取自由放任政策。从1919年夏天开始,哈定发起“前廊运动”(Front
Porch Campaign),正式参与竞选。这场竞选在美国历史上可谓盛况空前:各大媒体争相报道,新闻影片层出不穷,财界巨头如爱迪生、亨利?福特等人为他慷慨解囊,甚至好莱坞明星们也受邀前往俄亥俄州马里昂市(Marion,Ohio)哈定夫妇的家中与他们合影,以此赢得人心。截至20年秋天大选前夕,估计先后有60万人参与了奔赴马里昂的“朝圣”活动。哈定任内其政权饱受丑闻困扰,不过哈定本人似乎并未卷入其中。关于丑闻,他的名言是:“老天,没有比当总统更糟的职业了。”,以及“和我过不去的并不是我的敌人,只是一些该死的朋友,是他们让我彻夜难眠”。
卡尔文·柯立芝 柯立芝因哈定在任内病逝而就任美国第30任总统。1924年凭借“秩序与繁荣”的竞选主旨,他轻松连任成功。1924年2月12日,柯立芝成为第一个通过广播进行就职演说的美国总统。之后他又利用这种新媒体创造了几个美国总统的“第一”,比如上任十天之后他就在白宫发表了第一次全国广播的政治演讲。柯立芝的名言是:“美国人的要紧事就是做买卖”(The
chief business of the American People is business)。
赫伯特·胡佛 美国第31任总统赫伯特·胡佛1928年宣誓就职时称:“今天,我们美国人比历史上任何一个地方都更加接近彻底战胜贫穷。”。事实是他说的几乎完全相反。美国前所未有的大萧条时代已经为期不远。
工会的变迁 1910年代末的几次罢工改变了美国公众对工会(labor
Act)和反颠覆法(Sedition Act)的作用而衰退。社会主义运动领袖Eugene V. Debs据反颠覆法被处以10年监禁,不过后来他得到了哈定总统的提前特赦。
撤销禁酒令 1933年2月20日,宪法第21修正案获得通过,禁酒令宣告撤销。各州立即据此案对酒精饮料解除管制。一如当年非法饮酒成为咆哮年代的时代符号,饮酒的合法化也从一个侧面告诉人们辉煌已成往事,美国经济与社会发展需要重头再来
Mitchell Palmer (Fiftieth Attorney General, 1919-1921)
1919年夏, 联邦、州以及地方政府机构针对激进活动分子开展了广泛的打击,担心美国会有一场布尔什维克形式的革命。随后的“红色恐惧”因俄国的成功的布尔什维克革命和战后的工人动乱而被引燃,这包括1919年的波士顿警察罢工和几次爆炸运动。1919年6月2日,一枚炸弹在新首席检查官的官邸前爆炸。首席检查官A.米切尔·帕默和他的助手,未来的联邦调查局局长约翰·埃德加·胡佛,将领导政府对激进活动分子打击,战时立法允许联邦政府对支持战争活动的舆论进行压制。结果,在1919年夏有成百上千的外籍的无政府主义者、社会主义分子以及共产主义者受到引渡。
Gentry,“反激进运动从一开始就是一场反劳工的运动”, 这激起了先天论者的担忧。最终,帕默失去了大商业的支持,因为新的限制移民数威胁到廉价的外国劳工的来源,并且红色恐惧“对商业发展不再有利。”
The term "Red
Scare" has been retroactively applied to two distinct
periods of strong anti-Communism in United States history:
first from 1917 to 1920, and second from the late 1940s
through the late 1950s. These periods were characterized
by heightened suspicion of Communists and other radicals,
and the fear of widespread infiltration of Communists in
U.S. government.
Red Scare' (1917–1920)
Main article: First Red Scare
The 'First Red Scare' began during World War I in which
the United States fought from 1917-1918. Tensions were further
elevated during this time frame owing to a widespread campaign
of violence by various groups inspired by the Bolshevik
revolution in Russia and the ensuing Russian Civil War (1917-1923).
Historian Levin B. Murray described the First Red Scare
as "a nation-wide anti-radical hysteria provoked by
a mounting fear and anxiety that a Bolshevik revolution
in America was imminent--a revolution that would destroy
property, church, home, marriage, civility, and the American
way of life."[1]
In April 1919, a large-scale
plot to mail thirty-six bombs to a variety of prominent
Americans was uncovered. The intended recipients included
immigration officials, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell
Holmes, the chairman of a Senate committee investigating
Bolsheviks, Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, J. P. Morgan
and John D. Rockefeller. On June 2 of the same year, bombs
exploded in eight different cities within the same hour.
One of the intended targets was again Attorney General Palmer,
whose Washington, D.C. home was bombed. The man planting
the bomb at Palmer's home was killed in the explosion, and
evidence indicated that he was an Italian alien living in
This occurred during a time
of heightened xenophobia in America. Various brands of radical
anarchism were acquiring some notoriety, and their advocates
were often recent immigrants to the U.S. The Industrial
Workers of the World (IWW) was responsible for several prominent
strikes in 1916 and 1917, and this too was seen as a threatening
form of radicalism largely inspired by foreign born "agitators".
By 1919, hundreds of strikes were occurring every month
nation-wide, and the conservative press was commonly referring
to strikes as "crimes against society," "conspiracies
against the government," and "plots to establish
As a result, even before the
bomb plots of 1919, a series of immigration, anti-anarchist,
and sedition laws (including the Sedition Act of 1918) were
passed and widely exercised as a means to remove undesirable
elements from the country. In the words of David D. Cole,
"the federal government consistently targeted alien
radicals, deporting them[…] for their speech or associations,
making little effort to distinguish true threats from ideological
After the bombings, Attorney
General Palmer initiated what came to be known as the Palmer
Raids. These were a series of mass arrests and deportations
of immigrants who were suspected of being leftists or radicals.
A total of between 4,000 and 10,000 individuals were arrested
over two years. Palmer placed J. Edgar Hoover, then 24 years
old, in charge of this operation. At Hoover's specific direction,
prisoners were questioned without access to attorneys and
their bail was set prohibitively high.[4] Many were beaten
during their arrest or questioning.
The raids were initially highly
praised by the public and press. The Washington Post proclaimed
"There is no time to waste on hairsplitting over infringement
of liberty," and the New York Times referred to the
injuries inflicted on a group of suspects as "souvenirs
of the new attitude of aggressiveness which had been assumed
by the Federal agents against Reds and suspected Reds"[5]
Eventually there was criticism of the raids. A group of
twelve prominent lawyers that included future Supreme Court
Justice Felix Frankfurter published "A Report on the
Illegal Practices of The United States Department of Justice,"
citing violations of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth
Amendments to the Constitution and accusing Palmer of "illegal
acts" and "wanton violence." Palmer then
issued a series of warnings that a revolutionary plot to
overthrow the government was to be launched on May 1, 1920.
When the date passed without incident, Palmer was widely
ridiculed. Adding to the criticism was the fact that evidence
sufficient for deportation could be found for less than
six hundred of the thousands who were arrested. In July
1920, Palmer's once-promising bid for presidential office
was squelched when he failed to win the Democratic nomination.[6]
As a result of the fear and
oppression around the First Red Scare, membership in the
Communist Party of the United States and similar Marxist/Communist
groups was reduced by some 80 percent.[7]
In 1919-1920, a number of states
passed criminal syndicalism laws that made the advocacy
of violence to secure social change unlawful. Traditional
American ideals of free speech were restricted.[8]
'Second Red Scare' (1947–1957)...(More
The biographical information
for Attorneys General of U.S. Department of Justice
Palmer was born in Moosehead,
Pennsylvania, on May 4, 1872. In 1891 he received his AB
degree from Swarthmore College and studied law at Swarthmore,
Lafayette, and George Washington University. He was admitted
to the bar in 1893, practiced with Honorable John B. Storm
until 1901, and then alone. Palmer was a Member of Congress
from 1909 to 1915. He was appointed judge of the United
States Court of Claims in April 1915 and resigned that post
on September 1, 1915. From October 22, 1917, to March 1919,
he was alien property custodian under the "Trading
with the Enemy Act." Palmer was a delegate at large
to the Democratic National Conventions in 1912 and 1916,
and a member of the executive committee of the Democratic
National Committee from 1912 to 1920. He was appointed Attorney
General of the United State by President Wilson on March
5, 1919, and remained until March 5, 1921. At the Democratic
National Convention at San Francisco in 1920, Palmer received
267 nominating votes for President. He died on May 11, 1936.
The Palmer Raids, 1918-1921
In 1919, during a period of labor disturbances and several
bombing incidents linked to anarchists, the post-World War
I antiradical hysteria resulted in aggressive targeting
of suspected radicals by the government. Attorney General
A. Mitchell Palmer launched a series of raids against radical
and progressive organizations, often without search warrants.
By early 1920, more than five thousand people were arrested.
Many of the suspects were deported, some illegally.
(场景 00:07:59)
(场景 00:08:35)
(Alvan T. Fuller)
Tufts Fuller was a United
States Representative from Massachusetts. He was born in
Boston on February 27, 1878. He attended the public schools,
and engaged in the bicycle business. Fuller was founder
and owner of the Packard Motor Car Co. of Boston. He was
elected a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives,
and was a delegate to the Republican National Convention
in 1916.
He was elected
as a Republican to the Sixty-fifth Congress, reelected to
the Sixty-sixth Congress and served from March 4, 1917,
to January 5, 1921. Fuller served as Lieutenant Governor
1921-1924, and was elected Governor in 1924. He was reelected
to a second term. After leavng office, he became chairman
of the board of Cadillac-Oldsmobile Co., of Boston. He did
not accept compensation for services while in public office.
Fuller died in Boston on April 30, 1958. He was interred
in East Cemetery in Rye Beach, New Hampshire.(维基百科)
或 这里)
.....This crime
was committed seven years ago. For six years, through diiatory
methods, one appeal after another, every possibility for
delay has been utilized, all of which lends itself to attempts
to frighten and coerce witnesses, to influence changes in
testimony, to multiply by the very years of time elapsed
the possibilities of error and confusion.
This task of review has been
a laborious one and I am proud to be associated in this
public service with clear eyed witnesses, unafraid to tell
the truth, and with jurors who discharged their obligations
in accordance with their convictions and their oaths.
As a result of my investigation
I find no sufficient justification for executive intervention.
I believe with the jury, that
these men, Sacco and Vanzetti, were guilty, and that they
had a fair trial. I furthermore believe that there was no
justifiable reason for giving them a new trial.
Webster Thayer (Born 1857, died 1933) was an 1879 graduate
of Worcester Academy and Dartmouth College and a former
newspaper man. He was appointed a judge of the Superior
Court of Massachusetts in 1917. He is best known as the
trial judge for the Sacco and Vanzetti trial
Sacco and Vanzetti
In 1920, Sacco and Vanzetti, followers of Luigi Galleani
and avowed anarchists, were arrested and charged with payroll
robberies and murder. At their Dedham trial, Sacco and Vanzetti
were both convicted of murder for the killing of two employees
during a payroll robbery.
Thayer made clear his opinion
in and outside of the courthouse. Referring to Sacco in
his jury instructions, he said, "Although this man
may not have committed the crime attributed to him, he is
nonetheless culpable because he is the enemy of our existing
institutions." The judge also told a friend during
the trial, "Did you see what I did with those anarchist
bastards the other day?"
Thayer denied a post-trial motion
for a new trial, an act for which he was condemned by various
left-wing and civil liberties groups, along with some legal
critics, such as Felix Frankfurter. Others alleged that
Thayer was biased against the two men because of their radical
political beliefs. In 1920 he rebuked a jury for acquitting
anarchist Sergie Zuboff of violating a criminal anarchy
Personal Accounts
Boston Globe reporter said of Judge Thayer’s behavior at
the trial that "[He] was conducting himself in an undignified
way, in a way I had never seen in thirty-six years."
The reporter continued by saying that, "I have seen
the judge sit in his gown and spit on the floor."
Jurors in the Sacco-Vanzetti
trial, however, were almost unanimous in praising Thayer
for the way he conducted the trial. Reading the transcript,
one sees few signs of obvious bias. What is most striking,
perhaps, is Thayer's oratory, as in his charge to the jury:
"Let your eyes be blinded to every ray of sympathy
or prejudice, but let them ever be willing to receive the
bountiful sunshine of truth...."
For their part, both Sacco and
Vanzetti expressed their feelings towards Judge Thayer in
unmistakable terms. Vanzetti stated I will try to see Thayer
death [sic] and asked fellow anarchists for revenge, revenge
in our names and the names of our living and dead. In a
signed article for their defense committee, both men made
a pointed reference to Luigi Galleani's explicit bomb-making
manual covertly titled La Salute è in voi! (Health is in
You!) in response to those who had arrested, prosecuted,
or convicted them.
Fellow Galleanists did not wait for retaliation, instituting
a campaign of bombing and attempted assassinations that
lasted a full five years after Sacco and Vanzetti's execution.
Court officials, a juror who had served in the Dedham trial,
a police witness, and even Thayer himself were all targeted
for assassination by bombs planted at their residences.
After a Galleanist bomb destroyed Thayer's home in Worcester,
Massachusetts, he lived for the remainder of his life at
his club in Boston, guarded 24 hours a day by his personal
bodyguard as well as police sentries. He died in 1933 of
a cerebral embolism, aged 75.(见这里)
萨科和万泽提 在1920年,萨科和万泽提,
鲁奇 加里尼 (Luigi Galleani)和公开的无政府主义的追随者,因凶杀和抢劫被起诉.在随后的审判中,两人因杀害两名雇员并抢劫他们的薪款被宣判有罪.
Sergie Zuboff 宣判无罪是违反了惩治无政府状态的法令
(Fred H. Moore)
Moore was the original
lead defense attorney for Sacco during the Dedham trial.
He was a Californian who had a reputation for successfully
defending radicals. Moore was not, however, well versed
with Massachusetts law or procedure. In fact, he had
never before tried a case in Massachusetts and would never
do it again. He withdrew from the case shortly after
the trial, which pleased Rosa Sacco, who disliked him from
the beginning. In 1983, it was revealed by the son
of one of the original group of four that hired him as defense
lawyer that Moore was a cocaine addict, and had to be constantly
supplied with the drug throughout the course of the trial.
Fred Moore (attorney)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fred H. Moore was a socialist lawyer and the defense attorney
of the controversial Sacco and Vanzetti case. He had collaborated
in many labor and Industrial Workers of the World trials
and was noted for his role in the celebrated Ettor-Giovannitti
case, which came out of the 1912 Lawrence, Massachusetts,
textile strike.
Sacco and Vanzetti case
Main article: Sacco and Vanzetti
During the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti, many had noted how
Judge Webster Thayer seemed to loathe defense attorney Fred
Moore. Thayer frequently denied Moore's motions, lecturing
the California-based lawyer on how law was conducted in
Massachusetts. On at least two occasions out of court, Thayer
burst into tirade. Once he told astonished reporters that
"No long-haired anarchist from California can run this
(William G. Thompson)
Thompson took over Sacco and
Vanzetti’s defense after Fred H. Moore withdrew from the
case. Thompson, by most accounts, was a conservative and
prominent Boston attorney who had been a council member
of the Boston Bar Association. Some in the Defense Committee
had wanted Thompson to handle the case in trial court rather
than Moore. Thompson argued the post-trial motions before
the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts in January of
加里尼(Luigi Galleani)
加里尼(Luigi Galleani)
加里尼(Luigi Galleani)
of the deed)。这一词的原本涵义是指做出示范性的直接行动,以鼓舞群众进行革命。不过行动宣传可以是暴力的、也可以是非暴力的。
“The Program of the International Brotherhood”(1869)和马拉泰斯塔,“Violence
as a Social Factor” (1895))。
(Luigi Galleani)
Luigi Galleani
(1861-1931) was a major 20th century anarchist. Famous
among both Italians and Americans, he was a proponent
of propaganda by the deed. He was the founder and editor
of the Cronaca Sovversiva, a major Italian anarchist
periodical which ran for a period of about 15 years
before being shut down by the American government. Several
books that bear his name are excerpts from the preceeding
publication. The one exception is La Fine dell'anarchismo?
(The End of Anarchism?) in which Galleani asserts that
Anarchy is far from dead, but in fact is a force to
be reckoned with...(See here
) |
译文:鲁奇 加里尼 (1861-1931)是二十世纪的主要的无政府主义者.在意大利和美国两个国家非常出名.他是一个"行动宣传"派的支持者.他是一家意大利无政府主义者的期刊"Cronaca
Sovversiva"的创建人和编辑,在其被美国政府勒令停刊以前曾发行15年之久..... |
Born in Vercelli
to middle class parents, Galleani became an anarchist
in his late teen years, while studying law at the University
of Turin. Eventually dropping out, he turned his attentions
to anarchist propaganda. He was forced to flee to France
to evade threatened prosecution in Italy, but was expelled
from France for taking part in a May Day demonstration....
...Soon after arriving in
the United States, Galleani attracted attention in radical
anarchist circles as a charismatic orator who believed
that violence was necessary to overthrow the 'capitalists'
who oppressed the working man. He often described himself
proudly as a subversive, a man dedicated to subverting
established government and institutions. Galleani settled
first in New Jersey, but was indicted for inciting a
riot and fled to Canada (where he was quickly expelled).
He then moved to Vermont, where he soon became known
as a proponent of "propaganda by the deed".
He was the founder and editor of Cronaca Sovversiva
(Subversive Chronicle), an Italian anarchist newsletter
which was published for 15 years before being shut down
by the American government under the Sedition Act of
1918....(See here)
译文: 鲁奇 加里尼出生于意大利维切利的一个中产阶级家庭,当他的青年时期在都灵大学学习法律时他变成一个无政府主义者.后来他转向于无政府主义的宣传活动.之后他逃到法国以躲避可能面临的起诉.,但由于参加五一节的示威活动而被法国当局驱逐出境....
Cronaca Sovversiva 杂志并担任编辑长达15年之久,这是一本意大利无政府主义者的时事通讯,直到1918年由于煽动暴力活动而被美国政府查封.....(见这里)
(选自1995 巴金自传文章:文学生活五十年)