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Same EN
tfm-1968 basic view of films and music composed by Ennio Morricone (2016 supplement edition)
"Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook" 2013 English edition
TB6801 Gli Intoccabili / Machine Gun McCain ( Giuliano Montaldo ) / 铤而走险
TB6802 Chimera (Ettore Maria Fizzarotti)/ 直译 克迈拉
TB6803 Geminus (TV Movie-Luciano Emmer) /直译   杰米纽斯
TB6804 El magnífico Tony Carrera (José Antonio de la Loma) / The Magnificent Tony Carrera / 直译 豪勇的托尼 卡雷拉
TB6805 Appunti per un film sull'India (TV Short documentary-Pier Paolo Pasolini) / 直译 一部印第安电影的笔记
TB6801 Gli Intoccabili / Machine Gun McCain ( Giuliano Montaldo ) / 铤而走险
Stars John Cassavetes
Britt Ekland
Peter Falk
Country Italy
Runtime 96 min
Date 1 April 1969 (Italy)
Also Known As:
Brazil A Fúria dos Intocáveis
Denmark De urorlige
Denmark (reissue title) Killer MacCain
Spain Las Vegas, 1.970
Finland Konepistooli-McCain
Finland (alternative title) (Swedish title) Machine Gun McCain - levande eller d?d
France Les intouchables
Greece (video title) Oi adiafthoroi
Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title) Oi asylliptoi
Hungary A sérthetetlenek
Japan Ashita yo saraba
Mexico Los Intocables
Netherlands Machine Gun McCain
Portugal Os Intocáveis
Serbia Po svaku cenu
Sweden Jakten pa Machine Gun McCain
Slovenia Za vsako ceno
Turkey (Turkish title) Dokunulmazlar
USA (working title) At Any Price
USA Machine Gun McCain
Europe (English title) The Untouchables
West Germany American Roulette
West Germany Die Unschlagbaren
World-wide (English title) (informal title) For a Price
World-wide (English title) Machine Gun McCain
01, 02, 03, 04, 05 中文 01, 02, 03, 04
Tough criminal Hank McCain gets released from prison after serving twelve years for armed robbery. Hank hooks up with his son Jack, who has devised a daring plan to rob a Las Vegas casino. Unbeknownst to Hank, Jack is also involved with volatile and ambitious mob capo Charlie Adamo, who uses Hank as a pawn so he can gain control of Vegas territory that's currently being run by the formidable Don Francesco De Marco. (IMDB)
Machine Gun McCain
Hank McCain as he cruises down the Vegas strip: Twelve years of prison and I still get a kick out of these lights.
Irene: They're beautiful.
Hank: They're not beautiful. They're cheap. It's an attraction for sad, fat businessmen begging for more money...for hustlers, for thieves, for pimps. I LOVE IT!

Lean, mean and paranoid, convict Hank McCain (John Cassavetes) is sprung from prison by West Coast mobster Charlie Adamo (Peter Falk) to rob a Las Vegas casino that is owned by an East Coast Mafia boss in the same syndicate. Adamo's underhanded attempt to muscle in on his fellow gangster's territory ignites a gangland war between factions with McCain caught in the middle and running for his life after he successfully pulls off a $2 million dollar heist. Along the way, McCain is double-crossed by his own son, hooks up with a bar hostess (Britt Ekland), is briefly reunited with his former mistress (Gena Rowlands) and goes down fighting in a genuine noir finale. Although it didn't get any respect from the critics or even much notice from film reviewers at the time, Machine Gun McCain (Italian title: Gli Intoccabili, 1968) is a remarkably taut, fast-paced B-movie crime thriller that is as feral and cagey as its title hero. Cassavetes imbues his role with a pent-up intensity that threatens to explode at any moment and often does. It's one of his best performances and demonstrates why he was more in-demand as an actor in Hollywood instead of a director....(Here)

After serving 12 years behind bars for armed robbery, tough guy Hank McCain finds himself the pawn of a ruthless mob runt's rebellion against a high level don. When McCain discovers that he's been betrayed and abandoned by his new employer, he retaliates with a high stakes Las Vegas casino heist that erupts into all-out war on the streets of Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York. Not blood, nor lust, nor wedding vows can come between McCain and his money...or his machine gun.....(Here)

综合简译: 汉克 麦凯恩 (约翰·卡萨维茨饰)是一个在监狱服刑的歹徒,由于黑帮的帮助而提前出狱.一个财团(辛迪加)需要他参与抢劫拉斯维加斯赌场的计划.但是这个计划由于黑帮的干预而很快被放弃.不过汉克却决定继续实行抢劫.他伪装成一个消防员,他依靠他现时的情人艾瑞(布里特 伊可兰饰)的帮助而实行大胆的犯罪.愤怒的黑帮头目决定处死他.他们很快地找到了他的前女友罗斯玛丽(金娜 罗兰饰)以图找到汉克,但她仍然忠于她的前男友宁愿选择自杀也不愿向黑帮提供信息. 既使这样,黑帮仍然通过他们的强大的系统而找出汉克的行踪并使他落网.

电影情节:在纽约的一座摩天大楼里,一个辛迪加财团的六位黑帮大佬正在开会,他们从西岸加州头目查理 阿达莫那里得到情报,黑帮成员埃斯波西托从他们的竞选基金中窃取了二十万占为己有.在六个大佬逐个投票认定有罪之后,黑帮大头目萨尔瓦托下命令给阿达莫去处死他.不久阿达莫也被提升为西海岸六个州的总头目。但是查理 阿达莫并不满足,他又看上了拉斯维加斯皇家饭店如火如荼的赌场生意,他违背大佬们的规定,想插足这里发大财.一天,他来到了皇家饭店,找到了新上任的总经理阿贝,要他告诉饭店老板,他要收买这里,否则对他不利.但阿贝拒绝了他的要求,但他也不肯告诉阿达莫谁是真正的老板.阿达莫决心要按他自己的设想,实施他的另一个被叫作"专家"的行动计划.

汉克 麦凯恩是一个被判无期徒刑的抢劫犯.由于阿达莫的"专家"行动计划需要他,在他服刑12年的时侯得到了"宽大"处理被放了出来.他一出狱,就被他只见过两次的十八岁的儿子杰克 麦凯恩接走.杰克和他的两个朋友是为查理 阿达莫干事的,,他告诉麦凯恩,他们在拉斯维加斯有一个策划已久的行动计划:在皇家饭店的保险箱里,每个周末都会有几百万现金.他们要他入伙去实施一次抢劫,但他不告诉麦凯恩策划这件事的真正后台是阿达莫.麦凯恩要求五五分成,并答应去办这件事,不过他只要以他自己的方式单干,而不需要杰克的那几个朋友.

阿贝很快从西海岸赶过来向萨尔瓦托报告查理 阿达莫的动向.萨尔瓦托决定派大佬弗朗西斯科赶往旧金山处理此事.在旧金山弗朗西斯科训斥阿达莫,告诉他这皇家饭店的老板就是他们几个大佬,他要阿达莫尊守他上任时的规定:只在西岸六个州活动,没有得到大佬的允许,不许到拉斯维加斯来.阿达莫对弗朗西斯科大发脾气,他说这不公平,他管的都是穷地方,他也有权力来这里赚钱.弗朗西斯科冷冷地对他说,这是惩诫委员会的决定.他必须离开拉斯维加斯,否则他最后会像被他杀掉的埃斯波西特一样的下场.在大佬们的压力下,查理 阿达莫不得不放弃他的"专家"计划,但他需要通过杰克找到并通知麦凯恩停止行动.此时麦凯恩却正在教堂里和艾瑞举行结婚仪式.麦凯恩需要艾瑞帮助他实现这个雄心勃勃的计划,他需要在这里发一笔大财.当麦凯恩带着艾瑞回到饭店时,一个陌生人前来告诉他,他是他儿子杰克派来找他的,他只知道那个计划出了问题,他要麦凯恩打电话给他儿子杰克.可是此时的麦凯恩已经拿定主意,他不理会陌生人的劝说杨长而去.并决定继续实行抢劫.

他伪装成一个消防员,依靠艾瑞的帮助实行大胆的犯罪.一场连环爆炸开始了,拉斯维加斯赌场和城市南北两端同时爆炸起火,大批消防车奔向火灾现场.人们惊慌失措,四处逃命.而麦凯恩开着消防指挥车,穿着消防服赶到了人们四散奔命的赌场,他逆人流而上,跑到保险柜旁,用炸药炸开了保险柜,大把大把地掠取里面的钞票.然后又跑出赌场,在众目睽睽之下坐上指挥车杨长而去.`在路上艾瑞开着一辆灰色轿车正在接应.他丢掉指挥车跨进灰色轿车迅速地远走高飞.在路上,他兴奋地告诉艾瑞,搞到了180万! 消息很快传到了纽约,大佬们也查明了汉克 麦凯恩和查理 阿达莫的来龙去脉.愤怒的黑帮头目决定处死阿达莫和麦凯恩,他们先派人干掉了阿达莫,接着他们又和警察一起千方百计地寻找麦凯恩。他们很快地找到了他的前女友罗斯玛丽(金娜 罗兰饰)以图找到汉克,但她仍然忠于她的前男友宁愿选择自杀也不愿向黑帮提供信息.

麦凯恩四处逃亡,他和艾瑞为了防止被人发现.两人分乘两辆出租车,一前一后赶往海边.艾瑞虽然化了妆并戴上墨镜,但她由于疏忽还是被出租司机认了出来.麦凯恩到了海边,匆匆登上游艇,船工准备开船,但艾瑞还没来.很快,他发现有几辆车朝他开来.原来艾瑞已落入警察和大佬派来追捕他的人的手中.他们要艾瑞下车去说服麦凯恩投降.艾瑞逃向麦凯恩,半路却被警察击毙.麦凯恩情绪失控,他拿起机枪冲向警察,最后他也终于被击毙倒在路上。这部电影在1969年的嘎纳电影节上由于存在争论而最终未能获奖 (更多请见本站电影网页

About Music
Ennio Morricone
Ennio Morricone
Audrey Nohra Stainton ( -2011)
Ennio Morricone: was born 10 November 1928) is an Italian composer, orchestrator, conductor, and former trumpet player. A classmate of director Sergio Leone with whom he would form one of the great director/composer partnerships (right up there with Eisenstein & Prokofiev, Hitchcock & Herrmann, Fellini & Rota), Ennio Morricone studied at Rome's Santa Cecilia Conservatory, where he specialized in trumpet. His first film scores were relatively undistinguished, but he was hired by Leone for Per un pugno di dollari (1964) on the strength of some of his song arrangements. His score for that film, with its sparse arrangements, unorthodox instrumentation (bells, electric guitars, harmonicas, the distinctive twang of the jew's harp) and memorable tunes, revolutionized the way music would be used in Westerns,......(IMDB, WIKI)
Audrey Nohra Stainton: Prolific lyricist passed away peacefully the 25 January 2011 in Palombara Sabina (province of Rome, Italy). Movie producer Anis Nohra's wife, wrote the words of the songs on several films (many were "italian western"), working extensively with Sergio Leone, also with artists such as Orson Welles, Mikis Theodorakis, Sergio Endrigo, Luis Bacalov, Marcello Giombini, Ennio Morricone, Irene Papas, Bruno Nicolai, Armando Trovaioli, Don Davis. She wrote a book Sweet Rome, which had a very successful. (Here)
Composer Ennio Morricone (ChiMai) ; Music by Ennio Morricone (IMDB) (Theme lyrics by Audrey Nohra)
音乐概要:这部电影的作曲家长期以来均为 CHIMAI, IMDB, Soundtrack等主要网站标明作曲家为莫里康内,而且它的电影片头字幕也有明确显示,但不知是何原因,它却始终均未被莫里康内官方网站列入其电影作品年表,只是在2016年该站才开始予以纠正,这不能不说是一件令人遗憾和不解的事。如果说有一点误解的可能,那就是它的主题曲"麦凯恩之歌/La Ballata di Hank McCain", 这的确是一首非常好的歌曲。不论词曲都非常感人。这首歌以亢进的节拍,诙谐的语调,幽默的言词,简洁地概括了这部影片所要揭露的社会问题, 给人以深刻的印象。 它的歌词极富寓意和哲理 , 它精辟地解读这部电影, 用一种艺术语言讲出了导演要讲的话, 可以说是音响蒙太奇的一次成功运用。 它的歌词是由著名的词作家奥黛丽 诺拉 / Audrey Nohra 所做. 所以有些网站将此歌曲的作家写为莫里康内和诺拉两人。对此问题,CHIMAI网站给出了明确的解释 (请读者自行查看下面所有的截图)
麦凯恩之歌/La Ballata di Hank McCain
No one knew better than McCain 没有人比麦凯恩更聪明
that a man who thinks he's free 他认为他是一个自由的人
knocks his head against the wall 对着墙撞他自己的头
No man knew better than McCain 没有人比麦凯恩更聪明
just how bitter it would be 不过那是多么痛苦
to be beaten after all 因为最后被人打败
No one knew better than McCain 没有人比麦凯恩更聪明
they're the ones who fix the game 他们是规定游戏规则的人
they're the ones with loaded dice 他们是掷骰子的人.
No one knew better than McCain 没有人比麦凯恩更聪明
but they got him all the same 可是他们仍然抓住了他
and they made him pay the price 他们让他付出代价
电影开始字幕显示此片作曲家为莫里康内 (00:03:00)
Above: IMDB
Above: Discogs
Above: Soundtrack
上: 电影结尾字幕显示主题曲作曲家为诺拉和莫里康内 (01:31:32)
上:IMDB 的说明
上: Soundtrack 的注解
上:CHIMAI 对此做了明确的说明,即此曲的词作者为诺拉,曲作者为莫里康内
Above: Related info in CHIMAI 01, 02, 03
Related Albums (Part)
Jackie Lynton - The Ballad of Hank McCain (1 music)
50 Movie Themes Hits - Gold Edition (3-13)
Gli Intoccabili - La Donna invisibile (26 music)
OST of Machine Gun McCain (Only for Ennio Morricone)
Name (Length)
Chinese Name
La Ballata di Hank McCain
Composer by Ennio Morricone, lyrics by Audrey Nohra (ChiMai) (IMDB)
Composer by Ennio Morricone (ChiMai) (IMDB)
Gli Intoccabili
Composer by Ennio Morricone (ChiMai) (IMDB)
Composer by Ennio Morricone (ChiMai) (IMDB)
Come Fuori Piove
Composer by Ennio Morricone (ChiMai) (IMDB)
La Ballata di Hank McCain
Composer by Ennio Morricone, lyrics by Audrey Nohra
Come Lei
Composer by Ennio Morricone
Sogno Dopo Sogno
Composer by Ennio Morricone
Senza Parole
Composer by Ennio Morricone
Composer by Ennio Morricone
La Ballata di Hank McCain
Composer by Ennio Morricone
Gli Intoccabili
Composer by Ennio Morricone
La Ballata di Hank McCain (Instrumental)
麦凯恩之歌 (器乐版)
Composer by Ennio Morricone, lyrics by Audrey Nohra
Gli Intoccabili (Party Version)
不可触犯 (派对版)
Composer by Ennio Morricone
La Ballata di Hank McCain
Composer by Ennio Morricone, lyrics by Audrey Nohra
Gli Intoccabili / Machine Gun McCain / 铤而走险 本站上传土豆网 11'39")
......愤怒的黑帮头目决定处死阿达莫和麦凯恩,他们先派人干掉了阿达莫,接着他们又和警察一起千方百计地寻找麦凯恩。麦凯恩仓皇逃窜,他去找他的前女友罗斯玛丽(金娜 罗兰饰)求救。在她的帮助下,他和艾瑞乘车逃向墨西哥湾。紧紧追随的黑帮杀手很快找到罗斯玛丽,他们逼她说出麦凯恩的去向,但她仍然忠于她的前男友,宁愿选择自杀也不向黑帮提供信息......
TB6802 Chimera (Ettore Maria Fizzarotti)/ 直译 克迈拉
Stars Gianni Morandi
Laura Efrikian
Nino Taranto
Country Italy
Runtime 110 min
Date 1968
Also Known As:
Hungary Vissza a rivaldafénybe
Portugal Quimera
01, 02, 03, 04, 05 中文 01,
Gianni Raimondi è un cantante agli inizi della carriera: sposato da poco (e in gran segreto, per non deludere le fans) con Laura, fatica ad ottenere un successo tale che gli permetta di far fronte alle spese che una vita coniugale comporta. La grande occasione professionale arriva quando l'impresario Giuseppe “José” Da Costa, italiano trapiantato in Brasile, gli propone di esibirsi in una serie di concerti a Rio de Janeiro. Quello che Gianni non può immaginare è che l'offerta di Da Costa non è del tutto disinteressata: dietro la sua proposta, si nasconde infatti la volontà di assecondare il desiderio della figlia Maria, che si era innamorata di Gianni, dopo una sua esibizione nel circo in cui lei lavorava come cavallerizza, di conquistare il cuore del cantante, ignara del fatto che lui sia sposato. E mentre nel lungo viaggio transoceanico in nave inizia il corteggiamento di Maria, a cui Gianni sembra non essere del tutto indifferente, Laura, rimasta in Italia, scopre di aspettare un bambino...(WIKI)
Il giovane cantante Gianni Raimondi incontra, durante il servizio militare, una miliardaria sudamericana. Ma terminata la ferma, Gianni torna a casa da sua moglie Laura, ed è un brutto momento a causa di una canzone che non è stata pubblicata.(Here)
Gianni Raimondi è un cantante agli inizi della carriera: sposato da poco (e in gran segreto, per non deludere le fans) con Laura, fatica ad ottenere un successo tale che gli permetta di far fronte alle spese che una vita coniugale comporta....(Here)
About Chimera / 克迈拉
The Chimera , also Chimaera (Greek: Chímaira) was, according to Greek mythology, a monstrous fire-breathing hybrid creature of Lycia in Asia Minor, composed of the parts of more than one animal. It is usually depicted as a lion, with the head of a goat arising from its back, and a tail that might end with a snake's head, and was one of the offspring of Typhon and Echidna and a sibling of such monsters as Cerberus and the Lernaean Hydra. The term chimera has come to describe any mythical or fictional animal with parts taken from various animals, or to describe anything composed of very disparate parts, or perceived as wildly imaginative, implausible, or dazzling. (WIKI)
关于Chimera, 厄喀德那和堤丰的后代,“Chimera”在希腊语里的意思是“山羊”,它拥有羊身、狮头(赫西奥德的《神谱》中记载有说它有三个头)和蛇尾,会喷火,最终被骑着飞马的贝勒洛方所杀。也有人说它是九头蛇许德拉的后代,或说是厄喀德那和她的儿子双头犬所生。在中世纪的叙事诗、绘画、雕刻和建筑中常会出现。另外,“Chimera”在英语里还有“妄想,奇想”的意思,能够把蛇、山羊和狮子这几种风马牛不相及的东西拼凑在一起的确非“奇想”莫属。Chimera也是生物学上非常常用的一个术语,也是在生物界非常普遍的自然现象。“Chimera”一般意译成“嵌合体”,指的是来自不同个体的生物分子、细胞或组织被结合在了一起成为一个生物体 (百度
综合简译: 年轻的詹尼 雷蒙迪到部队服兵役,并成长为一名歌手,他奋力工作不断取得成就。为了不辜负粉丝们的期望,他和劳拉秘密结婚。但婚后的生活开支逐渐入不敷出,一个在巴西的意大利富翁邀请他到那里举办音乐会,为此他不得不跨过大西洋到里约热内卢去演出。但是他并不知道其中内情,原来富翁的女儿爱上了詹尼,她并不知道詹尼已经结婚 ......
"Chimera/克迈拉" 完整电影(本站上传56网 105'20")
About Music
Gianfranco Reverber
詹弗兰科 里沃博
Gianfranco Reverberi Gian Franco Reverberi (born in 1934 in Genoa, Italy) is an Italian composer and musician. He worked mainly on the soundtracks for Spaghetti Westerns. He was one of the first Italian rock music artists. He also worked with his brother Gian Piero Reverberi on the song "Last Man Standing" (or "Nel Cimitero di Tucson") from the 1968 soundtrack of Django, Prepare a Coffin (Preparati la bara!) (one of many unofficial sequels to Django), which forms the basis of Gnarls Barkley's hit "Crazy".[1] Both brothers are listed as writers of the song. Among his other credited film scores are A Black Veil for Lisa (1968), Chimera (1968), ?Viva América! (1969), Venus in Furs (1969) and La ragazza del prete (1970). He also worked with Enzo Jannacci and Giorgio Gaber. (WIKI)
Composer:Gianfranco Reverbero ; Morricone-orchestrator (songs) (ChiMai) ; Music by Gianfranco Reverberi (IMDB)
音乐概要:这部电影的作曲家是詹弗兰科 里沃博, 但使用了其他作曲家的三首乐曲:一首是尼尔 戴蒙德谱曲,莫里康内改编的 ”如果我失去你“; 一首是巴卡洛夫和赞布里尼为1966年电影“我会回来” (TA6608) 谱曲并由莫里康内改编,在这里再次使用的乐曲“手风琴”; 第三首是 巴卡洛夫为1967年意大利电影“为了爱...为了魔力”谱曲并由莫里康内改编的“这样的生活会改变" (见下面OST表)
Above: Related info in CHIMAI 01, 02, 03
Related Albums (Part)
Gianni Morandi - La fisarmonica (1-1)
Gianni Morandi - Per amore... Per magia...(1-1)
The Ennio Morricone Chronicles (5-1)
OST of Chimera (Only for Ennio Morricone)
Name (Length)
Chinese Name
Se perdo anche te (02:32
Neil Diamond Composer Lyrics; Ennio Morricone Arranger Conductor; Gianni Morandi Vocals; (CHIMAI)
La fisarmonica (02:52)
Luis Bacalov Composer; Bernardo Zambrini Composer; Ennio Morricone Arranger Conductor; Franco Migliacci Lyrics; Gianni Morandi Vocals; It was used in the films: MI VEDRAI TORNARE / 我会回来 (TA6608) (CHIMAI)
Questa vita cambierà (02:34)
Luis Bacalov Composer; Ennio Morricone Arranger Conductor; Gianni Morandi Vocals; It was used in the films: Per amore... Per magia... / 为了爱...为了魔力 (1967年意大利电影)(CHIMAI)
TB6803 Geminus (TV Series-Luciano Emmer) /直译   杰米纽斯
Stars Walter Chiari
Ira von Fürstenberg
Alida Chelli
Country Italy
Runtime 55 min X 6 Episodes
Date 15 August 1969 (Italy)
Also Known As:
01, 02, 03, 中文 01,
Sceneggiati e Fiction 1965 – 1970: Geminus (1969)

Soggetto: Francesco Milizia – Enrico Roda
Regia: Luciano Emmer
Cast: Walter Chiari – Ira Furstenberg – Giampiero Albertini – Alida Chelli
Puntate: 6
Produzione: RAI – Uno film
Rete: Secondo
Data: 15/08/1969 – 17/09/1969 (RAI TV)

Geminus è il titolo di uno sceneggiato in 6 puntate, mandato in onda dalla RAI sul Secondo Programma dal 15 agosto al 17 settembre 1969, con la regia di Luciano Emmer e la sceneggiatura di Francesco Milizia ed Enrico Roda. Caratteristica della serie è l'affascinante ambientazione nei sotterranei di Roma, pare in concomitanza con alcuni lavori nel sottosuolo, rimaneggiamenti urbanistici che alla fine degli anni sessanta investirono il centro storico della capitale per la costruzione di numerosi sottopassi. E' in questi paesaggi sotterranei di Roma, che il protagonista si aggira talvolta inseguito altre inseguitore, per riemergere nei posti più strani, dal Colosseo all'uscita in tenuta da sub nientemeno che nella vasca circondata di turisti della fontana di Trevi! Il titolo dice tutto: Geminus, ovvero Giano il Dio bifronte - custode di ogni forma di passaggio e mutamento, protettore di tutto ciò che riguardava un inizio ed una fine - protettore delle porte della città di Roma e sarà questa a essere minacciata durante l'evolversi della storia; al nostro insospettabile eroe il compito di salvarla insieme al prezioso busto marmoreo. Le musiche sono del maestro Bruno Niccolai, mentre la canzone della sigla finale ?E' grande 'sta città? di De Chiara - Morricone, è cantata da Alida Chelli.

Personaggi e interpreti:
Alberto Piergiorgi: Walter Chiari
Caterina Malfatti: Alida Chelli
Padre Lennon: Ugo Fangareggi
Commissario: Giampiero Albertini
Irina Battemberg: Ira Fürstenberg
La Vikinga: Katia Christine
La Giapponese: Elisabet Wu
Il Giapponese: Okimaio
Giampiero Bonuglia
Prof.Battemberg: Bill Walnders
Mr.Turner: Philippe Hersent
La direttrice del museo: Valeria Sabel
L'uomo della cicatrice: Giancarlo Bonuglia

Una sera d'estate a Roma Alberto Piergiorgi, un giovane fotoreporter che abita a Roma di fronte all'arco di Giano (via del Velabro), vede dalla finestra del suo appartamento due uomini che rubano qualcosa dall'Arco di Giano, e li fotografa. Il giorno dopo scopre che uno di loro, riconoscibilissimo per via di una cicatrice sul volto, è sulle prime pagine dei giornali perché rinvenuto morto. Hanno inizio così una serie di complicate avventure che coinvolgono la gelosa fidanzata di Alberto, Caterina, una misteriosa Giapponese che scompare e ricompare più volte dopo finte morti e non sa dire altro che "Come on, come on!", una statuaria Vikinga, una bellissima signora sposata ad uno strano miliardario ed un commissario di polizia che non sa più cosa pensare tra furti di statue, persone scomparse e qualche morto. Nei segreti sottosuoli romani, in una girandola frenetica di colpi di scena, Alberto, come un Giano custode della città, riuscirà a salvare Roma da un'esplosione ed a sconfiggere la banda di malavitosi. (YouTube 6-1)

About Geminus
Geminus of Rhodes , was a Greek astronomer and mathematician, who flourished in the 1st century BC. An astronomy work of his, the Introduction to the Phenomena, still survives; it was intended as an introductory astronomy book for students. He also wrote a work on mathematics, of which only fragments quoted by later authors survive.othing is known about the life of Geminus. It is not even certain that he was born in Rhodes, but references to mountains on Rhodes in his astronomical works suggests that he worked there. His dates are not known with any certainty either. A passage in his works referring to the Annus Vagus (Wandering Year) of the Egyptian calendar of 120 years before his own time, has been used to imply a date of c. 70 BC for the time of writing,[1] which would be consistent with the idea that he may have been a pupil of Posidonius, but a date as late as 50 AD has also been suggested.[2] The crater Geminus on the Moon is named after him.(WIKI)
简译:杰米纽斯 杰出的古代希腊天文学家,数学家,哲学家。他出生在公元前一世纪,可能生于罗得岛。他的许多著作至今仍是当代科学家不断发掘和研讨的经典之作。月球上的一座环形山已以他的名字命名
WIKI 将该作品列入意大利科技幻想系列电视目录
Geminus/杰米纽斯 6-1 (本站上传56网 53'31")
YouTube 6-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6
About Music
Bruno Nicolai (Italy 1926-1991)
Bruno NicolaiItalian composer, conductor and keyboardist (organ, piano). Notably the composer and director of numerous film and television scores. He also served as musical director for other composers' film scores, prevalently those of Ennio Morricone, Carlo Rustichelli and Luis Enriquez Bacalov. Born May 20th, 1926 in Rome, Italy. Died August 16th, 1991 in Rome, Italy. (Discogs)
Bruno Nicolai (20 May 1926 in Rome – 16 August 1991 in Rome) was an Italian film music composer, orchestra director and musical editor most active in the 1960s through the 1980s. While studying piano and composition at the Santa Cecilia Conservatory in Rome, he befriended Ennio Morricone and formed a long working relationship, with Nicolai eventually conducting for and co-scoring films with Morricone. Nicolai also scored a number of giallo exploitation films and wrote a large number of scores for director Jess Franco. His work was featured in the Quentin Tarantino film Kill Bill: Volume 2.(WIKI)
简译:布鲁诺 尼克莱是意大利作曲家、指挥家和钢琴家(风琴、钢琴)。他和许多作曲家和导演在众多电影和电视剧中有长期合作关系,担任其他作曲家的电影配乐指挥或音乐总监。他也曾在罗马的圣塞西莉亚音乐学院学习钢琴和作曲,并和莫里康内形成了长期的合作关系,莫里康内谱曲的许多电影中都可以看到他的身影:例如黄昏双镖客,好坏丑,林戈的枪,林戈归来,阿尔及尔之战,大捕杀,冒险家,定理,革命万岁,伙伴,铤而走险,凯马达之战,OK康尼,敌基督五人军队,鸳鸯大盗爱的轮廻,嘉莉法夫人,萨科和万泽提,蛇,阿隆桑方...等等。他并为114部电影单独谱曲,与昆丁等人合作在杀死比尔,被解救的姜戈等电影中均有他的身影 (参见IMDB)
Composer: Bruno Nicolai, Ennio Morricone (ChiMai) ; Series Music by Bruno Nicolai ... (6 episodes, 1969) (IMDB)
音乐概要此片由布鲁诺 尼克莱谱写音乐,片尾的主题曲“这是一座伟大的城市”由莫里康内谱曲,德基亚拉作词,由阿莉达演唱。莫里康内还为此片改编了一首乐曲 (见下面OST表)
Above: Related info in CHIMAI 01, 02, 03, 04
Related Albums (Part)
Alida Chelli - E' grande 'sta città (1-1,2-1)
The Ennio Morricone Chronicles (8-1,2)
Geminus (26)
OST of Geminus (Only for Ennio Morricone)
Name (Length)
Chinese Name
E' grande 'sta città (02:53)
Ennio Morricone Composer Arranger Conductor; Ghigo De Chiara Lyrics; Alida Chelli Vocals; (CHIMAI)
Beat Boat (02:00)
Bruno Nicolai Composer; Ennio Morricone Arranger Conductor; Ghigo De Chiara Lyrics; Alida Chelli Vocals; (CHIMAI)
E' grande 'sta città (02:00)
Ennio Morricone Composer; Ghigo De Chiara Lyrics; Alida Chelli Vocals; (CHIMAI)
TB6804 El magnífico Tony Carrera (José Antonio de la Loma) / The Magnificent Tony Carrera / 直译 豪勇的托尼 卡雷拉
Stars Thomas Hunter
Gila von Weitershausen
Fernando Sancho
Country West Germany | Spain | Italy
Runtime Italy 101 min; Holand 95 min
Date 13 September 1968 (West Germany)
Also Known As:
Brazil Vida Perigosa de Tony Carrera
France Ramdam à Amsterdam
Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title) O fygas tou Amsterdam
Italy Il magnifico Tony Carrera
USA The Magnificent Tony Carrera
West Germany Carrera - Das Geheimnis der blonden Katze
West Germany (alternative title) Samtpfotchen dreht sein letztes Ding
Yugoslavia (Serbian title) Velicanstveni Toni Karrera
01, 02, 03, 04 中文 01, 02
Der Ex-Rennfahrer Tony Carrera, der bald die reiche Antonella Arnaldini heiraten mochte, wird an seine unrühmliche Zeit als Einbrecher erinnert, als er von einer Bande gezwungen wird, einen Einbruch ins NATO-Hauptquartier in Amsterdam zu unternehmen, um für einen Politiker h?chst gef?hrliche Dokumente zu stehlen. An diesem ungesetzlichen Unternehmen sind einige andere Personen beteiligt wie Professor Einstein, die hübsche Ursula Beaulieu oder Gangster Rick. Nach ausführlichen Vorbereitungen entdeckt Tony, dass es in Wahrheit um den Diebstahl eines Militargerates geht, woran der amerikanische Senator Barnes Interesse hat.

Der Coup gelingt ohne Probleme; alle Beteiligten versuchen sich gegenseitig zu übervorteilen und auszuschalten. Tony gelingt es mit Ursulas Hilfe, Barnes glauben zu machen, dass er gestorben sei und kann nach seiner Scheinbeerdigung auf dem Schiff nach Amerika entkommen. (WIKI-https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrera_%E2%80%93_Das_Geheimnis_der_blonden_Katze)

Tony Carrera is a successful race car driver who was also a great safe-cracker. He gets roped into doing one more big job but finds out too late he's been double-crossed by the big Boss and his beautiful assistant. Meanwhile, his ditsy fiance follows him to Holland where she's constantly in trouble. (Here)
A 'James Bond' type thriller: Blackmailed into coming out of retirement in Italy where he has taken up motor racing, Tony Carrera the famous jewel thief is forced to attempt one more robbery. Flown to Amsterdam he is folowed by private detectives and hounded by his kidnappers but still manages to pull off an almost impossible robbery, however, his troubles are only beginning. (Here)
综合简译: 这是一部007邦德式的惊险片。托尼 卡雷拉是一个成功的赛车手,但也是一个钻石大盗。他虽然到意大利隐居,但仍被大老板强迫尝试再一次几乎不可能完成的抢劫。当他飞往阿姆斯特丹后,他被私家侦探跟踪,又被绑匪追猎。他的更多麻烦还在后面......
“豪勇的托尼 卡雷拉”本站上传56网 03'21")
YouTube >>>>
About Music
Gianni Marchetti (Italy 1933-2012)
詹尼 玛切提
Giovanni Marchetti: Italian composer and songwriter, born 7 September 1933 in Rome, Italy, died 11 April 2012 in Rome, Italy.(Discogs)
Music by Gianni Marchetti; Ennio Morricone (Uncredited) (IMDB 01, 02, 03)
音乐概要:这部电影在IMDB显示作曲家为Giovanni Marchett和Ennio Morricone两人(莫里康内标注为未归属),但没有更具体的说明。在CHIMAI网站未见这部电影。在其它网站对此也有不同的显示,其中文章有待进一步研究,请参见以下列表
About: CHIMAI search resuult no found the movie
About: Soundtrack shows the composer is Gianni Marchetti
About: TMDB shows the composer is Ennio Morricone
About: Musicbrainz shows the film
About: WIKI shows the film in his list of films ( Listado de obras Cine-Spain- https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ennio_Morricone)
Related Albums (Part)
Que haria usted con tony carrera
Il magnífico Tony Carrera (Gianni Marchetti)
Il magnifico Tony Carrera (Gianni Marchetti)

Quartet Records and Gruppo Sugar presents expanded CD premiere of addictive Gianni Marchetti spy spoof score. Like most of these Eurospy films, Marchetti's music for Il magnifico Tony Carrera treads a careful line between overblown comedy satirizing the globetrotting and womanizing aspects of James Bond films, while it also aims to have a few legitimately tense scenes (such as breaking into the NATO building). The main theme for Tony has a cowboy twang with a memorable guitar theme and the occasional whistling lending an Italo-Western feel to the whole adventure. This release marks the expanded CD premiere of the score–previous CAM LP issue are highly sought after collectibles. Mastered by Claudio Fuiano from first generation master tapes, courtesy by Sugar Music. 8-page liner notes by Gergely Hubai discuss the film, the composer and the score.(Here)

OST of El magnífico Tony Carrera (Only for Ennio Morricone)
Name (Length)
Chinese Name
No info
El magnífico Tony Carrera OST directory
Above: Soundtrack
Above: Discogs
Audition of part tracks >>>>
“豪勇的托尼 卡雷拉”电影插曲“控制爱情/Amore in controluce"本站上传56网 02'39")
YouTube >>>>
“豪勇的托尼 卡雷拉”电影插曲“传统心理/Psico Classico "本站上传56网 01'46")
YouTube >>>>
Pier Paolo Pasolini
Country Italy
Runtime 33 min
Date 5 July 1968 (Italy)
Also Known As:
France Notes pour un film sur l'Inde
Poland Notatki do filmu o Indiach
01, 02, 03, 04, 05 中文 01, 02
Appunti Per Un Film Sull'India is a fascinating look on India by Pasolini who had gone there to make a feature film. Although the film never got a chance to be made nevertheless Pasolini was able to shoot some interviews with Indian people from all walks of life to learn more about the country. He asks them about the effects of industrialization and whether they are in favor or against 'population control'. His film starts with a Sikh soldier who would play the leading role in his film about a Maharaja who would have to sacrifice himself in order to save a hungry tiger. Although the topic of this feature film remains somewhat childish as well as controversial, Pasolini has managed to interview a former king and his wife for this purpose. He also got good support in form of interviews by K.A.Abbas and Rajinder Singh Bedi. Pasolini has worked hard for his film is revealed as he travels a lot for filming authentic India. He has chosen exotic locations namely Rajasthan and Bombay to find locations which would do justice to his film. Lastly, Appunti Per Un Film Sull'India is a must watch with numerous interviews with politicians and religious men who share their ideas about India.(IMDB)
here’s very little about this film on the internet. Pasolini travels to India to make notes about a future film he planned on making. He examines differences between the modern India and the historical one found in its mythologies and vedic texts by posing a particular question based on a didactic anecdote that no longer seems to apply in a twentieth century world. This ‘prehistory’ forms most of the first part of the film. The second part covers a modern India marred by social divisions, overpopulation and poverty. Pasolini keeps his focus on the human tragedy involved at all times.”.(Here)
At the XXIX Film Festival of Venice in 1968 Pasolini presents Appunti per un film sull’India. Already in 1961 his trip to India with Elsa Morante and Alberto Moravia inspired Pasolini to write the book L’odore dell’India. The Appunti refer to a film about the story of a maharaja who, according to an Indian legend, gave his own body to the tigers to feed them. He took the shots in the streets, with a camera on his shoulder, taking passerbys and talking with Indian intellectuals to who he described his idea of making a movie about the story of the maharaja: “a Westerner who goes to India has everything, but gives nothing in return. India, on the other hand, has nothing but in reality gives everything”.(Here)
Appunti per un film sull'India is a 1968 short documentary film by Pier Paolo Pasolini where he visits India to do a recces for his proposed film with India as its background about a king who gives up his body to feed a starving tiger. The film was shot around post-independent India when it was facing grave challenges of poverty, population and caste system. Pasolini narrates the challenges of India and its charms amidst all the problems the country faces. The 33-minute-long documentary is composed of short interviews from random people about their opinions on matters such as family planning. The documentary also shows short interviews of journalists and one politician about the challenges India faces in modernizing itself without becoming westernized or losing the Indian identity in the process. The film opens and ends with a shot of a Sikh soldier, who, Pasolini identifies, in his commentary, as the one who would play the role of Maharaja in his film. Among others Pasolini interviewed for his film the former Maharaja of Bhavanagar and his wife and well-known Urdu story writer and filmmaker Rajinder Singh Bedi. The documentary was shot in many places including New Delhi, Jaipur, Rishikesh and Varanasi etc. (WIKI)
About Music
Ennio Morricone
Ennio Morricone
Ennio Morricone: was born 10 November 1928) is an Italian composer, orchestrator, conductor, and former trumpet player. A classmate of director Sergio Leone with whom he would form one of the great director/composer partnerships (right up there with Eisenstein & Prokofiev, Hitchcock & Herrmann, Fellini & Rota), Ennio Morricone studied at Rome's Santa Cecilia Conservatory, where he specialized in trumpet. His first film scores were relatively undistinguished, but he was hired by Leone for Per un pugno di dollari (1964) on the strength of some of his song arrangements. His score for that film, with its sparse arrangements, unorthodox instrumentation (bells, electric guitars, harmonicas, the distinctive twang of the jew's harp) and memorable tunes, revolutionized the way music would be used in Westerns,......(IMDB, WIKI)
Music by Ennio Morricone (IMDB)
Music by Ennio Morricone (WIKI)
音乐概要:这部短电影(纪录片)在大部分网站上均显示作曲家是莫里康内, 但是在CHIMAI网站上并没有列入这部电影。遗憾的是至今我们始终无法找到它的音乐资源。也许我们已有这个电影的资源可以对此做一些弥补。
OST of Appunti per un film sull'India (Only for Ennio Morricone)
Name (Length)
Chinese Name
No resources
帕索里尼记录片:一部印度电影的笔记 (本站上传56网 08'21")
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