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The Google music search in China and its resources
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Below is a list that contained 71 albums and their content brief information for your reference. Its Chinese or English word come from the Google music search in China. All album can be download there (Mp3 format with 192 Kbps)
Content Brief
Masterpiece Of Ennio Morricone
这张专辑对埃尼奥莫里康尼的电影音乐人生进行了归纳,是埃尼奥莫里康尼的经典收藏品。本专辑是从莫里康尼的众多作品中筛选出来的观众最喜欢的经典作品,重新编辑完成。而且布拉格爱乐管弦乐团的精彩演奏将会给观众带来更加精彩而感动的音乐杰作。 埃尼奥莫里康尼是一位在电影音乐领域中独占一席之位的电影配乐大师,他曾荣获电影配乐金球奖、英国奥斯卡音乐奖、美国奥斯卡音乐杰出贡献奖等众多奖项。我们所熟悉的影片《天堂之日》, 《爱你,想你,恋你》, 《教会》中的插曲都是出自于这位大师之手。2008年莫里康尼又获得了法国政府为他颁发的‘Ordre national de la Légion d’honneur’勋章,又一次成为了备受世界瞩目的对象。2009年他第二次来韩演出,为韩国人民带来了充满激情的舞台表演。 在埃尼奥?莫里康尼的音乐生涯中,美国西部影片是必不可少的一部分。尤其是《黄昏三嫖客 (Per Qualche Dollaro In Piu, 1965)》系列片和《荒野大嫖客》等影片的插曲,至今仍未被人们遗忘。另外让他拥有电影配乐大师美称的《天堂之日》、《教会》等影片的插曲,也给全世界人们带来了意犹未尽的音乐享受感。 《Masterpiece of Ennio Morricone》精选集,追随了埃尼奥?莫里康尼的脚印,筛选出莫里康尼作品中的经典,带给观众超过视觉感受以上的音乐美感。再加上布拉格爱乐管弦乐团的精彩演奏和录音效果,将会给观众带来与众不同的听觉享受,这就是这张精选集与其他专辑的区别。
Io, Ennio Morricone CD1
Special 4 CD box is a tribute to the long and successful career of the most renowned Italian contemporary composer. A project realized by the label in collaboration with Morricone himself, this is a digibook containing 4 CDs devoted to 4 different subjects- Film Music-a collection of the best music themes taken from his most celebrated soundtracks. Chamber Music-10 pieces performed by the instrumental ensemble 'Musica D'oggi'. Symphoy Music-a CD containing Morricone's music for large symphonic orchestras and Music For Piano. The box is completed by a 20 page book in Italian and English with the biography of Morricone, the complete list of soundtracks, concerts and compositions he wrote plus pictures of the maestro.
Io, Ennio Morricone CD1
Io, Ennio Morricone CD3
Io, Ennio Morricone CD4
Morricone RMX
For over a decade now, legendary film composer Ennio Morricone has resisted the dozens of invitations from labels and artists to remix his original work until now. Somehow the folks at Reprise were either diplomatic enough with a satisfactory aesthetic approach or had a big enough checkbook to satisfy the artist's concerns. A varied cast of pioneers from electronica's vast frontier was assembled by compilation producers Stefan Rambow and Norman Rudnitzky. The first two cuts are the most obvious. There's Apollo 440's "The Man With the Harmonica," mixed out of the soundtrack for Once Upon a Time in the West. There are layers and layers of keyboards extrapolating the melody and parts of it with dub effects and large, deep drums and sequencers. Terranova's reading of "For a Few Dollars More" is completely forgettable I literally can't remember it in the second slot, so things don't reach high simmer until Fantastic Plastic Machine's edited remix and rewarp of "Belinda May" from the film The Alibi. Producer and mixologist Tomoyuki Tanaka adds three layers of Brazilian percussion and vocals to the Latin rhythmic and melodic qualities of the original, turning it into a heavenly hash of good vibes, killer string swells, and dubbed out, echoplexed, rhythmic samba throb. The two DJs from Rockers Hi-Fi turn in separate remixes of the "Clan of the Sicilians" theme. The two readings are radically different; DJ Dick's is the better of the two, with a tropical feel added to the already exotic soundscape painted by the composer, layering funky flutes and an additional foreground set of harmonized strings. Bigga Bush's remix is more minimal, fielding an additional layer of tripled percussion and stripping back the melody by adding chords to frame the drums.
Un' Ora Con Ennio Morricone
Assoluto Morricone Vol.1
Greatest Hits Of Ennio Morricone - Country Themes
Il West Di Morricone
Ennio Morricone最佳电影配乐
《Very Best Of Ennio Morricone》专辑发行于2000年,此张选辑试着从西部口哨声、沙龙音乐、空灵乐音、人声合唱、电子合成乐与古典交响乐之间跨越影像的音乐元素选择。重点式的领略Morricone采撷音乐的微妙性质。
Yo-Yo Ma Plays Ennio Morricone
这张名为YO-YO MA PLAYS ENNIO MORRICONE(马友友的电影琴缘),让人又沉浸在Ennio Morricone美妙,优美的旋律中。以回家三部曲的配乐最为经典,悲伤的情怀,家的感觉,爱的真谛通通溶入马友友哀怨低沉的大提琴中。这样的音乐并不是一个人的哀鸣,而是一种磅礴的,似乎全世界都在呐喊的声音。 这张专辑是Ennio Morricone亲自指挥罗马交响乐团为马友友伴奏录制的,精选了包括上面提到的"Giuseppe三部曲"以及其他10部电影中的主题、插曲,堪称梦幻组合。据说Ennio Morricone因为《西西里的美丽传说》入围01年奥斯卡最佳配乐奖,虽然最后这一奖项由谭盾的《卧虎藏龙》获得,但颁奖晚会上马友友弓下的《卧虎藏龙》让Morricone一见如故,之后专门精心挑选了一批自己谱写的经典配乐,重新编排为大提琴版本,亲自执棒为马友友伴奏,这才有了这张专辑的问世。而在合作过程中,马友友也深深地被这位传奇配乐大师的音乐所感动,我记得CD封2的介绍里就有马友友对Morricone的一句话,简单而真挚的赞美,"You are simply my greatest musician"
So Sweet, So Sensual - A Collection Of The Warmest Classics By Morricone
Film Favorites
La Trilogia Del Dollaro
《La Trilogia Del Dollaro》专辑发行于1995年。这张专辑的歌曲风格完全符合他本人的个人特点。在这张专辑里你可以从他的每一首歌曲里体会到他对音乐的热爱以及他对歌曲的深情投入。这张专辑的销售量也非常好,受到了很多听众的欣赏和好评。每一位听众当你听到这张专辑里的每一首歌时,都会被歌曲的旋律所感染,感受到音乐带给你的无穷魅力。
Film Hits
本张专辑是电影《荒野大镖客》的原声音乐,由8首歌曲组成,其中有两个曲子是脍炙人口的。第一个是它的开始曲Titoli,爽朗的口哨声,牛仔的吆喝声,皮鞭挥舞声,精确地反映出西部的旷野与豪迈气氛,跃动的附点结构,低音鼓的润色,营造了骑马奔驰的动感,旋律流畅上口,令人过耳难忘。第二个是主题曲A Fistful of Dollars,这是一段描写主人公悲剧英雄式的孤寂心情的曲子,尽管他个人有高超的枪法,武技和救死扶伤的良知,但他仍无法摆脱那个时代给于他的束缚和创伤,在影片结尾一段描写他冒着生命危险,有勇有谋地从远距离以手枪战胜来复枪的射击,救出了一位嫉恶如仇的善良老人。背景音乐以喇叭,长号等坚实阳刚的铜管音色再次奏出这段乐曲,刻画了主人公的悲怆心情,给人留下极其深刻的印象。(Our chronology number 64-05)
Svegliate E Uccidi Sacco E Vanzetti
UK twofer includes the maestro's scores to 'Svegliate E Uccidi' (1966) and 'Sacco E Vanzetti' (1971). Slipcase. Camden. 2003.(Our chronology number 66-06 71-13)
I Miti Musica
At The Movies
Dedicato A Milva Da E. Morricone
Cinema 70
Collection of themes taken from his many scores during the '70s. 24 tracks including 'Citta 'Violenta', 'Metello', 'Spazio 1999' and 'Orient-Express'. Double slimline jewel case. 1999 release.
Westerns De Legende
《Secret Of The Sahara》发行于1996年,是在1984年拍摄的一部冒险题材的电视剧集(4集 总长度约360mins 国内曾经译制引进过),片子名气不大,不过但凡看过的人对其评价均很高(可以参考imdb上观众的评论),几乎拥有冒险影片所应具备的所有元素,充满浪漫主义情怀。记得当年观看时,除剧情之外,印象最深的就是影片的配乐,没想到竟是出自大师Ennio Morricone之手。(Our chronology number 88-04)
Love Themes
In this compilation you will get 22 love themes from one of the most acclaimed composer of film music, Ennio Morricone. Here the composer offers a testimony to his exceptionnal versatility with a series of love themes taken from films of every type : action films, comedy, thrilers, adventure films, film of social commentary etc. These themes are original soundtracks and show very well that Ennio Morricone is not only a western movie composer. This is one of my favorite CD and I highly recommend it.
Spaghetti Western The Ennio Morricone Collection
Anyone who thinks that Ennio Morricone's best work in the spaghetti Westerns is centered in Sergio Leone's "Man With No Name" trilogy hasn't heard this delightful volume, which assembles the composer's music for nine Italian Westerns made between 1964 and 1972. There's not a dull note of music anywhere in here, and quite a bit of it is fascinating on an intellectual and musicological level. Morricone is known for his long, Puccini-like melodic lines and his use of wordless male choruses, whistling, and electric guitars to carry a melody, but on the early scores here, he uses solo trumpets and reed instruments (especially the oboe) — clearly "The Slaughter" from A Gun for Ringo owes something to Dimitri Tiomkin's scoring for Rio Bravo. The title theme from At Times Life Is Very Hard, "Isn't That Fate" is, by contrast, an amalgam of pop and classical music, like an air freshener commercial that suddenly takes a detour through Giuseppe Verdi territory and gives more than a wave to Aaron Copland's "Billy the Kid." "McGregor's March," from 7 Guns for the McGregors, seems like a military march version of the old "Texaco theme" ("we are the men from Texaco..."), re-scored for heavy brass and pipes, with a whistled break. And other title themes resemble mid-'60s Euro-pop music. There are several songs here that are noteworthy as broad, satirical expressions of the Western ethos: "Angel Face," "A Gringo Like Me," and "Lonesome Billy" are parodies of songs like "High Noon," sung in a declarative style midway between Hollywood and the operatic stage, and they have to be heard to be fully appreciated.
Ses Plus Grands Succes
Ses plus grands succès is a compilation album by Ennio Morricone, released in 1999. It includes two tracks that were never released on cd before, "Pour Quelques Dollars De Plus" and "Pour Une Poignee De Dollars".
Fateless is a great movie. This music is a perfect accompaniment to the movie. The movie is made by artists who take a Nobel Prize winner book and make it a film worthy of the same. The music by Ennio Morricone on this album is part of that artistic endeavor that makes this film so good. There are three melodies that repeat and echo throughout this score to become recognizable as you listen. The titles of each piece are evocative: The Beginning of The Tragedy; Psychological Destruction; To Return and Remember. They evoke the mood of the movie. But like great accompaniments, it stands on its own too, as a separate work of art. That is how good it is. The only minor carp is that this CD does not include the folk song sung in the film. Ennio Morricone has scored many films whose music continues to haunt long after the film is over (witness "The Mission' as a particular example). He is able to work with the director and the visuals and the script and fine that right ground where the mood is underlined by the music provided. Rarely does Morricone's music draw attention to itself: perhaps during the credits and titles before the story is before us there is space to simply appreciate the beauty of his composition. In FATELESS, a thoroughly captivating film, Morricone uses the full orchestra - both Morricone and Kalman Strausz conduct the Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra and the soloists used are Ludovico Fulci and Lisa Gerrard. The references and pieces of classical music that he uses to flavor the background are unfortunately not on this CD and the buyer should be aware of that, but instead what we have are the themes assigned to the characters and the background scoring that adds so immeasurably to the mood of the film. The music is so cine that it makes for a superb CD of yet more of Morricone's gifts.(Our chronology number 05-01)
The Mission: Original Soundtrack From The Motion Picture
Ennio Morricone's Academy Award-nominated score captures the conflict between 18th-century Jesuit missionaries trying to convert the native Indians, and the slavers who want to destroy them. In keeping with the serious subject matter and epic scope of Roland Joffé's film, the score is by turns grave, lyrical, and tense. Ever inventive, Morricone mixes liturgical chorales, native drumming, and Spanish-influenced guitars, often in the very same track, to capture the drama of the culture clash. His trademark lyricism also comes through, notably in the beautiful themes for "Gabriel's Oboe" and "The Mission." Not as over-the-top as his well-known spaghetti Western scores, The Mission shows Morricone at his dramatic best.(Our chronology number 86-03)
《海上钢琴师》操刀配乐的是世界电影界著名和资深的意大利最具风格的作曲家埃尼奥·莫里康内,大师以钢琴为主配合适当的管弦乐和室内乐创作出音色醉人、旋律优美和风格隽永的迷人乐章。在《海上钢琴师》里,大师以钢琴为主配合适当的管弦乐和室内乐创作出音色醉人、旋律优美和风格隽永的迷人乐章。其中随性的爵士音符随处可见,出彩的配乐表现出这张大碟决不流俗的态度。同时这张原声大碟还请来Amedeo Tommasi、Gilda Butta等钢琴独奏家,演绎Jelly Roll Morton及Scott Joplin等散拍乐名家的代表作品。原声大碟中,1900在滑动的钢琴的上弹奏、与爵士乐大师斗法机巧跳脱,精妙无比,尤其是他透过舷窗看到暗恋情人即兴创作的那一曲“playing love”,更是温婉细腻如喁喁私语,被公推为全片最动人乐章。全专辑最具吸引力的当属颜尼欧 莫瑞克奈与前Pink Floyd乐队大将Rogers Waters以及重摇滚乐队Van Helen的当家吉他手Edward Van Helen,三巨头首度合作的电影主题曲《Lost Boy Calling》,悠远飘渺,增添几许传奇深度。(Our chronology number 98-05)
Morricone Rmx
《Morricone RMX》,参与的阵容之坚强一时无二,包括都曾在柏林电音名厂K7发表过DJ Kicks混音系列的Rockers Hifi /Nightmare On Wax与Terranova、维也纳代表Sofa Surfers、来自华盛顿特区的Thievery Corporation、曾来台表演的日本涩谷系组合Fantastic Plastic Machine、法国三人组Tommy Hools等队伍,分别以Chill-out /Downtempo /Abstract Hip Hop等时兴的电气舞拍,改造Ennio Morricone向来有Spaghetti Westerns之称的招牌风格,近些年成功入主《LIS太空号》,《霹雳娇娃》主题曲的Apollo 440,则一改典型Big Beat路线,以幽微的Dub/Trip Hop翻玩了《狂沙十万里》的主乐章。
Il Gatto - The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
(Our chronology number 77-09)
Giu' La Testa - The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
With classic films like The Good, the Bad and the Ugly and Once Upon a Time in the West, Sergio Leone built his reputation as a master of the Western. A key part of these film's unique style was their soundtracks, all of which were crafted by Ennio Morricone: his singular mixture of avant-garde quirks, pop instrumentation, and traditional orchestral romanticism played a crucial role in helping Leone redefine what audiences expected from a Western. However, the album isn't all somber melodicism: Giu la Testa's sense of melancholy is balanced by some playful moments like "Scherzi a Parte," a jaunty reworking of elements from the main theme that contrasts a carefree whistled melody with odd electric keyboard riffs, and "Marcia Degla Accattoni," a clever cue that tarts up its march-styled orchestral melody with quirks galore (singers croaking nonsense syllables, unexpected mandolin parts, unexpected whistle, and harpsichord breaks). The remainder of the cues mostly revisit melodic elements from the main theme, but none ever wear out their welcome thanks to Morricone's relentlessly innovative touch as an arranger. All in all, Giu la Testa represents one of the towering achievements in Ennio Morricone's catalog, because it represents the one-of-a-kind blend of romanticism and musical innovation that defines his finest work in the Western soundtrack genre.(Our chronology number 71-09)
Indagine Su Un Cittadino Al Di Sopra Di Ogni Sospetto - The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
意大利电影配乐大师 Ennio Morricone 现已72岁高龄了,他是电影史上最富盛名的配乐大师,我们已经不知道他具体编写创作了多少部电影的配乐,大概是500多部吧,几乎任何风格的电影都有他的创作足迹。Morricone的音乐具有深刻的含义和浪漫的气质,更使得他的音乐能够和电影塑造的气氛融合的恰到好处,他尤其注重听者内在感情的细腻变化,让听者内心产生共鸣,而大师对于音乐的深刻理解和把握更令人肃然起敬。本张专辑是大师在1970年的作品。(Our chronology number 70-04)
L'uccello Dalle Piume Di Cristallo - The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
(Our chronology number 70-01)
Quattro Mosche Di Velluto Grigio (The Four Velvet Flies) - The Complete Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
(Our chronology number 71-30)
暴风雨交加的一个夜晚, 作家奥诺夫落汤鸡般的在街道上奔跑, 一名警察拦住了他, 由于不能出示身份证明, 他被带到警察局盘问. 几小时前一名身份不明的女人在宾馆的房间被杀, 由于解释不清自己何去何从, 奥诺夫被警察认定为重要嫌疑人. 黎明时分, 被害女人的身份真相大白, 而等在作家面前的命运又该如何? 意大利名导朱赛吉.托纳多雷(《天堂电影院》、《海上钢琴师》、《西西里的美丽传说》)执导, 杰拉尔.德帕蒂约、罗曼.波兰斯基主演. 荣获法国凯萨奖最佳导演、最佳男主角等多项大奖、法国戛纳电影节金棕榈提名(Our chronology number 94-02)
The soundtrack to the film Bugsy is simply one of the most amazing pieces of music ever written. it is Ennio Morricone at his absolute best. there is so much emotion and passion in each track, one can not help but feel a wide range of emotions when listening to this CD. you owe it to yourself to add this CD to your collection, especially if you are a Morricone fan. This is a perfect example of the melodic Morricone, where one can witness the Italian maestro in one his greatest moments. Bugsy's score is indeed like many other Morricone scores; Yet it is different in so many ways.(Our chronology number 91-04)
Once Upon A Time In The West
Soundtrack from the epic spaghetti Western film of the same name directed by Sergio Leone.After deconstructing the classic American Western by way of The Good, the Bad & the Ugly and A Fistful of Dollars, director Sergio Leone distilled his intentions with 1968's Once Upon a Time in the West, arguably a milestone for both Leone and his musical cohort, Ennio Morricone. For his part, Morricone framed Leone's meditative camera work and mythic narrative with a mix of hauntingly spacious pieces and reconfigured snatches of old-timey tunes. Just within the stretch of the first four pieces here, Morricone evokes the endless expanse of the West with a Copland-esque aria (the main title theme), weaves some twisted grit into the showdown theme with loads of guitar fuzz ("As a Judgment"), ingeniously combines whistling and a clippity-clop rhythm for a respite piece ("Farewell to Cheyenne"), and conjures the surreal end of the cowboy mythos via a wonderfully disjointed serial-style number ("The Transgression"). And whether sounding upbeat or stark, Morricone informs it all with the dry and windswept vacancy of the West. Beautiful and stunning.(Our chronology number 68-08)
Movie Masterpieces
Ennio Morricone's strength is that he's able to create a unique mood over the course of any one of his sountracks. This compilation stuffs 22 tracks from all sorts of films into 74 minutes, and not only is the result strangely flat and unsatisfying, it doesn't even contain his best work. This album is a superb compilation of some of Ennio Morricone's finest works that span from spaghetti westerns themes to early 20th-century-America nostalgia.And only one phrase comes up in my mind: "Simply Stunning." I first became an avid admirer of Ennio Morricone's work eversince I listened to Gabriel's Oboe in The Mission OST. As many already know, there's no denial in the tremendous aesthetic value of Morricone's music and its impact on our culture and ideals (as we grew up watching Italian westerns).But this album in particular stands out as a grande finale to the greatest composer alive in our time. It is a great colourful firework that will decorate the ever approaching and thickenning night. I was brought to tears by this emotion-filled album. My heart goes with this album in tribute to my unknowing hero who gave me hope and inspiration through beauty which he created with an almost divine talent.
Love Themes
In this compilation you will get 22 love themes from one of the most acclaimed composer of film music, Ennio Morricone. Here the composer offers a testimony to his exceptionnal versatility with a series of love themes taken from films of every type : action films, comedy, thrilers, adventure films, film of social commentary etc. These themes are original soundtracks and show very well that Ennio Morricone is not only a western movie composer. This is one of my favorite CD and I highly recommend it
Mission: Most Famous Soundtracks By Ennio Morricone And Nino Rota
Ennio Meets Clint Eastwood
两位电影大师埃尼奥 莫里康尼和克林特 伊斯特伍德终于相遇了。这张专辑通过布拉格爱乐管弦乐团的演奏,再现了两位大师的精彩合作。如果您是真正喜欢音乐的收藏家,那么绝对不能错过这张主题系列的珍藏版专辑!! 身为电影演员和电影音乐导演,年轻时就已经交情颇深的二人,如今已经成为了电影和音乐领域中的世界级大师,装饰了电影历史的辉煌一页。在《Ennio meets Clint Eastwood》中收录了两位大师相遇时创作的精彩作品。 通过本作品我们能够有幸欣赏到被称为美洲西部电影精髓的《荒野大镖客》、《黄金双镖客》《黄金三镖客》等影片的插曲和能够展现克林特 伊斯特伍德另外一种风格的影片《火线狙击》中的片中曲。另外,布拉格爱乐管弦乐团的精彩演奏,令本专辑中的曲子显得更加优美动听。 专辑《Ennio meets Clint Eastwood》将会给大家带来埃尼奥 莫里康尼和克林特 伊斯特伍德早年合作过的珍贵而精彩的经典之作。
Musique De Films
Criminally overshadowed by the moral uproar surrounding Adrian Lyne's film remake of Vladimir Nabokov's groundbreaking novel Lolita was Ennio Morricone's remarkable score, a hauntingly beautiful (and beautifully haunting) effort on par with Il Maestro's finest work. The music possesses a darkly dreamlike sensuality that perfectly communicates the erotic obsession at the material's core. Morricone's elegant melodies are daring yet subtle, shaded by melancholy strings and ethereal electronic textures. Milan's official soundtrack release is something of a misfire, however, interrupting Morricone's reverie with period pop hits like Ella Fitzgerald's "Tain't What You Do" and Louis Prima's "Civilization (Bongo, Bongo, Bongo)." Great music, without a doubt, but poorly matched to the intimacy of the instrumental score (Our chronology number 97-04)
Padre Pio Tra Cielo E Terra
这张专辑是电影的原声音乐。专辑发行于2001年,收录了12首乐曲,这些乐曲都是著名的配乐大师"Ennio Morricone"所作。整张专辑的曲子很不错,听这些乐曲像是又把听者带到了电影之中。喜欢的朋友可以听一下。(Our chronology number 00-07)
Il Gioco Di Ripley
这张专辑是电影的原声音乐。专辑发行于2003年,收录了17首乐曲,这些乐曲都是著名的配乐大师"Ennio Morricone"所作。整张专辑的曲子很不错,听这些乐曲像是又把听者带到了电影之中。喜欢的朋友可以听一下 (Our chronology number 02-07)
Arena Concerto
Morricone的音乐具有深刻的含义和浪漫的气质,更使得他的音乐能够和电影塑造的气氛融合的恰到好处,他尤其注重听者内在感情的细腻变化,让听者内心产生共鸣,而大师对于音乐的深刻理解和把握更令人肃然起敬。这张Arena Concerto专辑中收录了“天堂电影院”、“美国往事”、“独行侠决斗地狱门”、“西部往事”、“阿尔及尔之战”、“传教”等经典电影的配乐。
当莫里康内遇到邦蒂丝,《Focus》就不能仅仅以电影原声合辑来形容了。前者是世界电影界着名和资深的意大利最具风格的作曲家埃尼奥·莫里康内(Ennio Morricone),后者是葡萄牙着名的女歌唱家Dulce Pontes,两者合作的这张《Focus》正如其名,聚焦了Ennio的电影原声精品及为邦蒂丝制作的歌曲15首(本人发布的是日本Bonus Track版,多了一首),包括《天堂影院》,《西部往事》等影片中的经典歌曲。邦蒂丝完美的演唱将Ennio的作品表现的既柔美动听又不失大气,总而言之,这绝对是张值得收藏的CD
Le Musiche Del Cinema A Casa Tua, Vol. 4: Il Meglio Di Ennio Morricone
A major influence on Western scores right into the nineties, Morricone's music utilizes quite a remarkable array of musical tools. There's a traditional element of Western underscore, with a brassy feel to it, but this is joined throughout by thundering percussion that includes a lot of bells, various arrangements of voices, clanging acoustic and electric guitars, and even a prepared piano. Aside from the famous title track with its Shadows influences, there's a lot here to recommend this particular score — there are moments of intense drama and incredible beauty that are rarely heard in motion picture underscore, giving the work a classical feel. A cover of the title track provided Hugo Montenegro with a major British hit. (Our chronology number 66-05)
RCA Records faced a problem at the close of the 1960s, surrounding Ennio Morricone's music from Sergio Leone's "Man-With-No-Name" Westerns starring Clint Eastwood. The first one, A Fistful of Dollars, had yielded a successful soundtrack album when issued in America in 1967, despite the fact that Morricone had only recorded 14 minutes of music for it. There was demand for a soundtrack LP from the second movie, especially in the wake of United Artists Records' enjoying a substantial hit with its soundtrack release from the third movie in the trilogy, The Good, the Bad & the Ugly. The problem was that Morricone had only recorded 14 minutes of music from For a Few Dollars More. As a result, they assembled a soundtrack album on For a Few Dollars More, which included the six music tracks from that film and repeated the six original tracks from A Fistful of Dollars. It all sounds good, and it's interesting to hear the composer add the sound of an oboe to his distinctive use of trumpet, guitar, and whistling on a new and haunting melodic canvas of western musical landscapes. There are no notes, alas, and there's little other information printed, but the album is enjoyable as far as it goes. It should also be noted, however, that most of the key sections of this and A Fistful of Dollars are available at a lower price on RCA's Ennio Morricone collection, Legendary Italian Westerns, which is also well-annotated. (Our chronology number 65-03)
2012 follow-up message: Google closes China music site
By Wang Xinyuan (Global Times) 08:25, September 24, 2012
The world's No.1 Internet search engine Google Inc said over the weekend that it will close its China-only music search service two years after the company closed its search engine in the Chinese mainland, as it has been losing ground to Chinese search service providers.

As of Sunday, a message pops up when users try searches on the original Web page of Google Music, saying that "the service has been shut down, and users are reminded to log in, download and save the playlist before October 19."

Google launched the music search service in March 2009 working with Chinese music website top100.cn to provide free and legal music in China.

"The popularity of this product turned out to be lower than we expected, therefore we decided to transfer resources to other products," Boon-Lock Yeo, head of Google's engineering and research teams in China, announced on Google's company blog Friday.

Google has been losing its share of the highly competitive search engine market in China, Yan Xiaojia, an Internet analyst with Beijing-based Analysys Consulting, told the Global Times Sunday.

Google currently holds 15 percent of the search engine market in China, sliding from almost 30 percent two years ago, and its rank dropped from No.2 after Baidu to the current No.4 with other Chinese search service providers such as Easou and Tencent's soso.com catching up, Yan said.

Apple Inc recently replaced Google's Map service with a local Chinese map service provider in its latest iOS 6 operating system, further hurting Google's search business in China, Yan said.

The decreasing number of users of Google search led to a slide in advertising revenues, said You Tianyu, an analyst with iResearch Consulting. "The copyright of the music is very costly and needs support from advertising revenues."

As of June this year, a total of 6 billion users had accessed top100.cn, Google Music's sole partner that provides legal music, which received 400 million yuan ($63 million) in advertising revenues in total, Chen Ge, founder and CEO of top100.cn, wrote on his Weibo Friday.

"However, since Google pulled out of the mainland in 2010, the advertising sales of Google Music almost came to a halt," Chen said.

His firm received $8.91 million investment from Google.

Google China redirected search users in the mainland to servers in Hong Kong in a dispute over censored search results in March 2010. Since then, many users have complained about difficulties in getting access to its search engine Web page from time to time.

Despite a falling market share in China, Google has competitive advantages in English content search, which it should maintain, Yan said.

March 28,2010
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