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A film composed by Ennio Morricone - 008
Giordano Bruno / Revolt of the City
"Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook" 2013 English edition
"Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook" 2013 English edition
Chronology No.
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Chinese IMDB
It is shown that the film was composed by Ennio Morricone (00:02:23)
001-Basic info (IMDB)

Director: Giuliano Montaldo
Writers: Lucio De Caro, Giuliano Montaldo
Stars: Gian Maria Volonté, Hans Christian Blech, Mathieu Carrière |

Cast (in credits order)

Gian Maria Volonté ... Giordano Bruno (as Gianmaria Volonte)
Hans Christian Blech ... Sartori
Mathieu Carrière ... Orsini
Renato Scarpa ... Fra Tragagliolo
Giuseppe Maffioli ... Arsenalotto
José Quaglio
Mark Burns ... Bellarmino
Mario Bardella
Massimo Foschi ... Fra Celestino
Corrado Gaipa
Hans Caninenberg
Amerigo Alberani
Charlotte Rampling ... Fosca
Pier Giovanni Anchisi (as Piero Anghisi)
Giancarlo Badessi
Franco Balducci
Gabriele Bentivoglio
Paolo Bonacelli
Luca Bonicalzi
Ruggero De Daninos
Ruggero Del Fabbro

Vernon Dobtcheff
Enrico Fanti
Luigi Antonio Guerra
Peter Larson
Jean-Marc Leuwen (as Jean Marc Lewen)
Enrico Manera
Riccardo Mangano
Raimondo Penne
Anna Maria Pescatori (as Annamaria Pescatori)
Alberto Plebani
Adriano Pommodoro
Aldo Ravera
Bruno Rosa
Pupino Samona
Umberto Scaglione (as Uberto Scaglione)
Franca Sciutto
Cirylle Spiga (as Cyrille Spiga)
Benis Stratos
Gianni Tagliapietra
Bruno Tessari
Edoardo Torricella
Raffaele Triggia
Piero Vida

Genres: Biography | Drama

Produced by Leo Pescarolo .... executive producer (as Leonardo Pescarolo)
Carlo Ponti .... producer

Contry Italy | France
Language: Italian
Original Music by Ennio Morricone
Cinematography by Vittorio Storaro
Production Companies Compagnia Cinematografica Champion, Les Films Concordia
Filming Locations:
Runtime:115 min
Sound Mix:Mono
Release Date: 29 November 1973 (Italy)
Second Unit Director or Assistant Director Antonio Gabrielli .... assistant director
Lorenzo Magnolia .... assistant director
Vera Pescarolo .... assistant director


Also Known As (AKA)

Revolt of the City (USA)


Storyline: Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) was one of the pivotal thinkers of the Renaissance. A Dominican friar in Italy, he left the order and taught widely throughout Europe. Among the ideas he taught were the inexpressibility of any ultimate truths and the complete relativity of ordinary truth. He also taught religious tolerance. For these and other deviations, he was burned at the stake by the Inquisition. This lavish Italian film takes up his story after he has returned to Venice from meetings with (Here)
002- The important information and still in the film

2-1 The Republic of Venice

The Republic of Venice (Italian: Repubblica di Venezia, Venetian: Repùblica Vèneta or Repùblica de Venesia) was a state originating from the city of Venice in Northeastern Italy. It existed for over a millennium, from the late 7th century until 1797. It was formally known as the Most Serene Republic of Venice (Italian: Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia, Venetian: Serenìsima Repùblica Vèneta or Repùblica de Venesia) and is often referred to as La Serenissima, in reference to its title as one of the "Most Serene Republics". Despite its long history of war and conquest, the Republic's modern reputation is chiefly based on its status as an economic and trading power. (Here)

The Republic of Venice in 1976(Green part)
Marco Polo(1254-1324)
A still(00:03:13)Venice Patriarch Orsini's teams through city of Venice in mighty formation
2-2 Lapanto battle
The Battle of Lepanto took place on 7 October 1571 when a fleet of the Holy League, a coalition of southern European Catholic maritime states, decisively defeated the main fleet of the Ottoman Empire in five hours of fighting on the northern edge of the Gulf of Corinth, off western Greece. The Ottoman forces sailing westwards from their naval station in Lepanto (Turkish; Greek; Naupaktos or pahtos) met the Holy League forces, which had come from Messina. The members of the Holy League were Spain (including the Kingdom of Naples, the Kingdom of Sicily and the Kingdom of Sardinia as part of the Spanish possessions), the Republic of Venice, the Papacy, the Republic of Genoa, the Duchy of Savoy, the Duchy of Urbino, the Knights Hospitaller and others.

The victory of the Holy League prevented the Ottoman Empire expanding further along the European side of the Mediterranean. Lepanto was the last major naval battle in the Mediterranean fought entirely between galleys and has been assigned great symbolic importance.

This victory for the Holy League was historically important not only because the Turks lost 80 ships sunk and 130 captured by the Allies, and 30,000 men killed (not including 12,000 Christian galley slaves who were freed) while allied losses were 7,500 men and 17 galleys—but because the victory heralded the end of Turkish supremacy in the Mediterranean.
Battle of Lepanto painting
A still(00:03:15)People of the Republic of Venice shouted slogans when the Orsini's teams through
2-3 Pontios Pīlātos

Pontius Pilatus (Greek: Pontios Pīlātos), was the fifth Prefect of the Roman province of Judaea, from AD 26–36. He is best known as the judge at the trial of Jesus and the man who authorized the crucifixion of Jesus. As prefect, he served under Emperor Tiberius.

In all four gospel accounts, Pilate avoids responsibility for the death of Jesus. In the Gospel of Matthew, Pilate washes his hands to show that he was not responsible for the execution of Jesus and reluctantly sends him to his death.

Limestone block discovered in 1961 with Pilate's tribute in Latin to Tiberius. The words [TIVS PILATVS] can be clearly seen on the second line.
Christ before Pilate, Mihály Munkácsy, 1881
The Gospel of Mark, depicting Jesus as innocent of plotting against the Roman Empire, portrays Pilate as reluctant to execute Jesus. In the Gospel of Luke, Pilate not only agrees that Jesus did not conspire against Rome, but Herod Antipas, the Tetrarch of Galilee, also finds nothing treasonable in Jesus' actions. In the Gospel of John, Pilate states “I find no guilt in him [Jesus]” and he asks the Jews if Jesus should be released from custody.

Scholars have long debated how to interpret Pilate's portrayal in the sources. The significance of the Pilate Stone, an artifact discovered in 1961 that names Pontius Pilate, is debated by a few scholars.

A still(00:08:18)Venice University Principal Morosini and his wife held a party to welcome Bruno to Venice
A still(00:47:04)Morosini spoke in the Senate of Republic of Venice to block extradition the Bruno to Rome. He says: But who will remove from us the mark of Pontius Pilatus, if we deliver Bruno to his persecutors?
A still(00:49:34)Venetian Republic Senate vote by 112 votes in favor and 10 votes against, agreed to extradite Bruno to the Roman Inquisition
2-4 The Pope Clemente VIII
The Subtitle
00:04:49,567 --> 00:04:51,612
Why have you come to Venice?
00:04:51,647 --> 00:04:54,407
- I want to go back to Rome.
- Why have you returned to Italy?
00:04:54,442 --> 00:04:56,204
I want to go back to Rome!
00:04:56,287 --> 00:04:58,278
You don't realize the risk you're taking.
00:04:59,927 --> 00:05:03,397
After the election of Clemente VIII, the situation should be different.
00:05:08,087 --> 00:05:11,007
How many people have died at the hands of the Holy Church??
00:05:11,042 --> 00:05:14,079
Don't say another word! Do you want to ruin me?
Pope Clement VIII (Latin: Clemens PP. VIII, Italian: Clemente VIII), 24 February 1536 – 3 March 1605), born Ippolito Aldobrandini, was the head of the Catholic Church from 30 January 1592 to his death in 1605. He was from a Florentine family, and followed his father as a canon lawyer, becoming an Auditor (judge) of the Roman Rota, the highest ecclesiastical court constituted by the Holy。He was only ordained as a priest at the age of 45, and rose to Pope in a further 12 years.
The Pope Clemente VIII
Clement's strict ways also concerned philosophical and religious matters. In 1599 he ordered the Italian miller Menocchio – who had formed the belief that God was not eternal but had Himself once been created out of chaos – to be burned at the stake. A more famous case was the trial for heresy of Giordano Bruno, who was burned at the stake in 1600. Pope Clement VIII participated personally in the final phases of the trial, inviting the Cardinals in charge of the case to proceed with the verdict. (Here)


A still(01:29:40)From left: Cardinal Bellarmine, Pope Clemente VIII, Cardinal Sartori. Three personal are disagreement to the treatment of Bruno case, Pope hesitant

2-5 Cardinal Roberto Belarmino
Saint Robert Bellarmine, S.J. (Italian: Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino; 4 October 1542 – 17 September 1621) was an Italian Jesuit and a Cardinal of the Catholic Church. He was one of the most important figures in the Counter-Reformation. He was canonized in 1930 and named a Doctor of the Church....The next pope, Clement VIII, set great store by him. He was made rector of the Roman College in 1592, examiner of bishops in 1598, and cardinal in 1599. Immediately after his appointment as Cardinal, Pope Clement made him a Cardinal Inquisitor, in which capacity he served as one of the judges at the trial of Giordano Bruno, and concurred in the decision which condemned Bruno to be burned at the stake as a heretic. (Here)


Roberto Belarmino


Il caso Giordano Bruno (Italian)

Il caso di Giordano Bruno, filosofo e frate domenicano condannato al rogo per eresia, fu un evento che scaturì dalla dura reazione controriformista ai tentativi di modificare i temi della fede religiosa iniziati alcuni decenni prima con la riforma protestante. Il frate domenicano, condannato per le sue idee anche dalla chiesa luterana e da quella calvinista, si era fatto promotore di nuove idee religiose e filosofiche che si ponevano in netta antitesi con quelle della Chiesa, di cui tra l'altro faceva parte integrante. L'istruzione dell'inchiesta e del processo ebbe luogo nel 1593 e la sentenza fu emessa nel 1600: coinvolse Bellarmino dal 1597, da quando cioè fu nominato consultore del Santo Uffizio. Il Bellarmino ebbe alcuni colloqui con il frate domenicano, durante i quali tentò di fargli abiurare le molte tesi considerate eretiche, nel probabile tentativo di salvargli la vita[2], poiché la condanna per eresia era inevitabilmente capitale. La lunga durata del processo fu causata dal fatto che Giordano Bruno non ebbe un comportamento lineare nell'ammettere l'ereticità delle proprie posizioni. Benché gli inquisitori volessero ricorrere, come extrema ratio, alla tortura, Papa Clemente VIII si oppose fermamente.Durante il processo la Congregazione fece esaminare da Bellarmino una dichiarazione di Giordano Bruno su otto proposizioni che gli erano state contestate come eretiche. Il 24 agosto 1599 il cardinale Bellarmino riferì alla Congregazione che, nello scritto, Giordano Bruno aveva ammesso come eretiche sei delle otto proposizioni, mentre sulle altre due la sua posizione non appariva chiara: ??videtur aliquid dicere, si melius se declararet??. La completa ammissione gli avrebbe risparmiato la condanna a morte, ma alla fine Giordano Bruno preferì mantenere le precedenti posizioni decidendo di affrontare la pena. A condanna ormai avvenuta all'imputato venne concesso ancora un qualche compromesso per evitare la morte[4], ma Giordano Bruno preferì affrontare il rogo, che ebbe luogo a Roma in Campo de' Fiori il 17 febbraio 1600.(WIKI-Italian Here)

A still(01:18:21)Cardinal Bellarmine tried to persuade Bruno renounce their faith for his life
Important dialogue excerpts(01:17:26-01:20:24)
Cardinal Bellarmine
Have you called me here to your house, to judge my character?

So, you've travelled all around Europe only to understand that,after all, the Catholic religion is the one you like the most? Even though it needs new rules. that's what you said. A reform to pull all of Christianity together. Isn't this what you wanted to suggest? Isn't it? Your persistent demand for a direct dialogue with the Pope, is causing only irritation to your judges. The Church has its hierarchy, its structure. You can't defy an order that's lasted for centuries, without damaging your own cause.

Today, the Church is only an instrument of conservation.

The Church lives in history; it is history. These times demand great strength and resolution. And even cruelty... but time goes on, and the Church lives on.

So, you persecute all those that ask for a freedom that you're not willing to give?

That we cannot give. The Church is torn apart by endless schisms, everywhere. Germany, England, Scandinavia, Switzerland, and now even Flanders. The kings challenge us.

The kings have learned from the Church. how to use faith as an instrument of power. So, each state aims to institute its own religion. This is why we are forced to defend ourselves so severely. our barrier against all heresies.
Defend yourselves? How? Using Spain, which preserves the purity of the faith by burning Arabs and Jews by the thousand?! Spain is the most faithful daughter of Christianity, our barrier against all heresies.
Using Spain! Today, the Catholic Church... is ploughing a deep furrow...that divides Europe. The duty of the Church is to defend the integrity of its principles and fight heresy in any form. Whoever defies the power of the Church, is an enemy of the Holy Faith.
Please, let them take me back to my cell.
2-6 Bartolomé de Carranza and Dominican Order(01:25:09--01:26:38)
Bartolomé Carranza.
Bartolomé Carranza (1503 – May 2, 1576), Spanish priest of the Dominican Order, theologian and Archbishop of Toledo, sometimes called de Miranda or de Carranza y Miranda, who spent much of his later life imprisoned on (eventually disproven) charges of heresy.(Here
The Order of Preachers
The Order of Preachers (Latin: Ordo Praedicatorum, hence the abbreviation OP used by members), more commonly known after the 15th century as the Dominican Order or Dominicans, is a Roman Catholic religious order founded by the Spanish priest Saint Dominic de Guzman in France, and approved by Pope Honorius III (1216–27) on 22 December 1216. Membership in the Order includes friars, nuns, active sisters, and lay or secular Dominicans (formerly known as tertiaries) affiliated with the Order.

Founded to preach the Gospel and to combat heresy, the order is famed for its intellectual tradition, having produced many leading theologians and philosophers.[citation needed] The Dominican Order is headed by the Master of the Order, who is currently Father Bruno Cadoré. Members of the order generally carry the letters O.P. standing for Ordinis Praedicatorum, meaning of the Order of Preachers, after their names.

In the year 2000, there were 5,171 Dominican friars in solemn vows, 917 student brothers, and 237 novices.[3] By the year 2010 there were 5,906 Dominican friars, including 4,456 priests(Here

A still(01:25:09--01:26:38)Bartolomé Carranza (stand on the left) and Dominicans member was interrogated by the Holy Inquisition. Carranza being sued as a "heresy" , and imprisonment up to 17 years

2-7 Holy Inquisition

The Inquisition was a group of institutions within the judicial system of the Roman Catholic Church whose aim was to combat heresy. It started in 12th-century France to combat the spread of religious sectarianism, in particular the Cathars and the Waldensians. This Medieval Inquisition persisted into the 14th century, from the 1250s associated with the Dominican Order. In the early 14th century, two other movements attracted the attention of the Inquisition, the Knights Templar and the Beguines.At the end of the Middle Ages, the concept and scope of the Inquisition was significantly expanded, now in the historical context of the turmoils of the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter-Reformation. Its geographic scope was expanded to other European countries, as well as throughout the Spanish and Portuguese empires in the Americas, Asia and Africa. Its focus now came to include the persecution of sorcery (an aspect almost entirely absent from the Medieval

Inquisition trial of Galileo in 1632 (painting French Jules-Eugène Lenepveu)
Martyrdom of Joan of Arc(1412-1431)
Inquisition), making it one of the agents in the Early Modern witch-hunts.The institution persisted after the end of the witch-trial period in the 18th century, but was abolished outside of the Papal States after the Napoleonic wars. The institution survives as part of the Roman Curia, but it was renamed to Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office in 1904.(Here)
A still(01:45:32--01:53:39)Febrary 17,1600,Bruno martyrdom in the Campo de Fiori square stake
布鲁诺殉难的罗马鲜花广场(Campo de' Fiori),矗立起布鲁诺的雕像
June 9,1989, a statue of Giordano Bruno was erected in Rome Campo de 'Fiori square
003- About Giordano Bruno

Giordano Bruno (1548–February 17, 1600) (Latin: Iordanus Brunus Nolanus), born Filippo Bruno, was an Italian Dominican friar, philosopher, mathematician and astronomer. His cosmological theories went beyond the Copernican model: he proposed the Sun was essentially a star, and that the universe contained an infinite number of inhabited worlds populated by other intelligent beings. The Roman Inquisition found him guilty of heresy and he was burned at the stake. After his death he gained considerable fame, particularly among 19th- and early 20th-century commentators who, focusing on his astronomical beliefs, regarded him as a martyr for free thought and modern scientific ideas.

Some assessments suggest that Bruno's ideas about the universe played a smaller role in his trial than his pantheist beliefs, which differed from the interpretations and scope of God held by the Catholic Church.In addition to his cosmological writings, Bruno also wrote extensively on the art of memory, a loosely organized group of mnemonic techniques and principles. The historian Frances Yates argues that Bruno was deeply influenced by Arab astrology, Neoplatonism and Renaissance Hermeticism. Other studies of Bruno have focused on his qualitative approach to mathematics and his application of the spatial paradigms of geometry to language.(Here)


Giordano Bruno was a controversial figure of the Italian Renaissance. Burned at the stake for heresy and pantheism in 1600, Giordano Bruno is viewed by many as a martyr for free thought and modern scientific advancement. His views on infinite worlds, his mnemonic techniques, and his approach to mathematics all make him an important figure. He was very outspoken and led a challenging life full of travel and a rotating list of supporters as well as enemies. Wherever Giordano Bruno went, his passionate opinions found opposition.

Born Filippo Giordano Bruno in 1548 in Nola (in Campania, then part of the Kingdom of Naples), he was the son of a solider, Giovanni Giordano Bruno and his wife Fraulissa Savolino. After studies in Naples and tutoring at the Augustinian monastery there, at the age of 17 he entered the Dominican Order of the monastery of San Domenico Maggiore in Naples (where the infamous Thomas Aquinas had taught). There he was primarily instructed on Aristotelian philosophy and changed his name to Giordano, the name of his metaphysics tutor, and became an ordained priest by the age of twenty-four.

Giordano Bruno’s abilities in the art of memory were soon recognized Pope Pius V who invited him to give a demonstration. It was also at this time that Giordano Bruno developed his penchant for free thinking and was caught participating against religious doctrine by owning a banned Erasmus book, which he had also notated along with other discrepancies. Unfortunately for Giordano Bruno, an indictment was being prepared against him by the Inquisition causing him to flee Naples in 1576. He traveled for a time in Italy where he was still able to publish his now lost work, On The Signs of the Times, 1577. By 1579 he was in Geneva, a protestant city, but was soon arrested due to a publication he produced that was critical of another professor at the University. For the next seven years he lived in France lecturing on various subjects and attracting the support of powerful patrons.

While still in France Giordano Bruno published his book De Umbris Idearum (the Shadows of Ideas, 1582), and dedicated it to the French King, Henry III. The King took an interest in Giordano Bruno, and specifically in his lectures on the art of memory. The Italian Friar benefitted much from his newfound French patronage and continued to publish: Ars Memoriae (The Art of Memory, 1582), and Cantus Circaeus (Circe's Song, 1582). Both books from 1582 addressed his discussions on mnemonic models. During this time he also wrote Candelaio, an outrageous dramatic comedy centering on the male midlife crisis and incorporating ‘avant-garde’ mannerisms employing ‘proto-Brechtian’ devices, vulgar language and jokes..............

Leaving England in October 1585, Giordano Bruno returned to Paris where the political climate was tense for him. Due to his writings against Aristotelian natural science, and, in particular, a publication against Fabrizio Mordente, the mathematician, Giordano Bruno was becoming controversial and unaccepted. He soon left for Germany and lectured in Wittenberg for two years. He then went to Prague, and then Helmstedt, but continued to run into trouble as his views were becoming increasingly problematic. Though during this time of travel and upheaval, he was still able to complete many works in Latin. These works are known as, De Magia (On Magic), Theses De Magia (Theses On Magic) and De Vinculis In Genere (A General Account of Bonding). He also managed to publish De Imaginum, Signorum, Et Idearum Compositione (On The Composition of Images, Signs and Ideas, 1591). In this same year, 1591, he returned to Italy and eventually became a tutor to Giovanni Mocenigo. Sadly, this tutorship became tragic and traumatic for Giordano Bruno as his apprentice denounced him and his teachings to the Venetian Inquisition. The enigmatic friar recanted while in Venice, yet was still sent to Rome for another trial.

He was imprisoned in Rome in 1592 and died there eight years later. Although many, presumably important, documents are missing from this period, others still exit. The many charges against Giordano Bruno were based on his writings as well as on witness testimonies. Some of these charges included blasphemy, immoral conduct, engaging with magic, and heresy that could be found in the doctrines of his philosophy and cosmology. Giordano Bruno was of course rather controversial as he held many opinions contrary to the Catholic faith, such as his theory of multiple worlds and transubstantiation. He was asked to recant his philosophy but he only attempted a partial recantation so as to retain the basis, and perhaps integrity, of his philosophy. Unfortunately, this was not enough for the Pope who recommended that he be put to death. To be sure, as there was not an official Catholic Church position on the Copernican system in 1600, Bruno’s views on Copernicus were not the ‘sole’ reason he was declared a heretic.

Giordano Bruno was greatly influenced by Bernardino Telesio (1509-1588) who was part of a group of independent philosophers of the late Renaissance who attempted to develop philosophical and scientific ideas outside of the constraints of the Aristotelian-scholastic tradition. Nicholas de Cusa (1401-1464), an ecclesiastical reformer, administrator and cardinal, was also a great influence on Bruno. The idea of evolution appears in Nicholas de Cusa in a somewhat pantheistic form, but is further developed by Giordano Bruno with greater clarity both for physics and metaphysics.

Giordano Bruno’s unitary concept of nature found admiration by very important philosophers/scholars such as, Baruch de Spinoza, Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi and George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. While his overall contribution to the birth of modern science is still open to debate, many believe Giordano Bruno to be much more a philosopher than a scientist. Issac Asimov disregards him as a “philosopher and poet” rather than a scientist, though he sees scientists as dreamers. Scholars such as Frances Yates believe his ideas on an infinite universe without geocentric structure were a critical shift between the old and new modes of thought. Bruno’s concept of multiple worlds is also viewed by some as a forerunner to Everett’s many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. Some also believe Giordano Bruno was one of the precursors to Sir Isaac Newton’s theory of place and absolute space. (More see here)

004- About the director Giuliano Montaldo
朱里亚诺 孟塔多(Giuliano Montaldo)

Giuliano Montaldo (born February 22, 1930 in Genoa) is an Italian film director.

While he was still a young student, Montaldo was recruited by the director Carlo Lizzani for the role of leading actor in the film Achtung! Banditi! (1951). Following this experience he began an apprenticeship as an assistant director of Lizzani and Gillo Pontecorvo.

In 1960 he made his debut as a director with Tiro al piccione, a film about the partisan resistance, which entered for a competition in Venice Film Festival in 1961. In 1965 he wrote and directed Una bella grinta, a cynical representation of the economic boom of Italy, winning the Special Prize of the Jury at Berlin Film Festival. He then directed the production Grand Slam (1967) which starred an international cast including Edward G. Robinson, Klaus Kinski, and Janet Leigh. His cinema career continued with Gott mit uns (1969), and Sacco and Vanzetti (1971), a film about the abuses of the military, judicial and religious power.

In 1982 he directed the colossal television miniseries Marco Polo, which won the Emmy Award for Outstanding Miniseries.(See here)

Giuliano Montaldo's filmography

Filmography as director (17)

Demoni di San Pietroburgo, I ------- (2008)
Stagioni dell'aquila, Le ------- (1997)
Tempo di uccidere ------- (1990)
Occhiali d'oro, Gli ------- (1987)
Giorno prima, Il ------- (1987)
Addio a Enrico Berlinguer, L' ------- (1984)
Giocattolo, Il ------- (1979)
Circuito chiuso ------- (1978)
Agnese va a morire, L' ------- (1976)
Giordano Bruno ------- (1973)
Sacco e Vanzetti ------- (1971)
Dio è con noi ------- (1969)
Intoccabili, Gli ------- (1968)
Ad ogni costo ------- (1967)
Bella grinta, Una ------- (1965)
Extraconiugale ------- (1964)
Tiro al piccione ------- (1962)

Filmography as actor (13)

Caimano, Il ------- (2006)
Sacco and Vanzetti ------- (2006)
Eroe borghese, Un ------- (1995)
Lungo silenzio, Il ------- (1993)
Extraconiugale ------- (1964)
Assassino, L' ------- (1961)
Momento più bello, Il ------- (1957)
Donna del giorno, La ------- (1956)
Ragazze di San Frediano, Le ------- (1955)
Sbandati, Gli ------- (1955)
Cronache di poveri amanti ------- (1954)
Ai margini della metropoli ------- (1952)
Achtung! Banditi! ------- (1951)

Filmography as writer (14)

Demoni di San Pietroburgo, I ------- (2008)
Tempo di uccidere ------- (1990)
Occhiali d'oro, Gli ------- (1987)
Giorno prima, Il ------- (1987)
Giocattolo, Il ------- (1979)
Circuito chiuso ------- (1978)
Agnese va a morire, L' ------- (1976)
Giordano Bruno ------- (1973)
Sacco e Vanzetti ------- (1971)
Dio è con noi ------- (1969)
Intoccabili, Gli ------- (1968)
Bella grinta, Una ------- (1965)
Extraconiugale ------- (1964)
Orazi e curiazi ------- (1961)

Filmography as assistant director (4)

Battaglia di Algeri, La ------- (1966)
Assassino, L' ------- (1961)
Kapò ------- (1959)
Grande strada azzurra, La ------- (1957)
作为其他职员 Giuliano Montaldo的电影作品(数量:1)
Turandot ------- (1983)


005- The film file download and its OST
The 12 music of its OST see here >>>>>>
The film file 700 Kbps WMV format English and Chinese subtitle 637M 113'39" Please VIP member enter the page to download >>>>>>
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