overview and comment
The differemt translated name of film
can see the different translated alias from different countries
with different positions--Sympathy (Italy,
Japan), sarcasm ( Spain,
and undefined)criticism
and the middle positions (West
here you can still feel that the argument for the film (its
essence is the event) ,In the today when lapse of more than
100 years later are still far from over. |
(From Google translate)
Google translate)
di gente perbene
of good people
Murrin tapaus
Murrin case
Affare Murri
affair Murri
Murri Affair
Murri Affair
of the Rich
of the Rich
angeliko prosopo tis ypsilis koinonias
angelic face of high society
gran burgues
great bourgeois
ogul ve gelin
son and bride
grande Bourgeoise
big bourgeoisie
of sorrow
Film credits roll
Murri trial, that was actually held at the
beginning of the century,filled the chronicles
for the gravity of the fact,
reputation of the characters, and the atmosphere
of morbid curiosity. The authors, freely recalling
it,were inspired impartially by the trial
records, from which emerged, besides the facts,that
raised around it. the
characters and personalities of the protagonists
of this family tragedy. |
From NY timas and starpuls
on a true story, this political thriller/drama explores the
ordeal of Linda Murri (Catherine_Deneuve), a 19th-century
upper-class Italian woman who was caught in an unhappy marriage
and who broke the code of behavior for aristocrats by taking
a lower-class lover. After her husband was murdered, Murri
stood trial for the murder. Her professor father's socialist
opinions were clearly the reason for the harshness of the
prosecution. The case was widely known throughout Italy at
the time, and caused a national furor. Murri did not actually
arrange to murder her boorish nobleman husband Count Bonmartini
(Paolo_Bonacelli); rather, she told her brother how unhappy
she was and that she was afraid for her life. He acted on
her complaint by taking the drastic step of murder. The trial
resulted in her being given a long prison term, along with
her brother (Giancarlo_Giannini), her lover Carlo Secci (Ettore_Manni)
and her brother's assistants Pio and Rosa (Corrado Pani and
Tina Aumont). The relentlessness of the prosecutor Giudice
Stanzani (Marcel_Bozzuffi) and the spinelessness of the family
patriarch Augusto Murri (Fernando_Rey), the professor with
the unpopular opinions, are key dramatic features of this
complex story. Clarke Fountain, Rovi (Here
and here,
here) |
Italian web site
2 settembre 1902 il conte francesco bonmartini viene trovato
ucciso in casa sua. il caso viene affidato al giudice stanzani
propenso a credere al delitto a scopo di rapina. nove giorni
dopo il suocero, augusto murri, medico di fama internazionale,
si presenta alla polizia accusando dell'assassinio il figlio
tullio, avvocato e consigliere comunale socialista, sospettato
di aver ucciso il cognato a causa di un rapporto incestuoso
con la sorella. la stampa e' divisa tra coloro che attaccano
i murri e coloro che li difendono, mentre l'opinione pubblica
si accanisce contro tutti i personaggi coinvolti. il processo,
celebrato a torino nel 1905, sara' un susseguirsi di colpi
di scena tra verita' e menzogne.premi e riconoscimenti1975
- miglior film david di donatello (Here
and here)
From a DVD site
Catherine Deneuve, Giancarlo Giannini, Fernando Rey, Tina
Aumont, Marcel Bozzuffi and Laura Betti. Music By Ennio Morricone.
After a liberal and wealthy woman marries a conservative,
loutish doctor, she finds her new life veritably suffocating.
To alleviate her misery, her thoughtful brother does away
with her distasteful husband. Based on a tru story. English
language version.The Murri Affair was gratifying! You have
to wot this movie! A splendiferous performance by Tina Aumont
& Laura Betti make The Murri Affair a “ought to nail down”
movie! The spectacular cast includes Tina Aumont, Laura Betti,
Paolo Bonacelli, Marcel Bozzuffi, Catherine Deneuve. This
cast just make The Murri Affair the more amazing! (Here)
A book "Indecent Secrets: The infamous Murri Murder
a hot summer day in Italy in 1902, the brutally stabbed body
of Count Francesco Bonmartini was discovered, by means of
its decomposing stench, inside his locked apartment. He was
a typical Italian provincial aristocrat in all but one way:
he had married into a prominent but deeply troubled family.
His father-in-law was one of the nation's most famous
doctors. His wife, Linda, a young freethinker, was the apple
of her father's eye. Linda's brother dabbled
in anarchism. Linda's lover was her father's
top assistant. Her relations with them were illicit, incestuous
-- and murderous.
The scandal that erupted was a top news story in Europe and
America for three consecutive years. Investigators uncovered
successive layers of a conspiracy that constantly twisted
and changed its shape. The suspects included all these men
as well as their servants and lovers. There was a diverse
array of murder weapons, including knives, heavy pellets,
and poison. There were rumors of missing accomplices. Intimate
relations among many suspects were uncovered through sensational
letters and testimonials. Witnesses died mysteriously. A suspect
tried to kill himself. One question lingered throughout and
still haunts researchers today: what role did Bonmartini's
widow, Linda, known as "The Enchantress," play?
Was she the spider at the center of the vast web, or did the
plot originate with the key men who loved her so desperately?
and writer Christina Vella combines meticulous research
with a novelist's eye for a great story. As she
unspools the tight, tense drama, she offers a fascinating
picture of Italian society in the early 20th century, with
a historian's insights into life at both the top
and the bottom. From sexual dysfunctions, to prison conditions,
to the patronage systems that permeated medicine, law, and
politics, the Bonmartini murder provides a window into a
rich world. The result is an unforgettable story and an
invaluable introduction to an Italy that is still recognizable
the author: Christina
Vellaholds a Ph.D. in modern European and American history.
In addition to teaching and lecturing, she is a consultant
to public television and to the U.S. State Department. She
lives in New Orleans.(Here
and here)
The Infamous Murri Murder Affair
by Christina Vella
true history of a bizarre 1905 murder case in Venice and
Bologna, Italy, involving adultery, incest, perjury, the
obsession of four men with the woman at the center of the
conspiracy, and---not least---a description of how people
in Italy lived at the turn of the 20th century.
PUBLIC'S INTENSE INTEREST in scandalous trials did not
begin with O.J. Simpson or Michael Jackson. The Murri
affair, which erupted in Italy in 1902, was considered
the crime of the century for many years. As late as
the 1970s, a movie starring Catherine Deneuve was based
on the salacious case.
Indecent Secrets: The Infamous Murri Murder Affair,
Christina Vella provides a riveting account of the
scandal. In 1902 in Bologna, Count Francesco Bonmartini
was found grotesquely murdered. Bonmartini was the
son-in-law of Italy's most prominent physician and
scientist. Suspicion fell first on prostitutes Bonmartini
had consorted with, then on his wife's brother, Tullio
Murri, and then on the wife herself, Linda Murri.
eventually confessed to the killing, but he had also
drawn others into the crime, people who came from the
highest and lowest extremes of society. He had involved
his lover, a girl whose ten brothers had died from malnutrition.
The shadowy involvement of his famous father was always
in question; Professor Augusto Murri, though an apparent
model of rectitude, was madly obsessed with his daughter
and may even have planted the idea for the killing in
Tullio's disturbed mind. All together, eight people
were indicted for the murder, and several unindicted
conspirators were involved as well.
the center of the story was Linda Murri----the so-called
enchantress?-- who was either innocent of all the murder
plans swirling around her, or who instigated the entire
conspiracy.Four men were madly, slavishly, in love with
Linda----her husband, her lover, her brother, and her
father. According to credible sources, her husband was
the only one with whom she was not having sexual relations.
wonder that the crime occupied almost every newspaper
in Europe for three years, as the whole continent
lined up on the side of the victim Bonmartini---the
side of Catholic, landed aristocrats---or Murri side,
the side of scientists, socialists and atheists. Many
people believed the theory that Tullio had not in
fact committed the murder, but had confessed in order
to protect the real killer, Linda.
the long trial proceeded, secret diaries came to light.
Important witnesses began dying under mysterious circumstances.
Had they, like Bonmartini, been killed by the powerful
Murris? Was Linda truly a malignant spirit, or only
the victim of uncontrollable frenzy in the press? The
culmination of the trial and its aftermath was a story
more bizarre than any novelist could have invented.
in her previous books, historian Vella uses a
dramatic, true event as a framework for telling
a larger story: what it was like to live in Italy
at the turn of the 20th century, the time when
Italians were emigrating en masse to America.
She offers many details about such things as housing,
meals, medical treatments, morals, the legal system,
prisons, travel conditions, newspapers, and peasant
life in Italy, and vividly describes cities where
the Murris lived---Bologna, Turin, and Venice.
The result is an exploration of fascinating characters
and a window into Italy's complex society at the
dawn of the modern era.(Here)