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????A movie with Morricone's music
Cefalonia (2005)
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Cefalonia (2005)
Cefalonia (2005)
Cefalonia (2005)
About the movie from IMDB (See here)


Director:Riccardo Milani

Writers:Sandro Petraglia (writer)
Stefano Rulli (writer)

Original Music by Ennio Morricone

Release Date:11 April 2005 (Italy) more
Genre:Drama more
Cast (Cast overview, first billed only)
Luca Zingaretti ... Saverio Blasco
Luisa Ranieri ... Feria
Roberto De Francesco
Jasmine Trinca ... Elena
Corrado Fortuna ... Nicola

Awards:1 win Best TV Film Magnolia Award of 2006 Shanghai International TV Festival

Additional Details

Parents Guide:Add content advisory for parents
Runtime:Finland:136 min (TV version) | Italy:210 min
Sound Mix:Dolby SR
Filming Locations:Sofia, Bulgaria

Company:Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI)

More about the movie 01, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05
Cefalonia (2005)
The TV won Best TV Film Magnolia Award of 2006 Shanghai International TV Festival (See here and here)
The Stills
Cefalonia (2005) Cefalonia (2005) Cefalonia (2005)
Cefalonia (2005) Cefalonia (2005) Cefalonia (2005)
Cefalonia (2005) Cefalonia (2005) Cefalonia (2005)
Cefalonia (2005) Cefalonia (2005) Cefalonia (2005)

Cefalonia island (Greece's name is Kefalonia)
Cefalonia island (Greece's name is Kefalonia)
Cefalonia island (Greece's name is Kefalonia)
Cefalonia's position (Blue block)
The island of Kefalonia, also known as Cephallenia, Cephallonia, Kefallinia, or Kefallonia (Ancient Greek: ??????????????; Modern Greek: ????????????? or ????????????; Italian: Cefalonia), is the largest of the Ionian Islands in western Greece, with an area of 350 sq. miles. It is also the larger of the two islands forming the Kefalonia and Ithaka Prefecture, and contains eight of the prefecture's nine municipalities or communities. (Ithaca is on a separate island.)

The island is named after the mythological figure Cephalus (Ciphalis), although some hold its name literally means "island with a head", referring to the island's shape; the name "Ciphalis" is derived from the Greek word for "head".(here or here)

Today's Kefalonia
Today's Kefalonia
Today's Kefalonia
Today's Kefalonia (Here)
A brief-1
In September 1943, the announcement that Italy has signed a separate peace with the Allied Powers leaves the Italian troops of occupation in Greece euphoric. But their hopes of a quick return home are soon dashed by their former German allies, who demand that they either surrender or fight. Battle-weary Sergeant Saverio, who was hoping to find his own peace with Feria, a Italian immigrant to Greece whose husband has left her to go to America, is forced to drive a truck carrying Italian officers to their deaths before a German firing squad. Originally opposed to the resistance, he takes an active role.(See here)
A brief-2
In september 1943, the soldiers of Italian army stationed on Greece cefalonia have received a news that the war is about to end, they are very happy and are going to back home.

But in december 1943, the situation is a sunden turn for thr worse. Italy has signed a compromised contract with confederate. They are ride a tiger and findit hardto get off. They have only two selections, either become captive and continue to fight for Germany, or died in muzzle of German army. At the time, Italian military officer Saverio Blasco makes out a great choice, he resolutely calls together all Italian army who was controled by Germany and start a especial battle.....

After received a news that allied forces is about to landing, the Italian soldiers make great efforts to fit allied forces to battle and win out. At last, 1286 Italian survival soldiers bring the army flag of Acqui division and return their hometown (Translated by the web site according Chinese brief)


About the real Acqui division
01-Kefalonia (From Wikipedia)
........World War II
Further information: Axis occupation of Greece during World War II
In World War II, the island was occupied by Axis powers. Until late 1943, the occupying force was predominantly Italian -- the Acqui division plus Navy personnel totalled 12,000 men -- but about 2,000 troops from Nazi Germany were also present. The island was largely spared the fighting, until the armistice with Italy concluded by the Allies in September 1943. Confusion followed on the island, as the Italians were hoping to return home, but German forces did not want the Italians' munitions to be used eventually against them; Italian forces were hesitant to turn over weapons for the same reason. As German reinforcements headed to the island the Italians dug in and, eventually, after a referendum among the soldiers as to surrender or battle, they fought against the new German invasion. The fighting came to a head at the siege of Argostoli, where the Italians held out. Ultimately the German forces prevailed, taking full control of the island, and six thousand of the nine thousand surviving Italian soldiers were executed as a reprisal by German forces. While the war ended in central Europe in 1945, Kefalonia remained in a state of conflict due to the Greek Civil War. Peace returned to Greece and the island in 1949.
02-From Bologna Museum's web site (See here)

Until May 4th. Opening hours: Entrance free from Tuesday to Saturday and on Sunday March 16th, April 6th and May 4th (9am-1pm). Guided visits on Sunday March 16th, April 6th and May 4th at 11am.
Address: Civic Museum of the Risorgimento ?C info 051 225583 / 051 347592

On September 14th 1943, only a few days after the Armistice of September 8th, in obedience to the orders of their government, the Italian soldiers in the Acqui Division, who were garrisoned on the Ionian islands of Cephalonia and Corfu, refused to consign their arms to the Nazi army. Surrounded by greatly superior forces and completely abandoned by the Italian government, the Division was totally destroyed after eight days of battle. The Division therefore paid for its decision with thousands of dead among the officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers, many died in battle and many others were shot after their surrender. The survivors continued to pay a high price for their choice by suffering terrible hardships as prisoners-of-war, in forced labour or concentration camps.
The exhibition dedicated to those tragic and heroic events is open until May 4th 2008 at the Civic Museum of the Risorgimento (Piazza Carducci 5 ?C Bologna) in collaboration with the Quarter of Santo Stefano and the National Association of surviving veterans and families from the Acqui Division ?C Bologna and Ferrara Section. With the help of photographs, documents and other evidence from the period, the exhibition covers the history of the Acqui Division and its men from Italy??s entry into the war up to the massacre, and then continues with the Liberation of Italy and the first commemorations.
The exhibition, arranged on 26 photographic panels, together with documents and other evidence, is integrated into a display of weapons and objects dating from the same period and into an interesting private collection of original documents dedicated to the Acqui Division??s postal services during the Second World War. Less than a year before the opening of a permanent Section dedicated to stamp collecting and the history of the postal service, the Museum of the Risorgimento in Bologna confirms its interest in subjects like these that are not always sufficiently exploited by historic museums. (See here)

More about Acqui division 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08
03 From a memmorating web site (See here)

The Italian Division "ACQUI" slaughter by Wehrmacht in Cefalonia and Corfu' after september 8th, 1943
This web site is dedicated to the memory of my uncle Silvio Liotti, lieutenant of 2^ company of 110^ machine-gunner battalion of army corps, shot in Argostoli close to 'Casetta rossa' on 24th september 1943, and of all the soldiers of division 'Acqui' slaughter by Wehrmacht in Cefalonia and Corfu'.
This web site is dedicated to the memory of my uncle Silvio Liotti, lieutenant of 2^ company of 110^ machine-gunner battalion of army corps, shot in Argostoli close to 'Casetta rossa' on 24th september 1943, and of all the soldiers of division 'Acqui' slaughter by Wehrmacht in Cefalonia and Corfu'.

In the Greek islands Cefalonia and Corfu', 16.000 italian soldiers of 33^ Division "Acqui" fought against Germans, that become, after 8 september of 1943, enemies and oppressors of Italy. In Cefalonia and, with smaller proportions, in Corfu' happened the greatest mass elimination of war prisoners, during and after the battle, of the second world war. The Division "Acqui" endured a tragic destiny because the Germans, considering them incite to mutiny, slaughtered thousands of soldiers, graduates and officials, executing the special order don't make prisoners, emanated from Hitler in person only for the Division "Acqui". The resistance of the Division "Acqui" in Cefalonia and Corfu' represents the best example of the military resistance against Germans, one of the first actions of the Movement for National Liberation. The reconstruction of those tragic events is based on documents, recorded in Italian, Germans and English archives, on the proceedingses of Norimberga trial against general Lanz and on the memories of the survivor protagonists.

Below photos is from the site
04-Existing Acqui division (See here)

Existing Acqui division
Existing Acqui division
Existing Acqui division
Existing Acqui division

ITALIAN ACQUI DIVISION Maj Robert Deere, UK Exchange Officer ACQUI Division

From 24 - 26 September 2002 the Italian Acqui Division was visited by COMARRC at its home base in San Giorgio a Cremano, Naples, Italy. The visit included briefs on the role of the Division and its parent national Corps Headquarters, the 2nd Defence Forces Command (2nd FOD), a visit to the Divisional Response Cell and visits to the Garibaldi and Pinerolo Mechanized Brigades

Before discussing the visit it would be worth tracing the historical background of the Division. The Acqui Division can trace its roots to 1703 when it was first embodied as the Deportes Regiment although it did not take on the name of Acqui until 1831. It served in World War 2 as the Acqui Infantry Division, being finally defeated on Cephalonia in 1943. It was re-established as a motorized brigade in 1975, before disbandment during the 1990s. Following the transformation of the Projection Forces Command (FOP) in Milan into the Italian HRF (L), the 2nd FOD was tasked with setting up a divisional headquarters for the ARRC. The framework 3rd Italian Division provided the core and moved in the autumn of 2001 from Milan to San Giorgio a Cremano. The 3rd Italian Division was re-titled in 2002 and now proudly holds the title Acqui Division. ....(More)

About the music

This 2005 Italian tv movie tells the true story of a brigade of Italian soldiers stationed on the Greek island of Cefalonia during the second world war, when Mussolini's government falls. It was one of seven movies scored by veteran composer Ennio Morricone during the year - three of which were set during the second world war! It's vastly different from those other two (Il Cuore nel Pozzo and the outstanding Fateless) - Morricone continues to dazzle with creativity even at this stage of his career. After a few consecutive scores in which he very slightly seemed to be going through the motions, he very much returned with some outstanding work during 2005 - and the rate at which he continues to score movies is nothing short of amazing, given his advancing age.

Cefalonia is, for the most part, a melodic treat, suggesting far more the beauty of the place itself rather than the horrors being committed on it. The anthemic "Dammi la Mano", which opens and closes the disc, is clearly the highlight - vageuly reminiscent of Morricone's sublime millennium celebration piece "Cantico del Giubileo", featuring the unique choral arrangements he does so well, and all based around a stirring and memorable melody. Vintage Morricone! The second piece is just as beautiful, though in a different way; a little in the style of his lilting theme from Malena, "Quella Sera" is enough to melt the heartstrings. There's a bit of a surprise next, in "Sulla Sponda", with Morricone writing the kind of lush, sweeping romantic music he did in the 1970s on scores like Questa Specie d'Amore - outstanding stuff! And then comes a trumpet-led version of the main theme in "Nell'Isola, Soli" - gorgeous, once more! Nobody else writes music quite like this.

If all of this makes it sound like the score is nothing but a patchwork quilt of previous Morricone efforts, then it shouldn't - I'm just giving a point of reference so his fans know what to expect. There is such a wonderful base of stunning melodic music here, it's a real treat for fans of that side of the composer (well - who isn't!?) Yet another wonderful theme is introduced in "Riflessivo, Meditativo" (even I could guess at a translation for that one) - simplistic, quite restrained, completely beautiful. Then - boom! It's Morricone-a-go-go! In an unexpected but delightful shift, in "Via dall'Inferno" we're suddenly in the action music style of Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion, and the like, with pounding piano, pipe organ, crazy string runs, trumpets going bananas - brilliant.

After the old-fashioned love theme "Ancora Vivi per l'Amore" comes the 14-minute suspense piece "Composizione sulla Resistenza", the most dramatic and tense section of the score, based around several dissonant ideas not dissimilar to the composer's Richard III. Morricone's suspense music is certainly an acquired taste, but it's always wonderful to hear such a gifted composer crafting a piece as long and involving as this one, even if the melodic beauty of the rest of the album is left behind for a while. It's easy to underrate these Morricone scores simply because so much of what he writes is so consistently excellent - but underrating Morricone has never been a particular problem of mine, and I'm not about to start here. For fans of the composer, Cefalonia is simply yet another triumph (more)

Playing in online of the movie
Total 2 volume, 3 hours 30 minutes, splited 8 parts for playing, Chinese dub and subtitle in Potato Site
8-1 29'59" (Here)
8-2 29'59" (Here)
8-3 29'59" (Here)
8-4 11'45" (Here)
8-5 29'59" (Here)
8-6 29'59" (Here)
8-7 29'59" (Here)
8-8 17'30" (Here)
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