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??engmov-047 Karol- A man who became pope (2005)
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Karol- A man who became pope (2005)
Karol- A man who became pope (2005)
About the movie from IMDB


Director:Giacomo Battiato

Writers:Giacomo Battiato (screenplay)
Gianfranco Svidercoschi (book)

Release Date:15 August 2005 (USA) more
Genre:Biography / Drama more
Plot Outline:The life of the pope John-Paul the II'nd, from his youth in Poland to the command of the Catholic church in Rome.
Plot Synopsis:This plot synopsis is empty. Add a synopsis
Plot Keywords:Cathedral / Nun / Crying / Nazi Officer / Bishop more

Additional Details

Also Known As:Karol: A Man Who Became Pope (International: English title) (USA) (DVD title)
Karol. Czlowiek, kt??ry zostal papiezem (Poland)
Parents Guide:Add content advisory for parents
Runtime:USA:240 min (including commercials) / Argentina:186 min / 155 min (theatrical version) / 180 min (2 parts) (TV version)
Country:Poland / Italy

Synopsis The life of the pope John-Paul the II'nd, from his youth in Poland to the command of the Catholic church in Rome. (See here)
A brief

These events will mark the start of Karol's longjourney from worker,to poet and teacher. A journey full of encounters that eventually leads him to become a priest and finally, in 1978, to become the man we all now known man who has markedan era, a man who has made history.

With an extraordinary soundtrack by multi-award winner Ennio Morricone

DVDRip format A and B??English dub?? embeded Chinese subtitle ??98+89 minutes??
Movie 679+680M ??????separate annex subtitles 5.1+5.6M
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