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engmus-f1015-1 Newest Morricone's music in 2005 provided by Ms.Sherry

OST of the Hungarian movie "Sorstalanság" (Fateness)

(A historical drama based on Imre Kertesz's Nobel Prize-winning novel in 2002)

Only 20Kbps WMA format are provided in the page

Sherry's E-mail:

the Hungarian movie "Sorstalanság" (Fateness)
the Hungarian movie "Sorstalanság" (Fateness)
About the Movie "Sorstalansag" (2005)
Directed by Lajos Koltai, Writing credits Imre Kertesz , Music by Ennio Morricone
Plot Outline: A historical drama based on Imre Kertesz's Nobel Prize-winning novel about Hungarian Jews during the Holocaust.
Country: Hungary .Language: Hungarian,Color: Color
Act the leading role: Márta Bakó Géza Balkay László Baranyi György Barkó Miklós Benedek Zoltán Bereczky Zoltán Bezerédy Krisztina Biró
Imre Kertesz
Imre Kertesz
Above: Imre Kertesz
The Music (320kbps)
listen in online with WMA format
Imre Kertesz
visszateres az eetbe
a tabor
meg mindig otthon
a drama kezdete
egy dal
az asztalnal
a lelek lerombolasa
a magany dallama-1
visszaterees es emlekezes
Egy belso hang
tukarbe nezve
a magany dallama-2
hang nelkul

Honorary Oscar 2006 goes to composer Ennio Morricone

congratulations Morricone most heartily

Ennio Morricone Mini biography: A classmate of director Sergio Leone with whom he would form one of the great director/composer partnerships (right up there with Eisenstein & Prokofiev, Hitchcock & Herrmann, Fellini & Rota), Ennio Morricone studied at Rome's Santa Cecilia Conservatory, where he specialised in trumpet. His first film scores were relatively undistinguished, but he was hired by Leone for Per un pugno di dollari (1964) on the strength of some of his song arrangements. His score for that film, with its sparse arrangements, unorthodox instrumentation (bells, electric guitars, harmonicas, the distinctive twang of the jew's harp) and memorable tunes, revolutionised the way music would be used in Westerns, and it is hard to think of a post-Morricone Western score that doesn't in some way reflect his influence. Although his name will always be synonymous with the spaghetti Western, Morricone has also contributed to a huge range of other film genres: comedies, dramas, thrillers, horror films, romances, art movies, exploitation movies -making him one of the film world's most versatile artists. He has written nearly 400 film scores, so a brief summary is impossible, but his most memorable work includes the Leone films, Gillo Pontecorvos _Battaglia di Algeri, La (1965)_ , Roland Joffé's The Mission (1986), Brian De Palma's The Untouchables (1987) and Giuseppe Tornatore's Nuovo cinema Paradiso (1988), plus a rare example of sung opening credits for Pier Paolo Pasolini's Uccellacci e uccellini (1966). It must be stressed that he is *not* behind the work of the entirely separate composers Bruno Nicolai and Nicola Piovani despite allegations made by more than one supposedly reputable film guide! (see here)



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