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I demoni di San Pietroburgo / The Demons of St. Petersburg (07-09)
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I demoni di San Pietroburgo /The Demons of St. Petersburg (07-09)
It is shown the movie "I demoni di San Pietroburgo" composed by Ennio Morricone (CD2-1 00:07:05)
It is shown the movie "I demoni di San Pietroburgo" composed by Ennio Morricone (CD2-1 00:07:05)
Director: Giuliano Montaldo
Writers:Andrey Konchalovskiy (from an original idea by)
Giuliano Montaldo (writer)
Paolo Serbandini (writer)
See more ? Contact:View company contact information for The Demons of St. Petersburg on IMDbPro. Release Date:24 April 2008 (Italy) See more ?
Original Music: Ennio Morricone
Runtime:118 min Country:Italy Aspect Ratio:1.85 : 1 Company:Jean Vigo Italia See more
Miki Manojlovic ... Fyodor Dostoevsky
Carolina Crescentini ... Anna
Anita Caprioli ... Aleksandra
Roberto Herlitzka ... Pavlovic

Filippo Timi ... Gusiev
Sandra Ceccarelli ... Nataliya Ivanovna
Giordano De Plano ... Young Dostoevsky
Patrizia Sacchi ... Advotya
Giovanni Martorana ... Trifonov
Stefano Saccotelli ... Stellovsky

I demoni di San Pietroburgo Italy (original title)
I demoni e dio Italy (working title)
Pietarin riivaajat Finland (TV title)
San Pietroburgo Italy (working title)
Sankt Peterburgs demoner Finland (TV title) (Swedish title)
The Demons of St. Petersburg International (English title)
David di Donatello Awards
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
2009 Won David Best Costume Design (Migliore Costumista)
Elisabetta Montaldo

Best Production Design (Migliore Scenografo)
Francesco Frigeri

Nominated David Best Cinematography (Migliore Direttore della Fotografia)
Arnaldo Catinari

Best Hair Design/Styling (Migliore Acconciatore)
Mirella Ginnoto

Best Make-Up (Migliore Truccatore)
Luigi Rocchetti

Best Visual Effects (Migliori Effetti Speciali Visivi)

Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
2008 Won Silver Ribbon Best Cinematography (Migliore Fotografia)
Arnaldo Catinari
Also for Parlami d'amore (2008).
Best Production Design (Migliore Scenografia)
Francesco Frigeri
Also for I vicer?/a> (2007).
Nominated Silver Ribbon Best Actress (Migliore Attrice Protagonista)
Carolina Crescentini
Also for Cemento armato (2007).
Best Costume Design (Migliori Costumi)
Elisabetta Montaldo

Best Music (Migliore Colonna Sonora)
Ennio Morricone

Best Producer (Migliore Produttore)
Elda Ferri
Also for I vicer?/a> (2007).
Plot Summary
Plot Summary 1: Story:St. Petersburg, 1860. A member of the imperial family is assassinated. A few days later, the writer F?dor Michajlovic Dostoevskij meets with Gusiev, a young man committed to a psychiatric hospital. Gusiev confesses that he took part in the terrorist plot and reveals that his fellow conspirators are planning to kill another of the Tsar??s relatives. The young man also gives Dostoevsky the address of Alexandra, their leader. The writer must find her and convince her to call off the new assassination attempt.(Here)
Plot Summary 2: St. Petersburg, 1860. A member of the Imperial family is assassinated. A few days later the writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky meets Gusiev, a young man being treated in a psychiatric hospital. Gusiev confesses that he is part of the terrorist group involved in the assassination and reveals that his comrades are planning to kill another of the Tsar??s relatives. The young man also gives Dostoevsky the address of Aleksandra, their leader. Dostoevsky must find her and try and convince her to stop this new attack. The writer is at his wits end, hounded by his creditors, under pressure to deliver his next book and plagued by frequent attacks of epilepsy. By day, with the help of Anna Grigoryevna, a young stenographer, he dictates ??The Gambler??. At night he continues his desperate search for the terrorist group... (Here)

Plot Summary3 : Movie Piemonte, Turin and the Demons of Saint Petersburg
Written on 05/2/09 in Category: Alerts Share on Facebook

After sold out last week with a screening of "The Wind Blows Round," Feb. 5 of the film club ' Social Institute of Turin presents "The Demons of Saint Petersburg" Of Giuliano Montaldo , in collaboration with " Piedmont Movie 2009 "and the Association of National Cinema Museum.

The movie, filmed in Turin but set in St. Petersburg in 1860, tells the story of Dostoevsky who, during the writing of his novel "The Player", intervenes personally to try to stop an attack. "The Demons of Saint Petersburg" is both the story of a man reading a fresco artist and a story that never ceases to repeat itself.

"The work - says the Cinema Museum - has contributed significantly last year to increase the visibility of the Piedmont as a land that attracts the film, chosen as the location of the Venaria numerous occasions, promoting the film with the Turin advances given by the director in Piedmont Movie 2008 to the first presentation of the Cinema Massimo.

The film is also planned at the Festival Piedmont Movie Film in the overview section, dedicated to films made in Piedmont, in cinemas or handed out at festivals in 2008, which will create the other successes of last season as "Il Divo" by Paolo Sorrentino , "The Anger "by Louis Black" No Quality to the Heroes "by Paolo Franchi, interesting and previews as" Turin Black "by Massimo Russo and "Promeny" Tomas Rehorek.

The public will attend the screening of the film Montaldo February 5 will receive a free directory of the Cinema in Piedmont last year, which also has an interesting interview with Giuliano Montaldo and Miki Manojlovic , the famous actor who Dostoevsky in " The Demons of Saint Petersburg ". The interview was edited by Vittorio Sclaverani , Deputy Director Piedmont Movie , which will introduce the film with Joseph Mariano , head of the film club 's Social Institute . Info: and ; depth information dedicated to the film also .

St.Petersburg IN TURIN - Cineforum Social Institute presents "The Demons of Saint Petersburg", the film by Giuliano Montaldo made in Turin (February 5). Info: , . .(here)


Comment-1: The world of Dostoevsky, 2 January 2009
Before viewing this one, I was a little sceptical about it all, but after viewing it (till the last credits faded out) I know that this is a very good movie.

When reading Dostoevsky, you get a very strong impression of the mood and people that live in the world he has written down. I must admit that I don't know much about his life, so I cannot say this film is accurate. But that doesn't really matter, for I Demoni di San Pietroburgo is more of a story where a writer is confronted with his own world. But I cannot say much about this, for the story is not about actions that shape events and how the world reacts, but people that grow and face themselves.

Montaldo is the right man to direct this movie. Not only has his earlier films touched subjects that are akin to the works of Dostoevsky, but he has shown experience in making a historical world believable (Marco Polo).

I don't know any of the actors in this (except for Roberto Herlitzka) but they are all very good. I will find something more with Miki Manojlovic in it to see, for his portrayal was interesting. The people in 'lesser' roles were all very good.

The cinematography by Arnaldo Catinari is just excellent. Every shot is well done, but still in service of the movie. It's almost always cold and pale. When there is light, it's lanterns that cast long shadows that serve the dark world very well.

The production is very good. Completely believable. I have no idea where it is filmed, but if it isn't St. certainly feels like it. There are numerous extras and they all look like they belong there. The one special effect I could detect wasn't that great, but it was still good enough.

The editing was good. Few surprises, but it isn't a movie for strange montage.

And the music, at last. Ennio Morricone has composed for 40 years for Montaldo now. I can be brief around; he is not the best because he creates music that you expect, but because it's just what the movie needs. The score is sometimes very oldschool suspense-like, with fitting emotional moments. The music itself might not be very easy to listen too for some people, but it gives the film just what it needs at the right moment.

I own an Italian DVD with English subtitles.

Without doubt one of those European films that are just rock-solid, but tend to disappear between the blockbusters that just get more attention. Still, Montaldo proves it again; he is one of the best!(IMDB)

I demoni di San Pietroburgo /The Demons of St. Petersburg (07-09)
Comment-2: Great biopic, but mediocre film, 24 February 2009

By chance I was invited to see a showing of this film with an introduction from the director. This may be why I am willing to offer it the generous scoring of 6 out of 10 rather than something lower, because he was there to explain a bit more the production of his film, his association with Konchalovsky, and the filming locations. As a mostly accurate historical portrayal of Russian novelist Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, it is a spot on piece. The details of his life were offered in such a way to give the audience a feel of the times and mental state of Dostoevsky, who was himself an epileptic. Those who are familiar with Dosteovsky will certainly appreciate the way in which the film discusses his life, while those who come in with little knowledge of the author will have to trust the accuracy of the film (and need not fear doing so). Demoni was filmed in Turin, Italy which the director felt closely resembled St. Petersburg, a city which was indeed partially designed by the Swiss-Italian architect Domenico Trezzini.

I demoni di San Pietroburgo /The Demons of St. Petersburg (07-09)

This was a clever move from the director, but as a film I still feel that it was nothing particularly special. A biopic of Dostoevsky seemed so strange in Italian, filmed in such a distinctive Italian style. I felt as a film the production was a little cheap and resembled an artistic TV-movie rather than actually standing on its own as an artistic film. Aside from Miki Manojlovic, who plays the grown Dostoevsky, the acting was too over the top for my taste. There was not really a believable spark between any of the actors, relationships were to be assumed rather than felt. The film was certainly not something earth-shattering but that's not to say it isn't watchable. Depends on what you're looking for. (IMDB)

I demoni di San Pietroburgo /The Demons of St. Petersburg (07-09)
03-About the director (Giuliano Montaldo)
the director (Giuliano Montaldo)
the director (Giuliano Montaldo)

Giuliano Montaldo (born February 22, 1930 in Genoa) is an Italian film director.

While he was still a young student, Montaldo was recruited by the director Carlo Lizzani for the role of leading actor in the film Achtung! Banditi! (1951). Following this experience he began an apprenticeship as an assistant director of Lizzani and Gillo Pontecorvo.

In 1960 he made his debut as a director with Tiro al piccione, a film about the partisan resistance, which entered for a competition in Venice Film Festival in 1961. In 1965 he wrote and directed Una bella grinta, a cynical representation of the economic boom of Italy, winning the Special Prize of the Jury at Berlin Film Festival. He then directed the production Grand Slam (1967) which starred an international cast including Edward G. Robinson, Klaus Kinski, and Janet Leigh. His cinema career continued with Gott mit uns (1969), and Sacco and Vanzetti (1971), a film about the abuses of the military, judicial and religious power.

In 1982 he directed the colossal television miniseries Marco Polo, which won the Emmy Award for Outstanding Miniseries.(See here)

Giuliano Montaldo's works


Demoni di San Pietroburgo, I ------- (2008)
Stagioni dell'aquila, Le ------- (1997)
Tempo di uccidere ------- (1990)
Occhiali d'oro, Gli ------- (1987)
Giorno prima, Il ------- (1987)
Addio a Enrico Berlinguer, L' ------- (1984)
Giocattolo, Il ------- (1979)
Circuito chiuso ------- (1978)
Agnese va a morire, L' ------- (1976)
Giordano Bruno ------- (1973)
Sacco e Vanzetti ------- (1971)
Dio ?? con noi ------- (1969)
Intoccabili, Gli ------- (1968)
Ad ogni costo ------- (1967)
Bella grinta, Una ------- (1965)
Extraconiugale ------- (1964)
Tiro al piccione ------- (1962)


Caimano, Il ------- (2006)
Sacco and Vanzetti ------- (2006)
Eroe borghese, Un ------- (1995)
Lungo silenzio, Il ------- (1993)
Extraconiugale ------- (1964)
Assassino, L' ------- (1961)
Momento pi?? bello, Il ------- (1957)
Donna del giorno, La ------- (1956)
Ragazze di San Frediano, Le ------- (1955)
Sbandati, Gli ------- (1955)
Cronache di poveri amanti ------- (1954)
Ai margini della metropoli ------- (1952)
Achtung! Banditi! ------- (1951)


Demoni di San Pietroburgo, I ------- (2008)
Tempo di uccidere ------- (1990)
Occhiali d'oro, Gli ------- (1987)
Giorno prima, Il ------- (1987)
Giocattolo, Il ------- (1979)
Circuito chiuso ------- (1978)
Agnese va a morire, L' ------- (1976)
Giordano Bruno ------- (1973)
Sacco e Vanzetti ------- (1971)
Dio ?? con noi ------- (1969)
Intoccabili, Gli ------- (1968)
Bella grinta, Una ------- (1965)
Extraconiugale ------- (1964)
Orazi e curiazi ------- (1961)

Assistant Director

Battaglia di Algeri, La ------- (1966)
Assassino, L' ------- (1961)
Kap?? ------- (1959)
Grande strada azzurra, La ------- (1957)
????????? Giuliano Montaldo???????(??????1)
Turandot ------- (1983)


The Battle of Algiers (1965)
Gott mit us (1969)
Sacco and Vanzetti (1971)
Marco Polo (1982)
04-Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky (Russian: ??????? ???????????? ???????????????, F??dor Mihajlovi? Dostoevskij, pronounced [?f?od?r m???xajl?v??t? d?st??j?fsk??j] ( listen),[4] sometimes transliterated Dostoevsky, Dostoievsky, Dostojevskij, Dostoevski, Dostojevski or Dostoevskij (November 11, [O.S. October 30] 1821 ?C February 9, [O.S. January 28] 1881) was a Russian writer and essayist, known for his novels Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov.

Dostoyevsky's literary output explores human psychology in the troubled political, social and spiritual context of 19th-century Russian society. Considered by many as a founder or precursor of 20th-century existentialism, his Notes from Underground (1864), written in the embittered voice of the anonymous "underground man", was called by Walter Kaufmann the "best overture for existentialism ever written."[5] A prominent figure in world literature, Dostoyevsky is often acknowledged by critics as one of the greatest psychologists in world literature.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky and his novel "The double"
Family origins

Mariinsky Hospital in Moscow, Dostoyevsky's birthplace.Dostoyevsky's mother was Russian. His paternal ancestors were from a village called Dostoyev in Belarus, in the guberniya (province) of Minsk, not far from Pinsk; the stress on the family name was originally on the second syllable, matching that of the town (Dost??ev), but in the nineteenth century was shifted to the third syllable.[7] According to one account, Dostoyevsky's paternal ancestors were Polonized nobles (szlachta) of Ruthenian origin and went to war bearing Polish Radwan Coat of Arms. Dostoyevsky (Polish "Dostojewski") Radwan armorial bearings were drawn for the Dostoyevsky Museum in Moscow.[8]

Early life
Dostoyevsky was the second of six children born to Mikhail and Maria Dostoyevsky.[9] Dostoyevsky's father Mikhail was a retired military surgeon and a violent alcoholic, who had practiced at the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor in Moscow. The hospital was located in one of the city's worst areas; local landmarks included a cemetery for criminals, a lunatic asylum, and an orphanage for abandoned infants. This urban landscape made a lasting impression on the young Dostoyevsky, whose interest in and compassion for the poor, oppressed and tormented was apparent. Though his parents forbade it, Dostoyevsky liked to wander out to the hospital garden, where the suffering patients sat to catch a glimpse of sun. The young Dostoyevsky loved to spend time with these patients and hear their stories.......

(1846) Bednye lyudi (???????? ?????); English translation: Poor Folk
(1846) Dvojnik (?????????. ??????????????? ??????); English translation: The Double: A Petersburg Poem
(1849) Netochka Nezvanova (????????? ???????????); a proper feminine name, English transliteration: Netochka Nezvanova (Unfinished)
(1859) Dyadyushkin son (?????????? ????); English translation: The Uncle's Dream
(1859) Selo Stepanchikovo i ego obitateli (?????? ?????????????? ?? ???? ??????????); English translation: The Village of Stepanchikovo
(1861) Unizhennye i oskorblennye (??????????? ?? ?????????????); English translation: The Insulted and Humiliated
(1862) Zapiski iz mertvogo doma (????????? ??? ????????? ?????); English translation: The House of the Dead
(1864) Zapiski iz podpolya (????????? ??? ?????????); English translation: Notes from Underground
(1866) Prestuplenie i nakazanie (?????????????? ?? ??????????); English translation: Crime and Punishment
(1867) Igrok (???????); English translation: The Gambler
(1869) Idiot (???????); English translation: The Idiot
(1870) Vechnyj muzh (???????? ????); English translation: The Eternal Husband
(1872) Besy (??????); English translation: The Possessed
(1875) Podrostok (???????????); English translation: The Raw Youth
(1881) Brat'ya Karamazovy (???????? ????????????); English translation: The Brothers Karamazov (here)
Another relative movie in our site "Partner/Il Sosia" >>>>
05-Play in online of the movie
Play in online of the movie 109'34" (Here)
06-About Download the movie
Original movie is with FLV format 109'39" 191.2M Italian dun Embedded Chinese subtitle
The movie is provided to download for our member period Sep.10-30,2010
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