Morricone's Commentary Column2 MC2-019-eng

Characteristic instruments used by Morricone-19-Xylophone
1. History: The xylophone has a long history and different legends. The Vienna Symphony Library says a similar hanging wooden instrument existed in 2000 BC in what is now part of China. Another theory is that it originated in Southeast Asia and spread to Africa around 500 AD. Another theory is that it originated in Africa. Evidence found there shows the unique characteristics of the African xylophone and xylophone-like instruments. The first mention of the xylophone in Europe was in the 16th century. Initially, the performer sits on the ground, stretches his legs straight forward, and strikes with the wooden block across his legs. This kind of xylophone is called a leg xylophone. After the improvement, the wooden block is placed on a semicircular frame, and the player hangs it from the neck to the waist to strike. This type of xylophone is called a ring xylophone. A further xylophone is that an open gourd is placed under each wooden block as a resonator. This type of xylophone can be called a scoop xylophone. The modern xylophone is an improvement on the scoop-type xylophone, which uses a wooden or metal tube instead of a gourd as a resonator. By the 19th century, this instrument was often used as a solo instrument by touring performers. Around 1830, after the Russian performer Gusikov played the xylophone with a high degree of skill, the xylophone gradually became appreciated by people and aroused the interest of famous composers such as Mendelssohn, Chopin, and Liszt.0102
2. Structure: The basic structure of the xylophone is composed of a number of long and gradually short hardwood sound bars arranged in parallel on a shelf. There are two types of band xylophones. The more common one is the vertical type. That is, the sound bars are arranged in two rows like the black and white keys of a piano. A xylophone with a resonance tube has a circular metal resonance tube of different lengths under each sound bar. It is installed under each sound bar and functions like a resonance box of a stringed instrument to enhance and extend the sound emitted by the sound bar; the sound bar Arranged in a certain order, the range is three and a half to four octaves. When playing the xylophone, two wooden mallets are used to strike the sound bars. The sound quality is cold and has a frozen texture.

3. Characteristics: The xylophone is played with a small hard-head mallet or soft-head mallet held in both hands to produce sound. When played with a mallet, it can produce a woody, hard and cold sound with less residual sound and a cold sound. It is very suitable for playing various forms of sounds, such as arpeggios, slides, vibrato, rolls, double stops, jumps and even A technical phrase that jumps in from a distance. The xylophone is often used in the band in cold, landscape, weird and other types of music passages. In the second half of the 19th century, it entered the percussion section of most symphony orchestras. It was first used by French composer C. Saint-Saëns in his "Dance of Death", where its high notes were used to represent corpses. The eerie shaking sound of a skeleton. Most composers of the 20th century have used xylophones, such as G. Mahler's "Sixth Symphony", R. Strauss's "Salome" and D. Shostakovich's "Fifth Symphony", "Jazz Suite No. 2" and other works

Sound example See here

Attachment: The difference between xylophone and marimba

Both xylophones and marimba belong to the xylophone percussion family, and their basic formulas are similar, that is, wooden keys are placed on the resonance tube and struck with piano sticks to produce melody, and sometimes both are called xylophones, but their development The processes are different, and the structures are also significantly different. The two cannot be confused.

Shape and Size: The xylophone has a narrow range and therefore is smaller. Marimba has a wider vocal range, so it is larger.

Sound characteristics: The xylophone has a high range, crisp and bright tone, and strong penetrating power. Marimba has a lower range, rich and mellow timbre, and a long lingering sound.

Sound range: The sound range of xylophone generally has 3 groups, 3 and a half groups, 4 groups or 4 groups of semi-tone ranges. The sound range of marimba generally has 4 groups, 4.3 groups, 4.6 groups or 5 groups of sound ranges. The actual pitch of the xylophone matches the notation, while the marimba is played an octave lower than notation.

Hammers: Xylophones generally use harder hammers, and the hammerheads are not wire-wrapped. Marimba's hammers are relatively soft, and the hammer heads are wrapped with wool. There are many varieties and models, and the degree of softness and hardness varies greatly.

Soundboard and resonant tube: The soundboard of the xylophone is narrow, the soundboard width of the treble and bass is not much different, the resonant tube is short and small in diameter. The soundboard of marimba is wider, the soundboard width of treble and bass is very different, and the resonance tube is long and large in diameter.

Cultural and Historical Background: Marimba has deep cultural significance in Latin America and the Caribbean, has strong ties to African traditions, and is often used in the ceremonies of some Indian tribes. Xylophone does not have such cultural background and historical significance.See here

Comparison of timbre between the two
Xylophone See here
Marimba See here

4. Example of Morricone's music

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