电影及导演 Name and Director
Below the introduction from auther's website |
About the movie: Hidden in the pastures of the lands of cancello, deep in the cultivated fields and gardens of the neopolitan hinterland, dwell the goat-herders-a people who ekes out life day by day,grazing their wherever grass, leafy branches and foliage may be found. The clan of Don Giulini, the old patriarch,has not virtually become a tribe comprised of sons and grandsons,relatives and family. They all live in the grand old farmhouse, besieged by the hostility advancing progress which seems to be getting the upper hand and by the rising crime that is beginning to create pockets of powe and privilege . The war has just ended. Weapons can often be found in the countryside. The conflict between the goat-herders and the peasants is becoming ever harsher, because the goat herders are now fighting for their very survival. Feelings and passion often overpower reason, but the goat-herders seem to be stoically carved in stone, as they march single-mindedly toward their goal bearing their weapons and armed with their ancient rules and principles with dignified poverty. The score is a tango: the tango of the goat-herders, a death tango from Argentina-a promised land where many of them have already immigrated and which will ultimately welcome the survivors of Don Giulini's family. Almost everyone is destined to leave. Don Giulini's son, Batino, will stay behind. He has now become a guardian of the coulds, who refuses to give in to the idea of abandoning his land and his memories. "Guardians of the Coulds" narrates the violent epic of a goat-herder family in the Neopolitan countryside in the 1950's, during the era when farming and pastoral patriarchal communities were destined to disappear together with their rich historical and cultural heritage, overcome by technical and industrial progress. A fascinating, virtually unknown chapter of recent italian history, narrated with passion and strong feeling. Golden Piramvd at Cairo international Film Festival 2004 (Here) |
About the novel: GUARDIANS OF THE CLOUDS, 1999
di Angelo Cannavacciuolo- Baldini Castoldi Dalai Editore
An epic story and captivating novel, in the manner of latin-american novels: "The house of spirits" by Isabel Allende, "Love in the time of cholera" by Marquez, and also recalls " I malavoglia Verga. The novel is both intimate and laced whit an underlying. The story of an existence caught between primary needs, feeling and affections which are not only significant but leave indelible marks. As in epic tale, the novel tells the story of the impoverishment and disintegration of a country family and the loss of cultural identity between emigration to Argentina and the emergence , immediately after the Second World War, of first insistent industrial measures. The protagonist, Batino, travels by bus to the neighbouring country and recalls his family's trenuouse fight for survival, the backbreaking work under terrible conditions, the discovery of love in a city brothel, pain of this father's sudden death,the smell of wet gras, the second of the flock's hooves and the shouts of the goatherds carried by the wind. Is the story of men who were different and unique, who were defeated and saw their existence vanish without a trace, But,as, the writer says, men who were in any case only transitory bodies, and not transitory men, because they are remembered after death by a collective memory born of an eternal code of suffering and consecreted joyless habits. What is new about this novel is the style, both dry and remorseless, documented and anti-naturalist, with which the auther follow his character and, through him, the reason and the unreasonableness of life. This is the novel of Angelo Cannavacciuolo, and was among the finalist in the viareggio Book Award and the Giuseppe Berto Book Award in 1999, and won the premio Italiano all'Estero at the Festaval du Premier Roman at Chambery in France. (Here) |
The raw history of an South-east Italian family in 1952's, among poorness and the fight to survive. (Here)
In un piccolo paese alle porte di Napoli, nel 1962, il pastore Batino, ultimo rappresentante di una categoria quasi estinta, cerca di rintracciare il ragionier La Rocca, dopo avergli pagato una tangente nella speranza, andata delusa, di ottenere un posto di lavoro. Il viaggio che deve intraprendere diviene occasione di riflessione sulla vita sua e dei suoi amici, molti dei quali sono sono emigrati in Argentina nella speranza di una vita migliore. Le angherie subite lo spingono ad assumere il compito di giustiziere finché non arriva a prendere coscienza del suo ruolo di vinto che rende vana anche la vendetta. (Here)
Italia: Siamo a Napoli nel 1962. Batino è l’ultimo rappresentante di un gruppo di pastori che cerca di rintracciare un politicante senza scrupoli, il ragionier La Rocca, che gli aveva promesso un posto di lavoro dietro pagamento di una tangente dileguandosi poi nel nulla. Il viaggio che deve intraprendere diviene occasione di riflessione sulla sua vita. Cercherà di uccidere La Rocca ma fallirà e il suo viaggio finirà in una definitiva presa di coscienza del suo ruolo di sconfitto facendogli apparire del tutto inutile il suo gesto... (Here)
Guardiani delle nuvole è un film del 2004, diretto dal regista Luciano Odorisio, e tratto dall'omonimo romanzo di Angelo Cannavacciuolo. Il film ha vinto la Piramide d'oro, primo premio del Festival Internazionale del Cinema del Cairo, nel 2004.
Questo film è riconosciuto come d'interesse culturale nazionale dalla Direzione generale per il cinema del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali italiano, in base alla delibera ministeriale del 11 febbraio 2002.(Here) |
编者注: 电影根据意大利作家安吉洛 卡纳瓦肖卢(Angelo Cannavacciuolo)的同名小说改编(见右图).是由2002年2月11日意大利内阁会议决定拍摄的一部有关意大利文化遗产的电影。影片2004年在开罗国际电影节获金字塔奖.
本站简译: 这是一部史诗般的故事,讲述二十世纪下半叶一个意大利普通家庭鲜为人知的境遇变迁.二战结束以后,拿坡里地区仍不平静,暴力犯罪时有发生,农民和牧民之间冲突不断.为了摆脱贫穷和灾难,一个贫困的牧民家庭决定移民到阿根廷,只有唐朱利尼的儿子巴廷留下来成为云的守护者.他拒绝放弃他的土地和对往事的回忆,他的命运将是如何呢 .... |
The film begins in the 1980s Soviet Union. Two best friends, Orlov and Muravyev, are serving at the Black Sea Navy Base in Sevastopol, Crimea. Both fall in love with one beautiful girl Nelly, and their friendship suffers a first blow. Because she picks Muravyev, his friend Orlov struggles with an inferiority complex and becomes a secretive alcoholic. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, both friends are transferred to the Northern Fleet on the Polar Ocean. One day their sub is performing a routine training. A disturbed WWII mine slowly moves on a collision course with the sub. A mighty blast knocks down everyone inside the wrecked sub, 72 meters below the sea level. Then ensues a nerve-racking struggle for survival. (Here) |
俄罗斯新灾难片,影片根据俄前海军将领Alexander Pokrovsky回忆录改编,部分情节取材自2000年俄罗斯核潜艇“库尔斯克”号沉船事件,描写搁浅在海底72米深处的潜艇船员进行自我拯救的故事,主演马拉特·巴沙罗夫,导演弗拉基米尔·霍金年科,该片配乐由电影音乐教父恩尼奥·莫里康内担任。(这里) |
更多情节请见本站电影页 More see the page in our site |
What to do when at the age of thirty you have not yet found the right man for yourself? Well, Lorenza has decided: fake is always better then nothing. If you can rent nearly everything today, why not a fiancé? Of course without any sentimental or sexual involvement…. “ 8 a.m. you wake me up with sweet words; 10 a.m.: tell me you love me…”, every moment of the day is laid out by Lorenza’s strict schedule, and Riccardo, an outgoing musician who is always broke, feels choked in this work’s cage.
But… one can plan everything, except the person that you will fall in love. A moment of distraction and a night full of stars is enough for the unique clause of the agreement to go to hell. Only sex, love or an illusion of pretence? Maybe it has only been foolishness, but to make Lorenza come back to her senses she encounters Destiny: Giulio, a beautiful and fascinating dentist, who is perfect as he is, without any need of scheduling, woe betide you to let him go. Firing Riccardo is neither easy nor fast. Unforeseeable and vindictive as much or even more of a real “ex”, Riccardo does everything he can to break the new relation, but at the end he has to give up and disappears.
Life with Giulio proceeds according to Lorenza’s expectations… and her mother’s too. But something is still missing. What is love? Harmony or chaos? Lorenza cannot give an answer to it, maybe because this is the first time that she feel like that … The past is written, but not the future: and if you need to invent it, better do it with imagination. It is enough not to be afraid and to know what you really want. Lorenza has taken a new decision: better nothing than fake. She leaves Giulio to reconquer Riccardo. But does he love her? Will he still want her? Lorenza is ready to take the risk.(Here)
Italian: Lorenza ha 30 anni, single e alla ricerca disperata di un uomo, ma se non riesce a trovarne uno perch? non affittarlo? L'occasione le capita con Riccardo, trombettista che essendo in crisi economica accetta non sapendo che quello che sembra un gioco divertente presto si riveler? una prigione soffocante.(Here)
Lorenza, trentenne avvenente ma ancora single, decide di prendersi un fidanzato "in affitto" per mettere a tacere le malelingue delle amiche e della madre. Incontra così Riccardo, trombettista squattrinato, che accetta di essere pagato per far finta di essere il fidanzato di Lorenza. Naturalmente, la situazione precipita: gradualmente, Riccardo e Lorenza capiscono di essersi davvero innamorati l'uno dell'altra, ma quando la loro relazione sta prendendo piede, Lorenza incontra Giulio, un dentista affascinante e ricchissimo che le fa una corte spietata fino a farla cedere. Naturalmente Riccardo, imprevedibile e stralunato, tornerà alla carica per riconquistarla, e Lorenza scoprirà che la naturalezza di Riccardo ha una marcia in più. E' una commediola agro-dolce dai buoni sentimenti, l'esordio alla regia del figlio di Ennio Morricone, che una volta vista si dimentica in fretta. E questo, nonostante lo spreco di ottimi attori come Pierfrancesco Favino e Sabrina Impacciatore, ed uno script tutto sommato coerente e gradevole. Inutile la presenza del bellimbusto Pierre Cosso, redivivo dopo vent'anni dal "Tempo delle mele". (Here)
Note: Original Music by Andrea Morricone and Ennio Morricone
Giovanni Morricone, graduated in Political Science in Rome in 1992 and obtained a Master’s in directing and set design in 1999 at Columbia University in New York. He has directed various short films, documentaries and a dozen of episodes of the soap opera “Un posto al sole” produced by RAItre. “Al cuore si comanda” is his first experience as a director of film for cinema.(Here)
本站简译: 年已三十的洛琳是一个事业有成的女人,但是她还没找到自己的那一半,面对来自家庭和社会的压力,他决定先租一个未婚夫来应付门面.当然,不能有任何感情和性麻烦.身无分文的小号手理查德同意担当这个角色,但是天长日久,事情的发展远远超出了他(她)们的打算....
编者注: 此片由莫里康内之子乔万尼导演,并由其子安德列和莫里康内共同谱曲.可谓是一部莫老全家福作品,值得关注
关于乔万尼 莫里康内: 乔万尼 莫里康内,1992年毕业于罗马行政科学院并获得硕士学位,1999年在纽约哥伦比亚大学学习.他已经导演了几部短电影,记录片和很多肥皂剧."情可自禁"是他导演的第一部影院电影(这里)
电影及导演 Name and Director
Siamo all'inizio del 1500. La Corte Estense è in subbuglio per la morte di Ercole I. I suoi quattro figli - Alfonso, Ippolito, Giulio e Ferrante - sfoderano gelosie e rancori sopiti, mentre indugiano tra festini e cortigiane. L'emotività si scatena in occasione di una festa. Ippolito, futuro cardinale, rifiutato dalla bella Angiola che gli preferisce Giulio, ordina di sfigurare il fratello, complice a sua volta di Ferrante nel tentativo, subito smascherato, di uccidere Alfonso. I colpevoli sono condannati a morte con esecuzione sulla pubblica piazza ma, in quanto fratelli, vengono graziati all'ultimo momento e vengono condannati al carcere a vita. Sullo sfondo Moschino - un povero giullare prima al servizio di Giulio, poi di Alfonso - si trova coinvolto nelle vicende di corte. Solo due persone avranno a cuore il suo destino: Ludovico Ariosto, intellettuale di corte, e la prostituta Martina.(Here)
"In definitiva il film si risolve in un saggio - per niente pedante - sui prodromi di una lotta di classe che troverà i suoi strumenti e le sue espressioni molti secoli più tardi. Coadiuvato da collaboratori di pregio (fotografia di Maurizio Calvesi, musica di Morricone, scenografia e costumi di Burchiellaro e Lia Morandini) il regista ci restituisce una ricostruzione d'ambiente non sfarzosa ma ricercata esprimendo la volontà di rispondere, da intellettuale oltre che da artista, a un bisogno. Rianimare lo scenario di un paese-museo che il mondo ci ammira e il nostro cinema non valorizza abbastanza per farne spettacolo: intelligente, colto, raffinato, come questo è, ma spettacolo." (Paolo D'Agostini, 'la Repubblica', 15 aprile 2005)"Ben tornato a Florestano Vancini, classe '26, l'autore della 'Lunga notte del '43', qui con una nuova storia ferrarese rinascimentale, una feroce rivalità dinastica alla corte degli Estensi, dove una nidiata di figlioli si spartisce il regno di Alfonso, succeduto a Ercole, mentre messer Ariosto compone versi in onore del duca Ippolito. Tutto il bene e tutto il male di quel mondo è visto con gli occhi del buffone di corte, il bravissimo fool Manlio Dovì. Fosco Rinascimento, prodigo di atrocità verso il popolo. Un ritratto sociale tradizionalmente ben fatto, il tassello mancante ma essenziale alla lunga storia di ingiustizie raccontata da Vancini col suo cinema civile che va da Bronte al delitto Matteotti." (Maurizio Porro, 'Corriere della Sera', 23 aprile 2005) (Here) |
本站简译: 电影讲述十六世纪初叶文艺复兴时期骄奢淫逸的宫廷生活和埃斯特法院一宗贵族家庭四个子女之间出于嫉妒,不满和复杂的恩怨而爆发的你死我活的谋杀案件
编者注: 此电影在IMDB的名字为E ridendo l'uccise ,其含意与E sorridendo la uccise相似 |
Stars |
Marcell Nagy |
Béla Dóra |
Bálint Péntek |
Country |
Hongrie | Allemagne | UK | Isra?l |
Runtime |
USA:140 min | Canada:140 min (Vancouver International Film Festival) | Canada:134 min (Toronto International Film Festival) | Argentine:140 min |
Date |
3 mai 2006 (France) |
An Hungarian youth comes of age at Buchenwald during World War II. Gyorgy Koves is 14, the son of a merchant who's sent to a forced labor camp. After his father's departure, Gy?rgy gets a job at a brickyard; his bus is stopped and its Jewish occupants sent to camps. There, Gyorgy find camaraderie, suffering, cruelty, illness, and death. He hears advice on preserving one's dignity and self-esteem. He discovers hatred. If he does survive and returns to Budapest, what will he find? What is natural; what is it to be a Jew? Sepia, black and white, and color alternate to shade the mood. (Here)
国际各大电影节获得颇丰的匈牙利电影。这部电影是根据2002年诺贝尔文学奖获奖者:匈牙利作家伊姆雷·凯尔泰斯(Imre Kertgsz),于1975年发表的处女作Sorstalansag(英文译为《Fateless》)改编。瑞典文学院发表的新闻公报说,凯尔泰斯通过在作品中描述自己的亲身经历,孜孜不倦地探索了这样一个主题,即一个人在自己所属的群体被迫屈服于社会强权的时代是如何生活和思考问题的。在纳粹分子疯狂迫害匈牙利犹太人的黑暗时期,还是一个少年的凯尔泰斯在集中营里渡过了4年的痛苦岁月。集中营的生活使凯尔泰斯对人类的本质和生存状态产生了严肃的思考,为他日后的文学创作打下了基础。颁奖评语是这样总结的:“以表彰他对脆弱的个人在对抗强大的野蛮强权时痛苦经历的深刻刻划以及他独特的自传体文学风格?quot;凯尔泰斯1929年出生在匈牙利首都布达佩斯一个犹太人家庭。1944年,他被关进了德国纳粹分子设在波兰的奥斯威辛集中营,后来又被转移到德国境内的布痕瓦尔德集中营,1948年返回匈牙利。他在报社工作过,并长期从事文学翻译工作,主要翻译德国作家的作品,这对他后来的文学创作产生了很大的影响。他曾荣获过包括德国布兰登堡文学奖在内的多项国际文学奖。 |
更多情节请见本站电影页 More see the page in our site |
电影及导演 Name and Director
NA-0501 Il Cuore nel Pozzo - TV / The Heart in the Well (Alberto Negrini) / 岩洞里的心 |
La fiction è prodotta dalla Rai Fiction e Rizzoli Audiovisivi. La storia è incentrata sulla fuga di un gruppo di bambini dai partigiani di Tito, ambientata negli ultimi anni della Seconda guerra mondiale. Il consulente storico del film è il Prof. Giovanni Sabbatucci docente di Storia Contemporanea presso l'Università La Sapienza di Roma.Siamo in Istria nel 1943, quando ormai era caduto il fascismo dell'Italia e le truppe e i corpi di polizia erano disorientati dalla situazione. In questa atmosfera, i partigiani di Tito marciano verso Trieste per conquistare terreno e prendere i territori italiani della Dalmazia e dell'Istria. Giunge qui Novak, uno di questi partigiani, per ritrovare il figlio Carlo, avuto da una donna italiana, Giulia, che aveva violentato anni prima. La donna nasconde allora il figlio nell'orfanotrofio di Don Bruno e preferisce morire per mano dello stesso Novak piuttosto che rivelare il nascondiglio del figlio. Segue poi una rincorsa dei partigiani alla caccia dei bambini dell'orfanotrofio che, guidati da Don Bruno, arrivano verso zone di confine più sicure e meno battute dai partigiani slavi.Con l'aiuto di Ettore, un reduce alpino, di Anja, di Walter che però verrà ucciso (come poi anche Novak), rappresentante del Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale, dei soldati italiani e con la morte di Don Bruno, riusciranno comunque a salvarsi. (Here)Il Cuore nel Pozzo (Italian for The heart in the pit; often reported in Croatian media with the translation Srce u jami and in Slovene Srce v breznu) is a TV movie, produced by state broadcaster RAI, that focuses on the escape of a group of children from Tito's partisans in the aftermath of World War II, as they start an ethnic cleansing of all Italians from Istria and the Julian March. The word "pit" in the movie's title refers to a foiba, indicating foibe massacres.
The movie was watched by 17 million people on its first broadcast in Italy. It was the first time that a major TV event was broadcast in Italy about the dramas of Foibe and Istrian Exodus.(Here)
Plot: People Returning--April 1945. The Nazi army is losing the war and Tito's Yugoslav partisans are rapidly gaining ground.Giulia is a woman who lives by singing in a tavern, in an unnamed village in what appears to be an ethnically Italian area of Istria. She had, six years before, a child, Carlo, from Novak, a Slav who has now become a partisan leader. It appears that Novak had raped Giulia, but Novak will later claim Giulia reported him to the police to get rid of him: the Italian police would rather believe an Italian woman than a Slavic man. The movie does not give a clear answer to which version is true. Novak comes back to Giulia to claim his child, but she refuses to give him to Novak; she attracts the attention of German soldiers, and Novak must flee.Francesco is an 8-year old child, only son of physician Giorgio Bottini and music schoolteacher Marta. He lives with his parents in the same village as Giulia and Carlo. He meets Ettore, an Alpino who is tired of war and drops his rifle in disgust when Francesco mentions that he likes heroes of war. Ettore has come back to meet again Anja, his girlfriend, who is slavic and works at Don Bruno's orphanage. New Masters: Fearing for Carlo's safety, Giulia burns all his pictures so that Novak will not be able to recognize him, and gives Carlo to Don Bruno, the local priest, who takes him into his orphanage. Meanwhile, the Germans leave the village, which is taken shortly afterwards by the partisans. Novak enters a school, interrupting a music lesson of Francesco's mother, and orders all Italian books to be burnt. From this point, Novak will usually whistle the song the children were singing at various parts in the movie, making it his leitmotiv. At the same time, Francesco's father is threatened by Bostjan, Novak's henchman, and is forced to leave his clinic because he is Italian.Don Bruno has to give Carlo to Francesco's family, because he thinks his orphanage is too dangerous for him. Francesco and Carlo become officially brothers, even if Francesco at first rejects him......(More see here) |
编者注: Foiba(复数 Foibe)是一个地质学的名词.泛指在卡斯特(石灰岩)地质区自然形成的深坑或洞穴.The Foibe killings (或Foibe massacres) (意大利语 Foiba di Basovizza) 则是特指在二战末期和二战以后的数年中,在毗邻意大利东北角的前南斯拉夫克罗地亚和斯洛文尼亚伊斯特拉半岛(Istria)地区发生的以南斯拉夫游击队和武装力量为主的针对当地意大利人的群体清洗和杀戮.由于被害者的遗体大多被抛弃在当地广泛存在的不知名的Foiba的岩洞中,因此这一事件被统称为The Foibe killings (或Foibe massacres) . 尽管历史学家对其详情仍有若干争论(例如对遇害人数的估计由数百人到数千人甚至上万人不等),但对其总体的历史是认同的.在意大利的里雅斯特建有岩洞大屠杀纪念馆.这一部电影(TV)就是反应这一历史事件的.故事的详细情节读者可以自行阅读这里.这部电视剧由意大利国家电视台Rai TV拍摄.它是意大利第一部反应这一事件的电视剧.在Rai TV首播时全意大利有1700万人收看,占全国6000万人口近三分之一. |
Luca Zingaretti stars in this story based on real events surrounding the fate of Italian soldiers stationed on the Greek Isles during WWII. When over 500 officers and 11,000 Italian soldiers deployed between Kefalonia and Corfu receive the news that their country has sought an armistice, their thoughts turn to home and a reunion with their families. But their initial elation soon turns to gloom, however, when they learn that their former German allies have issued them with an ultimatum to surrender or fight.
(Here) |
而此时,菲丽娜失踪多年的丈夫米卡兰作为纽约抵抗组织成员也秘密地来到了小岛。萨德雷欧在非常时期,面临着感情上的困境,并决定成全米卡兰和自己爱的女人。但多年的等待已让菲丽娜心灰意冷,她毅然放弃可以和丈夫去纽约过太平日子的机会,选择留在萨德雷欧的身边。德国军队的末日即将临近,收到盟军即将登陆作战的消息,意大利军官们想尽办法配合盟军作战,终于取得成功。1286名幸存的意大利士兵带着战争荣誉和阿古依师的军旗返回了家乡(这里) |
更多情节请见本站电影页 More see the page in our site |
Stars |
Piotr Adamczyk |
Malgorzata Bela |
Ken Duken |
Country |
Pologne | Italie |
Runtime |
155 min (theatrical version) | 180 min (2 parts) (version TV) | USA:240 min (including commercials) | Argentine:186 min |
Date |
18 avril 2005 (Italie) |
The life of the pope John-Paul II, from his youth as a writer, actor, and athlete in war-torn occupied Poland to his election as Pope at the age of 58. (Here) |
意大利制作人一部关于罗马教皇约翰保罗二世的独立电影,内容是讲述这位教皇前半生的事迹。电影将会在明年三月在意大利各电视台播放,还会分开两部分播出,每部分大约会长达九十分钟。这部讲述罗马教皇约翰保罗二世的电影是用1930年做故事的背景,而地点是瓦多维采,这也是教皇出生的地方,故事是根据意大利作家写下的教皇生平资料作为创作蓝本,而电影是会由他的童年开始说起,直至描述他在58岁那年被选为教皇。32岁来自波兰的演员皮奥塔亚当斯札克就是饰演教皇这个角色,他在今年八月份还与真正的教皇会面。他称对于波兰人来说,教皇就像一个国家英雄,他改写了人民的历史,亚当斯札克更对于自己有幸能有机会演绎教皇一角感到十分高兴。亚当斯札克表示教皇原本的志愿不是想当一名神父,而是一名演员,但大战之后促使他改变了志愿,他眼见人民受苦,很怜悯他们,于是他决定当一位神父,希望可以帮助他们逃离苦痛。电影的制作人已经开始进行拍摄,例如,他们拍下了教皇年轻时曾在湖里划艇,因为教皇年轻时是一位划艇的运动员。制作人稍后更会在意大利梵谛冈一带进行拍摄工作,这样电影会较为迫真。男主角亚当斯札克主要是参与剧院演出,除了今次饰演教皇之外,他也饰演过十九世纪闻名于世的音乐家肖邦。他表示相比之下,演绎罗马教皇时好像有更大的责任感。(这里) |
更多情节请见本站电影页 More see the page in our site |
Lucia Set in a working class neighborhood in Rome, Lucia tells of a young widow who has to fend for herself in the dramatic historical context of the Post-War years. (Here)
sabrine ferilli interpreta lucia, una donna rimasta vedova molto giovane, che, nei difficili anni del secondo dopoguerra, deve lottare per sopravvivere. al suo fianco, nei panni di un sindacalista, stefano dionisi. (Here)
本站简译: 在罗马工人阶级居民区,露茜娅讲述战后的艰苦年代,一个年轻的寡妇为自己挣扎谋生的戏剧性故事 |
电影及导演 Name and Director
NA-0601 Bartali - TV / Gino Bartali - L'intramontabile (TV 2006) (Alberto Negrini) / 永恒的巴尔塔利 |
Italian racing cyclist star Gino Bartali is about to retire when his brother Giulio is killed in a racing accident. Brother Leone, for whom he ran errands for the resistance during the war, persuades him not to throw in the towel. In 1948, after a failed assassination attempt on the life of Italian Communist Party leader Palmiro Togliatti, the Prime Minister of the time, De Gasperi, asks Gino Bartali to help restore authority in the country by winning the Tour de France. After a poor start, Bartali carries the day. (Here)
本站简译: 意大利自行车赛车明星吉诺 巴塔利即将退休时,他的弟弟朱利奥在一次赛车事故中丧生。在1948年一次针对意大利共产党领导人陶里亚蒂的未遂暗杀以后,当时的总理加斯佩里要求巴塔利参加并赢得在法国举行的一场巡回赛以帮助国家恢复权威.... |
New TV Movie directed by Pasquale Pozzessere, starring Sabrina Ferilli, Stefano Dionisi, Enzo Decaro, Lisa Gastoni e Barbara Bouchet. It is a thriller (taken by the original thriller written by Moravia) set in the countryside of Italy in the 50's. It is about the controversial Montesi murder. (Here)
‘Il mio personaggio? Gemma è una giovane ragazza in sospeso. In attesa di cose che poi non avvengono. E tutto è avvolto dall’atmosfera chiusa tipica della provincia’- così parla Sabrina Ferilli alla presentazione de La Provinciale, film di Pasquale Pozzessere che la vede protagonista, in onda su Raiuno domenica 30 aprile e lunedì 1 maggio alle 21.00. ‘Girare questa mini serie tv è stata l’occasione per raccontare personaggi e provincia dei primi anni Cinquanta in un’Italia che faceva i primi passi verso La dolce vita' - ha dichiarato il regista.Liberamente tratta dall’opera letteraria 'La Provinciale' di Alberto Moravia edita da Bompiani Editore, la fiction ha un illustre precedente, il film omonimo diretto da Mario Soldati nel 1953 e interpretato da Gina Lollobrigida. La storia, a metà strada tra romanzo sentimentale e indagine poliziesca, è quella di una ingenua ragazza di origini modeste, desiderosa di fama e mondanità, che insegue il sogno di far parte del bel mondo. Ma proprio quell’alta società che lei si illudeva di sfruttare la renderà sua inerme vittima. A fare da sfondo alla vicenda una cittadina, rassicurante e un po’ ipocrita, in cui tutti sanno molto più di quanto non dicano e in cui ognuno sembra nascondere qualche scheletro nell’armadio. L’atmosfera, ricca di suspence, è decisamente noir, tanto che la produzione ha definito il film un ‘L.A. Confidential’ nostrano. Accanto alla Ferilli, nel ruolo del professor Vittorio Vagnuzzi, infelice e innamoratissimo marito, sposato senza alcun trasporto sentimentale, c’è Stefano Dionisi. Nel cast anche Enzo Decaro, Cosimo Fusco, Roberto Nobile e con Barbara Bouchet, Antonio Petrocelli, David Sebasti, Valentina Tomada, Francesca Prandi, Stefano Sabelli, Daniela Terreri. La prima puntata si apre con l’incontro tra la bellissima Gemma Foresi e il suo futuro sposo. Intanto sulla battigia di una spiaggia c’è il cadavere di Elvira Coceanu, donna cinica che vive di ricatti e angherie, accarezzato dalle onde del mare... (Here)
Vicenda, stile Madame Bovary, di Gemma, figlia d'un affittacamere, che, non potendo sposare l'uomo che ama, suo fratellastro segreto, va a nozze con un tizio che non ama, e si lascia poi invischiare nelle manovre di una losca contessa che si installa in casa sua.
Dopo un amore impossibile Gemma sposa Franco. Si mette in mezzo una losca contessa dalla nefasta influenza, ma se ne liberano e imparano ad amarsi.(Here) |
本站简译: 影片设置在二十世纪五十年代意大利的农村,它与那件著名的蒙泰西谋杀案有关.参见此页的NA-7904 (7914) Dietro il processo - Episodes: Il caso Pasolini, Il caso Montesi (Franco Biancacci)-TV (直译 幕后情节:帕索里尼 蒙泰西案件) |
NA-0603 Giovanni Falcone, l'uomo che sfidò Cosa Nostra - TV (Antonio e Andrea Frezzia) / 乔瓦尼 法尔科内,挑战诺斯特拉的人 |
Giovanni Falcone (18 May 1939 – 23 May 1992) was an Sicilian/Italian prosecuting magistrate born in Palermo, Sicily. From his office in the Palace of Justice in Palermo, he spent most of his professional life trying to overthrow the power of the Mafia in Sicily. After a long and distinguished career, culminating in the famous Maxi Trial, he was killed by the Corleonesi Mafia in May 1992, on the motorway near the town of Capaci.[1]
His life parallels that of his closest friend Paolo Borsellino. Both men spent their early years in the same poor neighbourhood in Palermo. And though many of their childhood friends grew up to be Mafia figures, both men fought on the other side of the war as prosecuting magistrates. They were both assassinated with the use of car bombs within months of each other.[1] In recognition of their tireless effort and sacrifice during the anti-mafia trials, they were both awarded the Italian "Medaglia d'oro al valore civile" (Gold medal for civil valor) in 1992. They were also named as heroes of the last 60 years in the 13 November 2006, issue of Time Magazine (Here) |
Giovanni Falcone (18 May 1939 – 23 May 1992) |
This political docudrama follows the real-life circumstances that led to the assassination of the anti-Mafia crusading judge Giovanni Falcone (Michele Placido) and his wife, in addition to the assassination of another such judge. A number of high-ranking Italian public figures were under investigation by the judge for their alleged association with the Mafia (and hence with these "hits") and they threatened lawsuits to prevent this film from being made or shown. Some small changes were made to prevent libel suits from being filed. Much of the dialogue comes directly from official documents in the cases the judge was prosecuting. It is interesting to note that, in interviews filmed for U.S. television, the judge acknowledged that his and his wife's lives were in danger, but he felt that the possibility reducing the power of the Sicilian mafia in Italy was worth the risk. ~ Clarke Fountain, Rovi(Here) |
1992年5月23日 意大利著名法官法尔科内遭黑手党暗害 |
5月23日下午,意大利司法部刑法司长、被视作反黑手党“旗帜”的著名法官乔瓦尼-法尔科内在西西里岛被黑手党炸死.当天下午6点,法尔科内法官夫妇乘专机从罗马飞抵西西里岛的巴勒莫市机场,准备回家度周末。下飞机后他自己驾驶防弹车,在前后两辆警卫的护卫下驶向市区。在距市区20公里处,黑手党人预先埋藏在公路下一个行人通道里的一吨梯炸药被遥控引爆,顿时,尘土飞扬,长达400米的高速公路被严重破坏,法尔科内法官的座车和其它7部车辆被炸翻。开道车上的3名警卫也当场被炸死。法尔科内被害事件震惊了整个意大利,数以百万计的意大利人举行抗议性大罢工,谴责黑手党的罪行.距法尔科内遇害不到两个月,1992年7月19日,另一位意大利著名法官保罗-博尔塞利诺和5名警卫人员,又被黑手党炸死在巴勒莫市中心. (见这里 01, 02, 03, 04) |
上图: 法尔科内遇难现场 |
NA-0604 Un Papa rimasto uomo - tv / Karol - The Pope, the Man (Giacomo Battiato) / 教皇其人 |
Karol: The Pope, The Man is a 2006 TV miniseries chronicling Pope John Paul II's life as pope, directed by Giacomo Battiato. It is the sequel to the TV miniseries Karol: A Man Who Became Pope, which portrayed John Paul's life before the papacy.(Here)
Karol II tells the story of Jean Paul II - one of the most recognised and loved Popes in history. It is an account of his life from the time he was elected Pope until he died in 2005.
An incredibly human portrait of an extraordinary man - a story of leadership, love, commitment and courage that will keep the memory of Jean Paul alive and well for generations to come.(Here) |
本站简译: 这部电影是NA-0503 (0513) Un uomo diventato Papa - TV /Karol: A Man Who Became Pope (Giacomo Battiato) (直译 一个成为教皇的人)的续集.描绘前教皇约翰保罗的生活.他是一个在教皇历史上最被大众认可和最受敬爱的教皇,他的领导能力,他的爱心,使命感和勇气将永远记在人们心中. |
A Ukrainian woman named Irena calculatedly insinuates herself into the lives of a young, affluent Italian family. Stopping at nothing to become the couple's trusted maid and the beloved nanny to their fragile young daughter, Irena risks everything in her quest to uncover the truth about the family. Like an intricately constructed jigsaw puzzle, The Unknown Woman reveals piece by piece the enigma of Irena's past. (Here) |
来自乌克兰的新移民艾莲娜是一位有着神秘、残暴、不可告人的过去的女人,为了得到一份在一对有钱夫妇家做仆人的工作,她不择手段,最终成功进入这个三口之家。当她越来越接近这个家庭特别是夫妇俩的独生女的时候,一个深知艾莲娜过去秘密的人出现了,并且将这个家庭彻底卷入恐怖和暴力之中……(这里) |
更多情节请见本站电影页 More see the page in our site |
2011.12.10 |