达里奥·阿金图 Dario Argento
达里奥·阿金图(1940年9月7日 - ),意大利导演。
达里奥·阿金图1940年9月7日生于意大利的罗马,他是意大利著名制片人Salvatore Argento和巴西模特Elda Luxardo的第一个儿子。童年的阿金图从父母及亲戚朋友那里听到了许多意大利民间传说和睡前小故事,他十分喜欢格林兄弟、安徒生以及爱伦·坡的作品,而这些也为他日后的事业埋下了种子。

高中时的阿金图便开始为许多电影杂志撰写文章,毕业后他并没有进大学深造,而是在罗马一家晚报社Paese Sera找了份专栏作者的工作。

出于对电影的喜爱,阿金图不久便转行干起了编剧,他当时最主要的作品是与其他人合作撰写的一些西部片剧本,这其中包括了Sergio Leone的名作西部往事(C'era una volta il West,1968)。在该片上映后,阿金图自编自导了他的第一部作品L' Uccello dalle piume di cristallo (The Bird With the Crystal Plumage,1970),这是一部悬疑氛围浓重的惊竦片,明显受到了西区柯克影片的影响。该片由他父亲的公司所制作,剧本改编自Frederick Brown的小说《The Screaming Mimi》,而阿金图之所以亲自执导本片,主要原因却是他不希望别的导演糟蹋了自己的剧本及制作。


作为阿金图的处女作,The Bird With the Crystal Plumage在国际影坛倍受好评,该片次年甚至在历史悠久的Edgar Allan Poe电影节上获得了最佳影片大奖的提名。于是他继续在父亲的资助下拍摄了另两部影片——Il Gatto a nove code (The Cat o' Nine Tails,1971) 和4 mosche di velluto grigio (Four Flies on Grey Velvet,1971)。

在为意大利的电视短片集Porta sul buio (The Door into Darkness)拍摄了其中两部——Testimone oculare (Eyewitness,1973)和Il Tram (The Tram,1973)后,阿紧图试图以一部浪漫爱情片Le Cinque giornate (The Five Days,1973)来转变人们对他影片风格的一贯印象,然而票房的惨败使他不得不回归到他被人熟知的所谓 "Giallo"风格上来。

在1975年拍摄的Profondo Rosso (Deep Red,1975)中,阿金图为观众展现出一次震撼的视听体验,这是一部充满暴力的惊竦影片。他对镜头的独特运用使影片呈现出一种独一无二的映像风格,而意大利电子摇滚乐团Goblin则以尖嚣诡戾的配乐成为了阿金图影片的又一大标志。 Profondo Rosso成为了阿金图最具代表性的作品之一,并且自本片开始,他的制片人由父亲变成了自己的弟弟Claudio Argento。

1977年的Suspiria则让全世界的恐怖片影迷记住了达里奥·阿金图的名字。这并不是一部传统意义上的Giallo影片,阿金图尝试以描述梦境般的手法勾勒一个歌特式的诡异童话,不断变化的色彩基调使得每一幕场景都成为了独立完整的画面,Goblin狰狞的配乐为画面的表面观感增加了饱满的纵深度,在片中的听觉作用有时甚至超过了对白本身。而他在本片中所创造的独特镜像手法在下一部影片Inferno (1980)中则被运用到了极至。

之后,阿金图重新回归到纯粹的Giallo风格中,拍摄了Tenebre (1982)和Phenomena (1985)。评论界的冷淡反应使得阿金图暂时停止导演工作,转而投身于另一位意大利导演Lamberto Bava的两部系列影片Demoni (Demons,1985)和Demoni 2 (Demons 2,1986)的制片与编剧工作中。而一年之后对影片Opera (1987)的执导则被他称作一段“极不愉快的经历”,除去技术原因及女主角临时变更等问题导致制作延期外,阿金图的父亲Salvatore在拍摄前夕去世,而他长期的女友Daria Nicolodi也在影片完成时与他分了手。

在Opera票房失败后,阿金图决定暂时移居美国调整心情,在那里,他与好友George A.Romero合作拍摄了一部双段式的恐怖片Due occhi diabolici (Two Evil Eyes,1990)。

在1993年依然于美国拍摄的影片Trauma (1993)中,阿金图与前女友Daria Nicolodi所生的女儿Asia Argento第一次担任了女主角,她还在父亲接下来回归意大利后拍摄的La Sindrome di Stendhal (The Stendhal Syndrome,1996) 及Il Fantasma dell'opera (The Phantom of the Opera,1998)中继续出演女主角,其中后者是阿金图对被反复拍摄的经典小说The Phantom of the Opera的独特全新诠释。之后,阿金图继续拍摄了Non ho sonno (Sleepless,2001)和Il Cartaio (The Card Player,2004)两部影片,以及一部有着致敬意味的电视电影Ti piace Hitchcock? (Do You Like Hitchcock? 2005)。

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恶灵之泪/第三个妈妈 Terza madre, La ------- (2007)
恐怖大师 "Masters of Horror" ------- (2005)
Ti piace Hitchcock? ------- (2005)
夺命游戏/网络杀人案 Cartaio, Il ------- (2004)
我睡不着 Non ho sonno ------- (2001)
幻影歌剧 Fantasma dell'opera, Il ------- (1998)
司汤达综合症 Sindrome di Stendhal, La ------- (1996)
外伤 Trauma ------- (1993)
双凶眼 Due occhi diabolici ------- (1990)
歌剧院 Opera ------- (1987)
神话 Phenomena ------- (1985)
坦妮布丽 Tenebre ------- (1982)
地狱 Inferno ------- (1980)
阴风阵阵/坐立不安 Suspiria ------- (1977)
深夜止步/喋血猎杀 Profondo rosso ------- (1975)
Tram, Il ------- (1973)
Testimone oculare ------- (1973)
Cinque giornate, Le ------- (1973)
四小块灰色碎片 4 mosche di velluto grigio ------- (1971)
九尾猫 Gatto a nove code, Il ------- (1971)
摧花手/水晶鸟 Uccello dalle piume di cristallo, L' ------- (1970)

作为演员的电影作品(数量:38)Into the Dark: Exploring the Horror Film ------- (2009)
Dead On: The Life and Cinema of George A. Romero ------- (2008)
Fleshing It Out: The Making of 'Pelts' ------- (2007)
The Fearmakers Collection ------- (2007)
Tempus fugit ------- (2006)
Out of the Shadows ------- (2005)
Love, Death and Trauma ------- (2005)
Playing with Death ------- (2005)
The Dead Will Walk ------- (2004)
Boogeymen II: Masters of Horror ------- (2004)
Mario Bava: Operazione paura ------- (2004)
Non risponde più ------- (2004)
Two Masters' Eyes ------- (2003)
恐怖大师 Masters of Horror ------- (2002)
Suspiria 25th Anniversary ------- (2001)
Conducting Dario Argento's 'Opera' ------- (2001)
Tales of the Cat ------- (2001)
Inferno 20th Anniversary ------- (2000)
Deep Red 25th Anniversary ------- (2000)
Dario Argento: An Eye for Horror ------- (2000)
Mondo di Dario Argento 3: Il museo degli orrori di Dario Argento, Il ------- (1997)
Cielo è sempre più blu, Il ------- (1995)
不死的传说/无辜的血 Innocent Blood ------- (1992)
Fear in the Dark ------- (1991)
Dario Argento: Master of Horror ------- (1991)
歌剧院 Opera ------- (1987)
Stephen King's World of Horror ------- (1986)
The Valley ------- (1985)
Mondo dell'orrore di Dario Argento, Il ------- (1985)
Bellissimo: Immagini del cinema italiano ------- (1985)
神话 Phenomena ------- (1985)
坦妮布丽 Tenebre ------- (1982)
地狱 Inferno ------- (1980)
阴风阵阵/坐立不安 Suspiria ------- (1977)
深夜止步/喋血猎杀 Profondo rosso ------- (1975)
Cinque giornate, Le ------- (1973)
摧花手/水晶鸟 Uccello dalle piume di cristallo, L' ------- (1970)
Scusi, lei è favorevole o contrario? ------- (1967)

铅黄 Giallo ------- (2009)
恶灵之泪/第三个妈妈 Terza madre, La ------- (2007)
Ti piace Hitchcock? ------- (2005)
夺命游戏/网络杀人案 Cartaio, Il ------- (2004)
我睡不着 Non ho sonno ------- (2001)
幻影歌剧 Fantasma dell'opera, Il ------- (1998)
M.D.C. - Maschera di cera ------- (1997)
司汤达综合症 Sindrome di Stendhal, La ------- (1996)
外伤 Trauma ------- (1993)
Setta, La ------- (1991)
双凶眼 Due occhi diabolici ------- (1990)
Chiesa, La ------- (1989)
歌剧院 Opera ------- (1987)
月夜惊心2/群尸屠城2/猛鬼翻生2 Demoni 2 ------- (1986)
月夜惊心/群尸屠城/猛鬼翻生 Dèmoni ------- (1985)
神话 Phenomena ------- (1985)
坦妮布丽 Tenebre ------- (1982)
地狱 Inferno ------- (1980)
阴风阵阵/坐立不安 Suspiria ------- (1977)
深夜止步/喋血猎杀 Profondo rosso ------- (1975)
Tram, Il ------- (1973)
Testimone oculare ------- (1973)
Cinque giornate, Le ------- (1973)
Così sia ------- (1972)
九尾猫 Gatto a nove code, Il ------- (1971)
四小块灰色碎片 4 mosche di velluto grigio ------- (1971)
摧花手/水晶鸟 Uccello dalle piume di cristallo, L' ------- (1970)
Legione dei dannati, La ------- (1969)
Une corde, un Colt ------- (1969)
Esercito di cinque uomini, Un ------- (1969)
Stagione dei sensi, La ------- (1969)
Probabilità zero ------- (1969)
Metti una sera a cena ------- (1969)
不是我死,就是你亡 Oggi a me... domani a te! ------- (1968)
Rivoluzione sessuale, La ------- (1968)
Commandos ------- (1968)
Comandamenti per un gangster ------- (1968)
西部往事/狂沙十万里(台)/万里狂沙万里愁(港) C'era una volta il West ------- (1968)
Scusi, lei è favorevole o contrario? ------- (1967)
Qualcuno ha tradito ------- (1967)

作为制片人的电影作品(数量:18)恶灵之泪/第三个妈妈 Terza madre, La ------- (2007)
夺命游戏/网络杀人案 Cartaio, Il ------- (2004)
我睡不着 Non ho sonno ------- (2001)
大卫的情人 Scarlet Diva ------- (2000)
M.D.C. - Maschera di cera ------- (1997)
司汤达综合症 Sindrome di Stendhal, La ------- (1996)
外伤 Trauma ------- (1993)
Setta, La ------- (1991)
双凶眼 Due occhi diabolici ------- (1990)
Chiesa, La ------- (1989)
歌剧院 Opera ------- (1987)
月夜惊心2/群尸屠城2/猛鬼翻生2 Demoni 2 ------- (1986)
神话 Phenomena ------- (1985)
月夜惊心/群尸屠城/猛鬼翻生 Dèmoni ------- (1985)
活死人黎明/僵尸的黎明/僵尸三部曲2 Dawn of the Dead ------- (1978)
Bambola, La ------- (1973)
Tram, Il ------- (1973)
Testimone oculare ------- (1973)

阴风阵阵/坐立不安 Suspiria ------- (1977)
作为电影剪辑的电影作品(数量:1)外伤 Trauma ------- (1993)
作为音效的电影作品(数量:1) 独自站立 Seul contre tous ------- (1998)
作为其他职员的电影作品(数量:5)刑房之死亡证据/死亡证据/金刚不坏 Death Proof ------- (2007)
刑房/磨坊 Grindhouse ------- (2007)
Scarecrow ------- (2002)
Document of the Dead ------- (1985)
活死人黎明/僵尸的黎明/僵尸三部曲2 Dawn of the Dead ------- (1978)

本站有关达里奥·阿金图的网页"达里欧 阿吉恩图的'歌剧魅影'电影"和"摧花手"
猛鬼翻生Demoni 2 (1986)
阴风阵阵Suspiria (1977)
地狱Inferno (1980)
坦妮布丽Tenebre (1982)


神话Phenomena (1985)
猛鬼戏院Demoni (1985)
双凶眼Due occhi diabolici (1990) 更多图片 >>>>
意大利的恐怖片大师达里欧·阿基多(Dario Argento)和他的女儿艾莎·阿基多
1940年9月7日生于意大利,星座处女座。父亲是电影公司的董事,他从小喜欢电影,二十岁以前就为《罗马大报》写影评。1969年与《巴黎最后探戈》的导演贝纳多·贝托路奇为塞吉奥·李安尼(Sergio Leone)合写《Once Upon a Time in the West》(《西部往事》)的故事而受到重视。后来写了西部剧本,他首次导演长片电影《摧花手》。他擅长紧张悬疑片,也在意大利国营电视台导演紧张悬疑电视连续剧。
他的女儿是著名演员艾莎·阿基多(Asia Argento)。生于1975年9月20日,意大利罗马,星座处女座。出生于意大利罗马的艾莎·阿基多出身演艺世家,九岁时就出演了银幕处女作。其父Dario Argento是意大利的恐怖片大师,以制造希区柯克式的悬念和拉斯冯特里尔般的黑暗视觉闻名,1993年他执导的影片《外伤》(Trauma)是其与女儿合作的开始。1992年,,从与导演Michele Placido执导的“Amiche del cuore, le”开始,艾莎摆脱了小女孩的形象,向更成熟的女性角色转变,其银幕生涯逐渐步入正轨。1994年,她凭借《我们分手》一片获得意大利的最高电影奖David di Donatelllo最佳女主角的肯定,两年后的《旅伴》再次为她赢得了这一奖项。表演还不能完全让Asia展示她横溢的才华,从1994年的两部短片开始,她逐渐着手导演工作。2000年,她自编自导自演的影片《大卫的情人》获得了威廉斯堡布鲁克林影展的大奖。同时,艾莎还是很多著名杂志的撰稿人。1999年10月,她个人的第一部小说《我爱你柯克》(I love you Kirk)在意大利出版。2002年,当好莱坞通过《极限特工》认识了这位意大利女星时,她已阅历丰富,早就不是一个争名逐利的小演员了,因而她拒绝了很多对她骨子里的野性和火爆身材心怀不轨的好莱坞大片。2005年,当她以导演格斯范桑特《最后的日子》和僵尸片大师乔治·罗梅罗《活死人之地》的女主角的身份出现时,好莱坞只能再次感叹:相见恨晚!


关于意大利哥特式恐怖大师达里欧阿吉恩(Dario Argento)
1940年生于意大利。父亲是电影公司的董事,他从小喜欢电影,二十岁以前就为《罗马大报》写影评。1969年与《巴黎最后探戈》的导演贝纳多·贝托路奇为塞吉奥·李安尼(Sergio Leone)合写《Once Upon a Time in the West》(《西部往事》)的故事而受到重视。后来写了西部剧本,他首次导演长片电影《摧花手》。他擅长紧张悬疑片,也在意大利国营电视台导演紧张悬疑电视连续剧。
达里奥·阿金图1940年9月7日生于意大利的罗马,他是意大利著名制片人Salvatore Argento和巴西模特Elda Luxardo的第一个儿子。童年的阿金图从父母及亲戚朋友那里听到了许多意大利民间传说和睡前小故事,他十分喜欢格林兄弟、安徒生以及爱伦·坡的作品,而这些也为他日后的事业埋下了种子。 高中时的阿金图便开始为许多电影杂志撰写文章,毕业后他并没有进大学深造,而是在罗马一家晚报社Paese Sera找了份专栏作者的工作。 出于对电影的喜爱,阿金图不久便转行干起了编剧,他当时最主要的作品是与其他人合作撰写的一些西部片剧本,这其中包括了Sergio Leone的名作西部往事(Cera una volta il West,1968)。在该片上映后,阿金图自编自导了他的第一部作品L Uccello dalle piume di cristallo (The Bird With the Crystal Plumage,1970),这是一部悬疑氛围浓重的惊竦片,明显受到了西区柯克影片的影响。该片由他父亲的公司所制作,剧本改编自Frederick Brown的小说《The Screaming Mimi》,而阿金图之所以亲自执导本片,主要原因却是他不希望别的导演糟蹋了自己的剧本及制作。 这种对自己作品牢牢把关的严谨态度在日后也成了阿金图工作习惯,他总是对影片的制作过程进行巨细无遗地关注,使影片的最后成果尽可能地接近自己的最初的构想。 作为阿金图的处女作,The Bird With the Crystal Plumage在国际影坛倍受好评,该片次年甚至在历史悠久的Edgar Allan Poe电影节上获得了最佳影片大奖的提名。于是他继续在父亲的资助下拍摄了另两部影片——Il Gatto a nove code (The Cat o Nine Tails,1971) 和4 mosche di velluto grigio (Four Flies on Grey Velvet,1971)。 在为意大利的电视短片集Porta sul buio (The Door into Darkness)拍摄了其中两部——Testimone oculare (Eyewitness,1973)和Il Tram (The Tram,1973)后,阿紧图试图以一部浪漫爱情片Le Cinque giornate (The Five Days,1973)来转变人们对他影片风格的一贯印象,然而票房的惨败使他不得不回归到他被人熟知的所谓 "Giallo"风格上来。 在1975年拍摄的Profondo Rosso (Deep Red,1975)中,阿金图为观众展现出一次震撼的视听体验,这是一部充满暴力的惊竦影片。他对镜头的独特运用使影片呈现出一种独一无二的映像风格,而意大利电子摇滚乐团Goblin则以尖嚣诡戾的配乐成为了阿金图影片的又一大标志。 Profondo Rosso成为了阿金图最具代表性的作品之一,并且自本片开始,他的制片人由父亲变成了自己的弟弟Claudio Argento。 1977年的Suspiria则让全世界的恐怖片影迷记住了达里奥·阿金图的名字。这并不是一部传统意义上的Giallo影片,阿金图尝试以描述梦境般的手法勾勒一个歌特式的诡异童话,不断变化的色彩基调使得每一幕场景都成为了独立完整的画面,Goblin狰狞的配乐为画面的表面观感增加了饱满的纵深度,在片中的听觉作用有时甚至超过了对白本身。而他在本片中所创造的独特镜像手法在下一部影片Inferno (1980)中则被运用到了极至。之后,阿金图重新回归到纯粹的Giallo风格中,拍摄了Tenebre (1982)和Phenomena (1985)。评论界的冷淡反应使得阿金图暂时停止导演工作,转而投身于另一位意大利导演Lamberto Bava的两部系列影片Demoni (Demons,1985)和Demoni 2 (Demons 2,1986)的制片与编剧工作中。而一年之后对影片Opera (1987)的执导则被他称作一段“极不愉快的经历”,除去技术原因及女主角临时变更等问题导致制作延期外,阿金图的父亲Salvatore在拍摄前夕去世,而他长期的女友Daria Nicolodi也在影片完成时与他分了手。 在Opera票房失败后,阿金图决定暂时移居美国调整心情,在那里,他与好友George A.Romero合作拍摄了一部双段式的恐怖片Due occhi diabolici (Two Evil Eyes,1990)。 在1993年依然于美国拍摄的影片Trauma (1993)中,阿金图与前女友Daria Nicolodi所生的女儿Asia Argento第一次担任了女主角,她还在父亲接下来回归意大利后拍摄的La Sindrome di Stendhal (The Stendhal Syndrome,1996) 及Il Fantasma dellopera (The Phantom of the Opera,1998)中继续出演女主角,其中后者是阿金图对被反复拍摄的经典小说The Phantom of the Opera的独特全新诠释。之后,阿金图继续拍摄了Non ho sonno (Sleepless,2001)和Il Cartaio (The Card Player,2004)两部影片,以及一部有着致敬意味的电视电影Ti piace Hitchcock? (Do You Like Hitchcock? 2005)。(这里)
以下是他的英文资料,(来自 Wikipedia )
Dario Argento
Dario Argento
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Dario Argento

Dario Argento answers questions at the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival in 2007.
Born Dario Argento
September 7, 1940 (1940-09-07) (age 69)
Rome, Italy
Other name(s) Sirio Bernadotte[1][2]
Occupation Film director, producer and screenwriter
Spouse(s) Marisa Casale (1968 -1972) (divorced)[3]
Domestic partner(s) Daria Nicolodi (1974–1985)
Dario Argento (born September 7, 1940) is an Italian film director, producer and screenwriter. He is best known for his work in the horror film genre, particularly in the subgenre known as giallo, and for his influence on modern horror and slasher movies.

[edit] Early career

Argento was born in Rome, the son of film producer/executive Salvatore Argento and Brazilian-born photographer Elda Luxardo. He started his career in film as a critic, writing for various magazines while still attending high school.

Argento did not attend college, electing rather to take a job as a columnist at the newspaper Paese Sera. While working at the newspaper, Argento also began to work as a screenwriter. His most notable work was for Sergio Leone; he and Bernardo Bertolucci collaborated on the story for the spaghetti western classic Once Upon a Time in the West. Soon after that film's release in 1969, Argento began work on his directorial debut, The Bird with the Crystal Plumage, which was released in 1970 and was a major hit in Italy.

[edit] Giallo years

Early in his directing career, he continued to concentrate largely on the giallo genre (more precisely known as "thriller" in Italy, as the word "giallo"--Italian for yellow-- usually refers to generic mystery works).

Argento directed two further successful thrillers, The Cat o' Nine Tails (1971) and Four Flies on Grey Velvet (1972). Alongside The Bird with the Crystal Plumage, these initial three films are frequently referred to as Argento's "animal trilogy". The director then turned his attention away from giallo movies, filming two Italian TV dramas and a period comedy (Five Days in Milan) in 1973 before returning to thrillers with 1975's Deep Red, frequently cited by many critics as the best giallo ever made. The film made Argento famous internationally, and inspired a number of other directors to work in the genre (John Carpenter has frequently referred to the influence Argento's early work had on Halloween).

[edit] Supernatural years

Argento's next movie, Suspiria (1977), an extremely violent supernatural thriller, is considered by many fans to be his best work, alongside Deep Red. Freed from the constraints of the more conventional giallo format, Suspiria is a semi-surreal work of art, where plot and character become secondary to sound and vision. Argento planned for Suspiria to be the first of a trilogy about "The Three Mothers", three ancient witches residing in three different modern cities. The second movie of the trilogy was 1980's Inferno. The Mother of Tears concludes the trilogy.

In between the two "mothers", in 1978 Argento collaborated with George Romero on Dawn of the Dead, earning a producer credit on the zombie classic. Argento oversaw the European release of the film (where it was titled Zombi) which was much shorter and featured much more of the score written and performed by Goblin.

After Inferno, Argento returned to more conventional giallo with Tenebrae (1982). He then attempted to combine giallo and supernatural fantasy in Phenomena, also known as Creepers (1985), which was one of Jennifer Connelly's earliest movies. Phenomena also showed Argento's predilection for using new technology, with its many prowling Steadicam shots. Both of these movies received a lukewarm reception upon release (although each has been re-appraised retrospectively).

Argento subsequently took a break from directing to write two screenplays for Mario Bava's son Lamberto Bava, D猫moni (1985) and D猫moni 2 (1986).

[edit] From the late 1980s and through the 1990s

Dario Argento interviewed by Martin Sauvageau during the Festival International du Cin茅ma Fantastique de Montr茅al in 1994.

Opera followed in 1987. Set in Parma's Regio Theatre during a production of Verdi's Macbeth, the movie was beset in real life by misfortunes that Argento suspected were caused by the traditional "curse" on Macbeth. Argento's father died during the production, Vanessa Redgrave dropped out of the project before filming began, he had problems working with his former long-time girlfriend and collaborator Daria Nicolodi on-set, and the cast and crew were plagued by minor accidents and mishaps.

His 1996 The Stendhal Syndrome, in which a policewoman (played by Argento's daughter, Asia) who suffers from Stendhal syndrome is trapped by a serial killer in an abandoned warehouse, was the first Italian film to use computer-generated imagery (CGI). Furthermore, the opening of The Stendhal Syndrome was shot in Florence, at Italy's famed Uffizi Gallery. Argento is the only director ever granted permission to shoot there. The Stendhal Syndrome was distributed in the U.S. by cult B-movie distribution company Troma Entertainment.

[edit] In the 21st century

Dario Argento discusses his film Pelts at the Torino Film Festival in 2006.

However, Argento's follow-up, 2004's The Card Player, a giallo about a killer whose murders are conducted during Internet poker matches with the Rome police, earned a mixed reception: some fans appreciated the techno music score composed by ex-Goblin member Claudio Simonetti, but felt the film was too mainstream, with little of Argento's usual flourish.

2005 saw the TV broadcast of Argento's Do You Like Hitchcock?, in which the Italian horror-meister paid homage to Alfred Hitchcock after decades of being compared to him by critics. Later that year, he directed a segment of Masters of Horror, a Showtime television series. Soon afterwards, Argento directed an adaptation of the F. Paul Wilson short story "Pelts" for season 2 of the series.

[edit] Concluding his trilogy

Argento finished the conclusion of his Three Mothers trilogy, The Mother of Tears.

The film is set in Rome and centers on the titular third mother, Mater Lacrimarum. Argento and Jace Anderson share writing credits for this movie.

Argento's daughter Asia was cast in the lead, along with Daria Nicolodi in a supporting role. Udo Kier, who appeared in Argento's Suspiria, and Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni, who appeared in three of his previous films, both have pivotal roles in the final Mothers chapter.

[edit] The Return of 'Giallo'

On 26 June 2009, Argento's latest movie Giallo premiered at the Edinburgh Film Festival. The following month he announced that he had started working on the 3D remake of Profondo Rosso,[4] but also this project failed. Because of the failed screening of Giallo in Italian cinemas, he decided to write a new movie. Argento will 2011 produce the American remake of his cult film Suspiria.[5]



[edit] As director

[edit] As writer (not director)

  • Scusi, Lei 猫 favorevole o contrario? (1967)
  • Every Man Is My Enemy (Qualcuno ha tradito) (1967)
  • Heroes Never Die (Les H茅ros ne Meurent Jamais) (1968)
  • Once Upon a Time in the West (C'era una volta il West) (1968) (Story)
  • Today It's Me... Tomorrow It's You! (Oggi a me... domani a te!) (1968)
  • Comandamenti per un Gangster (1968)
  • Commandos (1968)
  • La Rivoluzione sessuale (The Sexual Revolution) (1968)
  • Cemetery Without Crosses (Une Corde, un Colt) (1969)
  • Love Circle (Metti una sera a cena) (aka One Night at Dinner) (1969)
  • Probabilit脿 Zero (1969)
  • Legion of the Damned (La legione dei dannati) (aka Battle of the Commandos) (1969)
  • The Five Man Army (Un esercito di cinque uomini) (1969)
  • Season of the Senses (La stagione dei sensi') (1969)
  • Man Called Amen (Cos矛 sia) (1972)
  • Demons (D猫moni) (1985) (Also Producer)
  • Demons 2 (Demoni 2) (1986) (Also Producer)
  • The Church (La Chiesa) (aka Demons 3) (1989) (Also Producer)
  • The Sect (La setta) (aka Demons 4) (1991) (Also Producer)
  • The Wax Mask (M.D.C. 鈥?Maschera di cera) (1997) (Story) (Also Producer)

[edit] As producer (neither writer nor director)

[edit] Footnotes

[edit] External links

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