通告 An notify (2010.9.11)
The Morrifans Home was closed because hit by the hackers
Because the ASP program was hit by the hackers for many times from September 2010, so we have to close the "Morrifans Home" so that protect safety of main site, but you still browse it. Sorry for the action. If you have any requestion or opinion, please send E-mail to us ( qilingren@163.com )

The "Morricone Fans" still is normal, you can visit there (index-eng.htm) and become its member for get all information you need

2010年9月以来,"莫里康内爱好者家园"ASP程序又多次遭受黑客攻击,给我们带来了严重的麻烦和苦恼.有鉴于当今互联网的严重混乱局面,并从我们技术水平的实际出发,为了保证主站的正常运转,我们不得不将其关闭(仅关闭写入功能,但仍保留原网页浏览),对此请各位朋友给于谅解.您如有任何要求或建议,可以发送电邮 qilingren@163.com 联系.您仍可以访问主站 http://morricone.cn注册成为会员以得到有关资料


站长 HAN

Send to all members Feb.2,2010 发给所有注册会员的邮件 2010.2.2

Dear friend,
According to feedback idea of many friends and for adapt current position, we have decide to open a "Morrifans Home" space , added interactive function. Welcome your join and settle down there, use its many function as edit, release and revise article, comment, download share file etc. All new released download file will be published there for all members from now on, and open the "Share Resources Library" (original download hall) for its advanced member whose integral reached 50 points, it is not difficult, please see a help page ( jyeng-help.htm )

Thinking of the demand of the original member who have registered before end of 2009 year, we provide a new password ********** for you . Its efficient period is three months (to end of April 2010). You can open the page ( downcommon/advancedlogin.asp ) to enter the share resource library and download the files you need. If you still need keep the right for long time. please enter " Morrifans Home" ( http://hhr8.com/engjy/index.asp ) and register a member and then become advanced member, you will get all right of download new file (For primary member)and share library (For advanced member). Sorry for the trouble. I hope you will understand and support us, also hope we will become a good friend for long time in the "Morrifans Home"

Admin HAN



根据最近许多网友的反馈意见,并为适应当前形势发展,本站决定开放"莫里康内爱好者家园",添加网友的互动功能,欢迎您到那里安家,使用编辑,发表,修改文章,留言,评论,下载共享等等功能.今后本站所有新发布的下载资源,均在那里发布通告为所有初级会员提供下载链接.并为积分达到200点的高级会员开放共享资源库(即原来的下载大厅),确保这些共享文件纯系为爱好者个人交流的性质以避免不必要的麻烦. 考虑到2009年底以前注册的会员朋友们的需要,本站特为您保留三个月(即到2009年4月底)的有效下载期,您仍可打开 downcommon/advancedlogin.asp 网页以 ********** 的新密码进入下载您所需要的资料.如您希望长期拥有这个权力,烦请在"莫迷家园"( http://hhr8.com/jy/index.asp )重新注册并积累您的分数达到50点(这并不困难,请见这个帮助文件 ( jy-help.htm ), 就可以成为高级会员并自动获得共享库的密码,对此给您带来的麻烦表示深深的歉意,请给于谅解和支持.我希望我们将在新的家园成为长远的好朋友.

站长 HAN

Send to all members Dec.11,2009 发给所有注册会员的邮件 2009.12.11
This is an E-mail with English and Chinese from "Morricone's fans" web site and send to all registered members.
Dear Friend,

First thank you for your attention and support to our web site, Below report the newest trends in our web site to you.

A license rule will be started to execute for audio and video program in the network in China. Because its procedure is very complex, so we have to suspend register of new member from today, and will suspend all download service from Dec.18,2009. If you still have some files to need download in the special download area, please seize the opportunity to do it. We hope you will understand the unavoidable action.

We will persist to service as in the past for the commonweal cause to spread, enjoy and study the great master Morricone's works. Except former audition of music with low bitrate, for aftertime publishing film's web page, we will use the famous video web sites with license to spread them, and by way of any possible way to provide single service for the members. In order to know our newest action in time, we advice you subscribe to our RSS E-mail. If you have any request and advice, please contact us by way of the E-mail.

With best regards for the Christmas and new year

Webmaster HAN

亲爱的朋友: 首先感谢您对本站的长期关注和支持.下面向您通报本站最新动态.


本站仍将一如既往,长期坚持服务于传播,欣赏和研究莫里康内大师作品的公益事业. 除去已有的低码率音乐试听之外,今后发布新的电影网页,仍将会利用已获得许可的,许多著名的在线视频网站进行传播.并将利用可能的手段为会员单独提供服务.为了能即时了解我们的最新动态,建议您订阅我们的RSS邮件服务. 如您有任何要求和建议,均请通过电邮和本站联系


站长 HAN

关于为会员开放下载专区的说明 (2009.8)
A explanation about open download special area for members (August 2009)
1. "China Morricone Fans Association" (Morriunion) has been found on May 24,2009 in Beijing. In order to meet the request of personal enjoy,study and exchange of the members, we decide to open the download special area. It contains Morricone's high bitrate music (see here), movie and video (see here) and score (see here) and subtitle etc. and other.
2.The people who has accomplished sign up in our web site will be given equal treatment with the member. Please go to next page to submit your application for sign up in our web site.
3. Please abide the relative rule. The download password and all downloaded files provided by us is only for your personal use. If there is any violate, we will stop the download authority. Thanks your cooperation. If you have any problem, you can contact us by way of the E-mail.
If you cannot receive an auto reply with download password after submited your sign up application, please send E-mail to us (please use the E-mail address you used when application) for get the download password soon.
通告 An notify (2009.6.2)
根据"中国Ennio Morricone音乐爱好者联谊会"(简称"莫迷网联")音乐总顾问杨大林先生的意见,自即日起本站站名由"莫里康爱好者"改为"莫里康内爱好者",英文名称由"Morricone Fans"改为"Morricone's Fans".图标也作了相应修改.今后本站所有文件中Morricone的中文译名也使用莫里康内.特此通告
重要通告 An important notify (2009.4)
1.本站老域名 http://hhr8.com 已经停用,现仅保留了转向功能.今后访问请使用 http://morricone.cn 的域名.如您访问的是其子目录,请将前面的老域名换为新域名.例如:
原来的 http://hh8.com/abc.htm
请改为 http://morricone.cn/abc.htm
2. 本站名称已由"莫里康音乐"改为"莫里康爱好者".今后本站的编辑重点将转移到莫里康作品及有其关领域的研究和欣赏方面
An important notify (April 2009)
1. The old domain name http://hhr8.com has been stopped. Please use http://morricone.cn to replace it. Example:
Old address: http://hh8.com/abc.htm
New address: http://morricone.cn/abc.htm
2. The name of the web site has been renew from "Morricone Music" into "Morricone Fans".
3, If you have any problem, please contact the webmaster HAN.
本站自2003.8.8.开始运行   联系信箱 E-mail 867549420@qq.com    © 2003 hwg 版权所有

