编剧 马可·贝洛奇奥 Marco Bellocchio
Elda Tattoli
制片人 Oscar Brazzi
Franco Cristaldi
原创音乐 埃尼奥·莫里康内 Ennio Morricone
Cin yakindir Turkey (Turkish title)
China Is Near USA
China Vizinha Portugal
China está cerca Spain
China ist nahe West Germany
I kina einai konta Greece (festival title)
China is Near (Italian: La Cina è vicina) is a 1967 Italian film written and directed by Marco Bellocchio. It is a satirical movie about the struggle for political power. It focusses on the conflict between a middle class professor running for office as a socialist and his brother, who is a Maoist(WIKI)
In this Italian satire a poli sci professor from a large, wealthy family stirs up turmoil amongst his family and friends when he decides to run for office on the Socialist party ticket. His brother the Maoist tries to thwart his endeavors. Other family members get involved in the struggle for political power, sexual gratification, and money. ~ Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide (here)
China Is Near
Carlo, an ambitious member of United Social Party, would like to stand for election, but he is forced to renounce in favour of more moderate and middle-class professor Vittorio Gordini Malvezzi. After becoming the professor’s flunkey, Carlo starts to go to Gordini Malvezzi’s home very often and quickly seduces his sister, Elena, whom he hopes to marry in order to improve his social position. His behaviour makes his girlfriend Giovanna jealous, who reacts, becoming Vittorio’s lover. When Elena gets pregnant with Carlo’s child, the two ex-fiancées, now free to start their social climbing, blackmail Vittorio and Elena, and force them to reparative gestures. In the meanwhile, extreme left wing tries in vain to oppose the system boycotting electoral meetings.(here)
China Is Near
Italy (1968): Comedy
108 min, No rating, Black & White
Also known as LA CINA ?VICINA.
A witty, subtly freakish modern comedy about sex and politics, directed by the prodigiously talented 27-year-old Marco Bellocchio in a fluid style that is full of surprises. Bellocchio's characters are as much a private zoo as Bu駏el's; the five principals, who are so awful they're funny, use one another in every way they can, with the film structured like a classic comic opera. (It has the intricacy and the boudoir complications.) Among the five are a pair of working-class lovers-a secretary and a Socialist functionary-who scheme to marry into the rich landed gentry. Their targets are a pot-bellied professor (Glauco Mauri), who is running for municipal office on the Socialist ticket, and his sister (Elda Tattoli), a great lady who lets every man in town climb on top of her but won't marry because socially they're all beneath her. The fifth is the younger brother in the rich household-a prissy, sneering 17-year-old Maoist (who provides the title when he scrawls "China Is Near" on the walls of his brother's campaign headquarters). As the pairs of lovers combine and recombine and the five become one big, ghastly family (with a yapping little house pet as an emblem of domesticity), Bellocchio makes it all rhyme. The camera glides in and out and around the action; it moves as simply and with as much apparent ease as if it were attached to the director's forehead. The script is by Bellocchio and Elda Tattoli (she was also the art director); cinematography by Tonino Delli Colli; music by Ennio Morricone; produced by Franco Cristaldi. In Italian.
For a more extended discussion, see Pauline Kael's book Going Steady.(这里)
作为导演的电影作品(数量:22)Vincere ------- (2008)
Regista di matrimoni, Il ------- (2006)
再见,长夜 Buongiorno, notte ------- (2003)
... addio del passato... ------- (2002)
信仰时分 Ora di religione (Il sorriso di mia madre), L' ------- (2002)
Altro mondo è possibile, Un ------- (2001)
难以抗拒的温柔 Balia, La ------- (1999)
汉堡王子/洪堡王子/霍姆堡亲王 Principe di Homburg, Il ------- (1997)
Sogno della farfalla, Il ------- (1994)
定罪 Condanna, La ------- (1991)
Visione del Sabba, La ------- (1988)
肉体的恶魔 Diavolo in corpo, Il ------- (1986)
亨利四世 Enrico IV ------- (1984)
眼睛与嘴巴 Occhi, la bocca, Gli ------- (1982)
虚无飘渺 Salto nel vuoto ------- (1980)
凯旋进行曲 Marcia trionfale ------- (1976)
解放了的疯子 Matti da slegare ------- (1975)
把怪物放在首页 Sbatti il mostro in prima pagina ------- (1972)
以父亲的名义/以圣父之名 Nel nome del padre ------- (1972)
福音书/爱与怒 Amore e rabbia ------- (1969)
中国已近/中国是近邻 Cina è vicina, La ------- (1967) 口袋中的拳头 Pugni in tasca, I ------- (1965)
作为演员的电影作品(数量:9)Marcello, una vita dolce ------- (2006)
Fuori fuoco - Cinema, ribelli e rivoluzionari ------- (2005)
Stessa rabbia, stessa primavera ------- (2003)
信仰时分 Ora di religione (Il sorriso di mia madre), L' ------- (2002)
Io sono Anna Magnani ------- (1979) 索多玛120天/所多玛的120天/所多姆120天/萨罗,索多玛120天 Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma ------- (1975)
把怪物放在首页 Sbatti il mostro in prima pagina ------- (1972)
福音书/爱与怒 Amore e rabbia ------- (1969)
Francesco d'Assisi ------- (1966)
作为编剧的电影作品(数量:19) Vincere ------- (2008)
Regista di matrimoni, Il ------- (2006)
再见,长夜 Buongiorno, notte ------- (2003)
塞尔维亚的维和军 Radio West ------- (2003)
... addio del passato... ------- (2002)
信仰时分 Ora di religione (Il sorriso di mia madre), L' ------- (2002)
难以抗拒的温柔 Balia, La ------- (1999)
汉堡王子/洪堡王子/霍姆堡亲王 Principe di Homburg, Il ------- (1997)
定罪 Condanna, La ------- (1991)
Visione del Sabba, La ------- (1988)
肉体的恶魔 Diavolo in corpo, Il ------- (1986)
亨利四世 Enrico IV ------- (1984)
眼睛与嘴巴 Occhi, la bocca, Gli ------- (1982)
虚无飘渺 Salto nel vuoto ------- (1980)
凯旋进行曲 Marcia trionfale ------- (1976)
以父亲的名义/以圣父之名 Nel nome del padre ------- (1972)
福音书/爱与怒 Amore e rabbia ------- (1969) 中国已近/中国是近邻 Cina è vicina, La ------- (1967) 口袋中的拳头 Pugni in tasca, I ------- (1965)
作为制片人的电影作品(数量:4)Regista di matrimoni, Il ------- (2006)
再见,长夜 Buongiorno, notte ------- (2003)
信仰时分 Ora di religione (Il sorriso di mia madre), L' ------- (2002)
... addio del passato... ------- (2002)
作为其他职员的电影作品(数量:3)In memoria di me ------- (2007)
难以抗拒的温柔 Balia, La ------- (1999)
汉堡王子/洪堡王子/霍姆堡亲王 Principe di Homburg, Il ------- (1997)
有着“偶像破坏者导演”之名的意大利导演马可·贝洛奇奥,1965年执导了他的第一部故事片《怒不可遏》(Fist in His Pocket),这部严厉的政治寓言片,和贝纳多·贝托鲁奇(Bernardo Bertolucci)的《革命前夕》(Before the Revolution)一起被宣布为意大利电影业新纪元的开山之作。
贝洛奇奥此后的影片,多以哗众取宠的意大利政治讽刺片著称,1967年的《中国已近》(China Is Near)和1971年的《因父之名》(In the Name of the Father)继续批判了传统的社会体制,但影片激起的评论远没有处女作那么强烈热情。1986年的《肉体的恶魔》(The Devil in the Flesh)改编自Raymond Radiguet1946年的经典小说,影片对口交的直白描写在当时引发了不小的争议。
1.卡米洛 戈迪尼 Camillo Gordini. 戈迪尼家族三个人物中最小的一个弟弟,在校学生.是片中极左思潮的代表人物,也可以看作是导演马可 贝洛奇奥思想倾向的代表.受中国文化大革命和阶级斗争为纲理论的影响.他和他的同学怀疑一切,打倒一切,希望在意大利也发生文化大革命,"中国已近"(La Cina è vicina)的标语就是他带人上街写的.反映了他所代表的激进青年的革命愿望
00:03:25 卡米洛邀请几名同为激进思潮的学生,讨论他们行动计划中的性问题试验(the sexual problem).墙壁上中国文化大革命的宣传画赫然在目
00:18:11 卡米洛带着他的同学深夜到社会党总部门前刷标语 "LA CINA è VICINA" (中国已近) 被前来巡夜的警察发现.
3.艾莲娜 戈迪尼 Elena Gordini. 戈迪尼家族三个人物中的大姐,被人称为伯爵妇人.她是家族遗产三处房产的管理人.由于始终担心别人觊觎她的这份财产,所以多年来一直没找到合意的婚姻对象.而她的私生活又是放荡不羁.电影开始就交待了她的一个秘密情人.而不久之后,她又倒入了作为她弟弟竞选助手会计师的怀抱.不想不久却怀了孕.在对待是否保留孩子问题的态度上,她看出了会计师想利用孩子的压力来达到和她结婚的目的.她却不想嫁给这个没有身份的小人物,两人最终闹翻.她又寄希望于原来的情人,但遭到了拒绝.最终她不得不选择作一个单身母亲.
3.在01:15:00--01:36:20 男主人公维多里奥教授中了女秘书乔万娜和会计师共谋的圈套,为了摆脱乔万娜怀孕而带来的麻烦,他约了会计师在广场上谈了半天,其目的就是要说服会计师代他而娶乔万娜.没想到最后会计师却说出这样的话来:"Anyway, I'm already in a relation." (无论如何,我已经与此有关了),之后他(会计师)又说:"今天早晨她(乔万娜)明确地对我说,她要嫁给我(会计师)".这句话的确切含意倒底是什么?会计师倒底在搞什么花样?目的又是什么?
3.在01:15:00--01:36:20 男主人公维多里奥教授中了女秘书乔万娜和会计师共谋的圈套,为了摆脱乔万娜怀孕而带来的麻烦,他约了会计师在广场上谈了半天,其目的就是要说服会计师代他而娶乔万娜.没想到最后会计师却说出这样的话来:"Anyway, I'm already in a relation." (无论如何,我已经与此有关了),之后他(会计师)又说:"今天早晨她(乔万娜)明确地对我说,她要嫁给我(会计师)".这句话的确切含意倒底是什么?会计师倒底在搞什么花样?目的又是什么?