016. Genesi: La creazione e il diluvio (TV-Ermanno Olmi ) / Genesis: The Creation and the Flood (TB9402)
Similar films:Example 9-14
Type: C1
The Original soundtracks total 5 tracks composed by Morricone
Film screenshots (First screenshot located at 00'00'47", shown "Le musiche della sigla di testa e di coda sono state composte, orchestrate e dirette da Ennio Morricone";Second in the end of the film at 01' 32' 19", shown other composers Chikuzan Takahashi and Max Roach, but no Marco Frisina who is shown in the IMDB)
017. Samson and Delilah (TV Movie-Nicolas Roeg ) / The Bible: Samson and Delilah(TB9601)
Similar films:Example 9-14
Type: C1
The Original soundtracks total 5 tracks composed by Morricone
Film screenshot (2 screenshots at 00' 00' 47" and 00' 00' 50")
018 Padre Pio - Tra cielo e terra (Giulio Base) / Padre Pio: Between Heaven and Earth (TB0001)
Similar films:Example 1, 2
IMDB) Music by Ennio Morricone
CHIMAI) Composer Ennio Morricone (ChiMai), (CHIMAI)
Film screenshot (At 00'01'57")
019. La Ragion pura / The Sleeping Wife (Silvano Agosti) (TB0101)
Similar films:Example 1, 2
The first thing to note is that the film was already shown in EMOW before it was restructured in 2009
But the film disappeared after reorganization, the reason is unknown. Whether from the credits or OST album, there is no doubt that it is typical and pure Morricone works (Type A1). As for why disappear? Is it for some particular reason? Or because of the editor's oversight ? This can only be explained by EMOW
DISCOGS about OST album
Screenshot (At 000108)
020 La Piovra-10 (TV Series-Luigi Perelli) / The Octopus10 (TB0103)
Similar films:Example1, 2 and “ La piovra 2-7 (Luigi Perelli)”that have been included in EMOW
IMDB) Music by Ennio Morricone )
CHIMAI) Composer: Ennio Morricone
Film screenshot (At 10-1 00'05'35")
021. Maria Goretti (TV Movie-Giulio Base) (TB0301)
Similar films:Example17-20
Type: D
Film screenshot (At 01' 34' 07" , shown "Musical selection by ENNIO MORRICONE")
022 Ultimo 3 - L'infiltrato (TV Movie- Michele Soavi) (TB0403)
Similar films:Example 9-14
Type: C1
Film screenshot (At 00' 04' 26" Father and son co wrote)
023. Django Unchained (Quentin Tarantino) (TB1201)
Similar films:Example 9-14
Type: C1
IMDB This music source is very complicated,no composer in IMDB,only theme music composed by Luis Enriquez Bacalov
In the
"Soundtracks" listed total 35 tracks, 9
tracks of them composed by Morricone
In the
SOUNDTRACKlisted many commposers,Ennio Morricone in the first
Film screenshot
Theme by Bacalov(At 00' 01' 57")
The tracks compoosed by Morricone is shown separately (At 00' 02' 08")
024 L'Isola (TV Series-Alberto Negrin) (TB1206)
Similar films:Example 1,2
IMDB Series Music by Ennio Morricone (12 episodes, 2012-2013)
CHIMAI Composer Ennio Morricone
CHIMAI shown that total 22 pre-existing tracks was used
Film screenshot (At near 000056 in the TV series)
025 Ultimo 4 - L'occhio del falco (TV Movie-Michele Soavi) (TB1207)
Similar films:Example 1, 2
IMDB Music by Ennio Morricone
CHIMAI Composer Ennio Morricone
CHIMAI shownTotal 20 OST composed by Morricone
Album - Ultimo, l'occhio del falco (eStore-Album RTI Music - Italy - 2013
DVD shown that composer is Morricone
Film screenshot (At 000150)
026-028 About 6 short films directed by Yi Zhou
Yi Zhou is a young multimedia artist。For 10 years, she has produced a great deal of 3D multimedia, surrealism, short films,It has a important impact on the world. According to
。There are 6 short films she has worked together with Ennio Morricone. We can see
from CHIMAI ,Mostly from Morricone's pre-existing musc (Reused or New mix of pre-existing music) in 1970s-1980s. 3 films of them have been included in EMOW
Other 3 films haven't included in EMOW:
Yi Zhou's official website
Film screenshots The following are screenshots that haven't been included in EMOW
Unexpected Hero (3 min Short Movie-Yi Zhou, TB1103,at 000158)
DVF 2011 ( 2 min Animation Short- Yi Zhou, TB1101,at 000101)
Big feet(Short Movie-Yi Zhou, TB1010,the screenshot from Yi Zhou's official website)
All the attributes of the three short films are exactly the same as above 3 short films already included in EMOW except shorter duration. According to the same principle, they should also be included in EMOW (Type A2) However, if EMOW affirm it should not be included that film less than three minutes,and then this principle also involves some short films already included in the EMOW,excapt the 2 controversial short films of 1961, Time of the 1990 short film“Italiana petroli (Commercial-Giuseppe Tornatore) also is only a few seconds”(
here)In this regard, EMOW should have a unified principle, can not be inconsistent before and after, it is puzzling
Finally, the short films for advertising
This subject is difficult because we have only very few resources in hand,except that 1990“Italiana petroli ”( NA9004) ,almost nothing. Therefore, it is difficult to make specific judgments. but according to the info provided by
Mr. DIDIER THUNUS,We should still remind the EMOW to pay attention to study and solve this problem. If the principles are generic, the following ads (total 16 short films) should also be included (or all not be included)
Summary: the total number of missing films in the EMOW ( only from our existing film resources. If the EMOW has more abundant film resources, this number will increase) :
1. 28 films in type A1, A2, B, C1,C2,D
2. 16 films in type E (short commercial films)
3. 6 films in type F (Morricone was replaced by other musicians)
Type A-D total 28 films; Type A-F 50 films. See following list
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