电影及导演 Name and Director
NA-7601 Il deserto dei Tartari / The Desert of the Tartars (Valerio Zurlini) / 鞑靼人的沙漠 |
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As his first assignment, lieutenant Drogo is sent to an isolated fortress on the borders of a desert and of a range of high mountains. The mission of the garrison is to prevent a possible incursion by the fearsome Tartars, coming from beyond the desert. Some fellow officers are eagerly awaiting an attack; some no longer want to believe in it; others take advantage of the vague threat to further their career. All of them are sacrificing everything -- health, youth, friends, family -- for a distant military ideal: leading the defence against the onslaught of the enemy. But in the vast emptiness surrounding the fortress, nobody has ever sighted the Tartars...(Here) |
编者注: 此片的主题音乐是莫里康内音乐会的保留节目(见本站此页) |
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(Italian) L'Agnese va a morire è un romanzo neorealista scritto da Renata Viganò. Romanzo forse di ispirazione autobiografica, giacché Renata Viganò fu con il marito un'attivista della resistenza italiana.
Il romanzo è ambientato nelle Valli di Comacchio durante la seconda guerra mondiale, nello specifico nel periodo degli otto mesi precedenti alla liberazione dell'Italia. Protagonista del romanzo è una lavandaia di mezz'età, di nome Agnese, che, dopo la morte del marito deportato, non essendosi mai interessata prima di politica, inizia a collaborare con i partigiani assumendo il ruolo di staffetta. Il marito di Agnese è Palita, un uomo reso debole da una malattia avuta da bambino, che lo costringe a stare in casa ad intrecciare ceste di vimini, malessere che portava la moglie a lavorare il doppio per mantenere se stessa ed il marito. Palita, per quanto fosse debole di fisico, era un uomo politicamente impegnato, era un comunista. Ad un certo punto del romanzo Palita viene catturato dai nazisti; ma l'autrice quale sia il vero motivo, lascia il dubbio; Palita potrebbe essere stato catturato perché in contatto con i partigiani, o a causa di una soffiata dei vicini di casa, in quanto la sera prima aveva ospitato un disertore italiano. Qualche giorno dopo alla cattura di Palita, un suo amico, riuscito a fuggire alla camionetta tedesca, annuncia ad Agnese la morte del marito. Ma la lavandaia dentro di sè lo sapeva già, perché sapeva che il marito doveva essere sempre curato. L'Agnese quindi si trova sola con la gatta del marito, tutto ciò che gli resta di lui, ed un odio profondo nei confronti dei nazisti. A non darle sicuramente una mano sono la vicina di casa e le figlie che amoreggiano coi soldati nemici. Una sera, dopo aver bevuto, uno di loro (Kurt) spara per divertimento alla gatta. Agnese allora lo colpisce in testa col fucile, e credendolo morto fugge nascondendosi presso una famiglia di partigiani. Da questo momento Agnese diventa l' organizzatrice delle staffette, e la "mamma" della compagnia partigiana. Ma proprio quando gli alleati inglesi stanno per prendere il sopravvento sui nemici, Agnese viene trattenuta dai soldati tedeschi e, riconosciuta da Kurt, viene uccisa.(Here)
Agnese, lavandaia analfabeta delle valli di Comacchio, prodiga il suo affetto e le sue cure al marito Paolo, marxista convinto, che nonostante l’handicap di cui soffre (è pressoché paralizzato) svolge attività politica clandestina. Quando Paolo viene deportato e ucciso dai tedeschi, Agnese reagisce unendosi come staffetta a un gruppo di partigiani…(Here) |
本站简译: 电影根据雷娜塔 维加诺(Renata Viganò)一本新现实主义自传体小说改编.时代背景在二战期间.洗衣女艾格尼丝是意大利马基奥山区的一个文盲,她的丈夫保罗身患重病,但他是一个坚定的共产党员和抵抗运动的战士.为了照顾丈夫还要养活他们的一个孩子,艾格尼丝挑起了家庭重担,除去洗衣还要编织柳条框卖钱.不久,保罗由于进行非法的政治活动而被德国人杀害.此后,作为继承丈夫的遗志,带着对纳粹的仇恨,艾格尼丝勇敢地参加了游击队.... |
NA-7603 L'eredità Ferramonti / The Inheritance (Mauro Bolognini) / 百合花 / 可靠的遗产 |
Stars |
Anthony Quinn |
Dominique Sanda |
Fabio Testi |
Country |
Italy |
Runtime |
Argentina: 120 min | USA: 105 min (short version) | Italy: 124 min |
Date |
March 1979 (Turkey) |
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Wealthy patriarch Gregorio Ferramonte (Anthony Quinn) openly lusts after his new daughter-in-law (Dominique Sanda). Seemingly resistant at first to the lecherous Quinn, Sanda rapidly succumbs to his crude charms. There's a little more to the story than that: Sanda knows that Quinn is dying, and that he hasn't yet chosen anyone to inherit his fortune. Things get pretty hot and heavy at times, especially in the original 121 minute version prepared for Italian audiences. The Inheritance was originally released as Eredita Ferramonti. (Here)
User Reviews Compelling drama with a surprise ending.
10 April 2000 | by raymond-15 (Australia) – See all my reviews
This is a compelling drama about an Italian family in the 1880's. Papa (Anthony Quinn) closes down the long-standing Ferramonti bakery and informs his two sons Pippo and Mario and daughter Teta that they will have to fend for themselves in future. Irene his daughter-in-law under the guise of reconciling the family feuds maps out a plan to grab the inheritance for herself. Beautiful Dominique Sanda plays Irene as a shy serene young temptress using her charm and personal magnetism to good effect as she manipulates her lover and family members as cunningly as in a game of chess. The fascination of this movie is to watch Irene at work and to anticipate her next clever move. Irene convinces the family that they must at all costs prevent Papa from marrying again as that would certainly mean the loss of their inheritance. Anthony Quinn plays the patriarch as a bitter and arrogant man in search of love and affection (impeccably acted!) Irene sees that her way to the top and the family fortune is ready for her. Good-looking Mario with his smouldering dark eyes is entrapped by Irene's remarkable beauty and she in turn submits to his advances thus misleading the family of her real intentions. It's a completely fascinating drama that is truly absorbing from beginning to end. As in a game of chess, a sudden and unexpected move can change the outcome of the game. A dramatic confrontation near the end of the film sends the Ferramonti family headlong into a new course of action which quickly resolves the problem of the inheritance. Dominique Sanda (Winner Best Actor Cannes Film Festival) is not only a superb actor but has a beautiful presence in all her scenes. I thought the supporting cast were also brilliant in their various roles. I thoroughly recommend this movie, not only for its great acting and talented direction, but also for its lavish presentation.(Here) |
本站简译: 这是由波洛尼尼导演的一部颇具戏剧性的电影,影片曾获戛纳电影节和意大利国家影评人协会奖.影片描写一个1880年代意大利家庭由遗产继承和混乱的性关系而带来的风波.格雷戈里奥 费拉蒙特是一个经营面包店的富有而好色的家长和鳏夫,他有两个儿子和一个女儿.在他儿子结婚以后他又看上了他漂亮的新儿媳艾琳.艾琳明白她的老公公已来日不多,为了控制家庭和取得遗产,她对费拉蒙特的非礼采取了半推半就的策略.为了防止遗产外流,她又会同家人竭力防止费拉蒙特再婚......而在影片结尾一个令人意想不到的戏剧性情节又出现了. |
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The action-adventure story of intrigue about a smuggler, Serva. Serva decides to change his lifestyle and builds a legitimate business, becoming a "workaholic". Serva's ex-gang of smugglers continue with the high-risk fast-pace life of heroine smuggling and other crimes. Ten years later, one of the smugglers, Jeff, needs a favor from Serva, and as a friend, he obliges. Later a dangerous gang kidnaps Serva's son Oliver. The thrilling action of crosses and double crosses is fast paced and vicious (Here)
Il a kidnappé un enfant... et il découvre qu'il l'aime !!! Serva est un homme "arrivé". Il voyage beaucoup ! Son fils, Olivier, adore sonpère mais le voit peu. Visiblement, on sent qu'Olivier manque de l'affection de son père d'autant plus que sa mère est morte en le mettant au monde. Un jour, il est mis en pension... Il y est kidnappé. Parmis les ravisseurs, se trouve Jeff, une force de la nature de 1m90 et 120 Kilos, plus communément appelé "Le Ricain" ! jeff a toujours été employé pour sa force mais jamais pour lui... Entre le kidnappeur et le kidnappé vont na??tre des sentiments très particuliers... (Here) |
本站简译: 这是一个关于走私阴谋活动的冒险故事. 一个走私的蛇头赛瓦决定改变自己的生活方式,建立一个合法的经营,成为一个有正经职业的人.但他的走私团伙却仍然继续着高风险的海洛因走私和其他犯罪活动.十年以后,一个走私团伙成员杰夫仍然需要赛瓦的参与和帮助,为了迫使赛瓦就范,他们绑架了他的儿子奥利弗....
参见一个法文网站 |
Stars |
Robert De Niro |
Gérard Depardieu |
Dominique Sanda |
Country |
Italy | France | West Germany |
Runtime |
USA: 245 min (R-rated version) | 317 min (uncut version) | Argentina: 250 min (heavily cut) | Australia: 248 min (heavily cut) |
Date |
4 November 1977 (USA) |
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Set in Italy, the film follows the lives and interactions of two boys/men, one born a bastard of peasant stock (Depardieu), the other born to a land owner (de Niro). The drama spans from 1900 to about 1945, and focuses mainly on the rise of Fascism and the peasants' eventual reaction by supporting Communism, and how these events shape the destinies of the two main characters (Here) |
本站简译: 该剧跨度从1900年到1945年,通过剧中两位主角的人生道路和命运变幻描述了意大利法西斯主义的兴起和农村的共产主义活动状况.农场主的孙子阿弗雷德与农户的孙子奥尔茂在作曲家威尔第死去的第一天同日出生,两个人从小就开始较量并在较量中结下了友谊。由于他们的出身和经历不同,两个人有着完全不同的人生观。奥尔茂最终成为一名共产主义战士,阿弗雷德则成为法西斯的辩护人。影片最后,1945年,艾米里农庄迎来了共产主义的春天,奥尔茂带着农户们在小广场上举起了一面巨大的红旗,举行了阿弗雷德的公审大会…… |
编者注: 这是由《末代皇帝》电影导演贝托鲁奇执导的又一部史诗性电影,表现手法也相当强烈,曾被西方国家喻为阶级斗争的电影读本而被禁演.与此同时,这部电影的完整版中又因出现过多的情色镜头而被剪辑.更多详细介绍请见本站电影网页. This epic film is known that directed by Bernardo Bertolucci and composed by Morricone's excellent music, more see the page in our site. |
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(Italian) Lacrimosa storia di una moglie malata che si sacrifica per il marito pianista. Anche l'amante del pianista si tira in disparte. Tutti sono buoni(Here).
Una donna gravemente malata si sacrifica per il marito pianista e l'amante di lui decide di farsi da parte.(Here)
Comment: Per Amore's variation features Michael Craig as Alberto Reggiani, a Chopin-besotted pianist: flashbacks tell us that he was playing one of Federic C.'s etudes when his mom dropped dead of a mysterious wasting disease. Dead mom is played by the same Capucine who plays his oddly evasive wife Marina...which telegraphs what her secret may be. Alberto restlessly jets around (on heavily featured Alitalia) to New York and Milan and heads, without wife, to his family home of Parma (after debating the respective picturesque virtues of Geneva and Paris) where he has more primal flashbacks and hooks up with the nubile daughter (Janet Agren) of a childhood friend. They become lovers and go to Venice... then wife Marina finds out and wonders how to disclose her Big Secret.
This is all photogenic piffle with tons of touristy footage, attractive players (plus folk like Franco Ressel), and wall to wall Morricone and Chopin. Hardly great, but I'm happy enough to have made its acquaintance thanks to an online regional Italian TV station.(Here) |
本站简译: 一个看了令人生悲的故事: 一个身患重病的女人为她的钢琴家丈夫和他的的情人牺牲自己,他决定靠边站。 |
NA-7607 Renè la Canne / Rene the Cane (Francis Girod) / 甘蔗勒内 / 同是沦落人 |
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Paris, 1942. Having been arrested and tried for armed assault, René Bornier feigns insanity to gain admittance to a psychiatric asylum, from which he intends to make his escape. Here Bornier, better known as René la Canne, meets Marchand, a French policeman who was incarcerated after poking fun at the German authorities. The two men strike up an immediate friendship but any hope of escape is extinguished when the Gestapo turn up. In no time, Bornier and Marchand find themselves on a train bound for a German labour camp... (Here)
(French) René Girier né le 9 novembre 1919 à Oullins (banlieue lyonnaise) et mort le 28 janvier 2000 dans une maison de retraite à Reims, est un truand francais. Son surnom de René la Canne ou René le boiteux provient d'une balle re?ue dans la jambe qui le fait boiter, la ? canne ? étant la jambe en argot. René la Canne est l'? ennemi public n° 1 ? dans les années 1940 et surtout 1950 et est impliqué dans le gang des Tractions Avant. Il s'évade 17 fois en 8 ans de prison et est libéré en 1956 grace à sa visiteuse de prison, la princesse Charlotte de Monaco. La princesse l'installe près de son chateau de Marchais (Aisne) et il devient son chauffeur (sans permis), son intendant et son ami. René la Canne conduit ainsi la princesse au mariage de son fils Rainier III de Monaco avec Grace Kelly en 1956. Il est inhumé à Reims, au cimetière La Neuvillette.(Here and here)
User Reviews
This tasteless and plotless farrago follows the fortunes of three rogues during and after the Nazi Occupation of France. 'Rene the Stick' (Gerard Depardieu) is a vulgar petty crook. 'Fernand the Sneak' (Michel Piccoli) is a corrupt police officer. Krista (Sylvia Kristel) is a whorehouse madam who beds them both turn by turn. Allegedly, this trio are based on real-life characters. One can't help wondering if director Francis Girod and co-writer Jacques Rouffio saw their cheerful amorality as a metaphor for the moral disintegration of society during wartime. If that is their aim, the film is a wretched failure. Its attempts at black comedy are too crude and obvious to convince. (Are we meant to whoop with delight when Piccoli eats his boss's pet frog?) It is frankly sick-making to see the Nazi persecution of Jews and homosexuals used as a set-up for cheap and unfunny jokes. To make this movie still worse, both of the 'great' French actors (Depardieu and Piccoli) ham up their roles atrociously. Dolled up in her white tuxedo, la Kristel looks very fetching indeed - but she has precious little to do apart from that. Oh well! At least she does not embarrass herself by overacting.(Here) |
本站简译: 剧情简介1: 勒内于1942年在巴黎被捕,他佯装精神错乱以获准被送往精神病院之后逃脱.在精神病院他遇到了一个也被关在那里的法国警察马坎,他是因取笑德国统治当局而被捕的.两人搭讪不久便建立了友谊.但他们的逃跑计划由于盖世太保的出现而泡汤.很快,他们被押上了开往德国劳工营的火车....
(同是沦落人)剧情简介2: 雷内-拉·卡纳因为持有武器攻击被监禁了。最后他为了逃脱声称自己患有精神病。之后在医院他结识了逃亡的马尔尚警官,他之前曾公开嘲笑德国的军官统治者……(这里)
编者注: "甘蔗勒内"电影的原型是20世纪40-50年代法国一个著名的江洋大盗,真名是勒内 基雷尔(René Girier),1919年生于法国里昂,由于他身高一米八,因而获得了甘蔗勒内(或大棒勒内)的绰号.此人出身贫苦,聪敏机智,成年后沦为盗贼.擅长盗窃保险柜,装甲货车,黄金珠宝,曾多次被捕,被判终身监禁但又多次逃脱.1950年曾被法国列为头号公敌.1956年在摩纳哥公主夏洛特的帮助下获得释放并退出江湖.在法国东北部城市兰斯(Reims)经营一家书店,写作和出版了多本图书,并加入了改造罪犯的社会活动. 2000年2月1日在兰斯一个养老院中病逝,遗体安葬在兰斯的Neuvillette一座墓地.(见右图并参见这里和这里) |
NA-7608 San Babila ore 20: un delitto inutile / San Babila-8 P.M. (Carlo Lizzani) / 圣巴比拉晚八点:空虚的犯罪 |
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A group of neo-nazi youngsters, usual customers of a bar in the famous Milan public square, lives through one day of madness passing between assaults, rapes and homicides. Thanks to the testimony of one of the victims the four criminals will be assured to the Police justice...(Here) |
本站简译: 在米兰的一个青少年新纳粹团伙,通常是在米兰市民广场的一间酒吧里聚集.他们的日常生活是疯狂地打斗,掠夺甚至杀人.由于一个受害人站出来作证,四名罪犯终于受到了警方的审讯.... |
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Set at an indeterminate time in the near future, this routine, well-acted drama by Elio Petri tackles favorite Italian topics: religion and politics. A bit of macabre fantasy is added to the mix, but the end product remains somewhat muddled. Don Gaetano (Marcello Mastroianni) is a priest who is supervising a group of Christian Democrats on a religious retreat. The objective is to help these politicians purify their past wrongdoings, no matter how large or small, and live closer to God. The retreat takes place in a concrete bunker with plenty of small rooms for contemplation and icons set here and there to offer inspiration. Once the retreat begins, the politicos alarmingly begin to die off one by one. Don Gaetano wants them to get closer to God but did he mean that close? (Here) (Here)
Don Gaetano (Marcello Mastroianni) is a priest who is supervising a group of Christian Democrats on a religious retreat. The objective is to help these politicians purify their past wrongdoings, no matter how large or small, and live closer to God. The retreat takes place in a concrete bunker with plenty of small rooms for contemplation and icons set here and there to offer inspiration...(Here) |
编者注: 这是1976年由佩特里执导,莫里康内配乐的一部重要的意大利政治寓言片.它以一种带有神秘,隐喻和恐怖色彩的幻想手法来抨击当时统治意大利的天主教民主党,揭露当权的政客,教会神职人员和大财团之间互相渗透,勾结的社会现实.对掌权人物的病态心理,以及他们的腐败和罪恶进行批判和分析.背景设置在一次意大利全国发生疫情的形势下,在一个隐秘酒店的地下建筑里,教会正在举办一个为期三天的,由上百名意大利天民党上层精英--天民党的政治领袖,大银行家,企业家等等参加的年度灵修会,其宣称的目的是帮助他们涤罪,无论他们过去作过什么大小坏事,只要进行忏悔,在这里都可以得到上帝宽恕和净化.这里表面上看像是一个大酒店,但在它的“地下墓穴”(catacombe)里,建有很多宗教气氛的场所以及独立的小房间,以便每个人可以在其中静思和得到灵感.而实际上,在这种看似神圣的环境中,却进行着大量肮脏的政治,宗教,权力,信仰之间的交易。为了度过执政的政治困境,天民党的领袖们正在考虑执行一条新的和在野的共产党和解(妥协)的新路线。为了推行这种改革,他们对外(包括政党之间,宗教之间)必须完成政治交易,对内必须清除党内的反对力量。灵修的过程,正是进行这些交易的最好时机。灵修开始不久,政客们却惊人地一个个被消灭.凶手到底是谁?他们的目的是什么?天民党,教会,检察官一个个又在扮演着什么样的角色?导演没有直接给出谜底,都留给了观众自己去思考。在影片中,执政党的象征性人物莫罗(由著名演员沃隆特扮演)也被杀害,而三年后,真实的莫罗果然被红色旅绑架后杀害.这种巧合更使这部电影成为一部著名的政治预言片。影片上映后,在意大利朝野引起了极大的震动,来自天民党和共产党左右两派,均对这部影片发起了猛烈地的批评和攻击,其原因不说自明。(参见本站此页"1945年以来的意大利电影"P168-169)此片在意大利政治电影中占有重要地位,至今仍是很多学者深入研究的对象. |
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(Italian) Michele e Luigi, siciliani membri di una legione fascista, si conoscono durante la guerra civile spagnola. I due reagiranno in modo diverso nei confronti della situazione in cui sono coinvolti: il primo avrà una crisi di coscienza che lo porterà a rendersi conto delle brutture del conflitto, il secondo dimostrerà tutta la sua codardia e il suo cinismo e continuerà a schierarsi con la parte vincente.(Here)
Ispirato al racconto L'antimonio di L. Sciascia, è il solo film italiano dopo il 1945 sulla guerra civile spagnola dalla parte delle Camicie Nere fasciste: è la storia dell'amicizia tra due siciliani – un giovane caruso, arruolatosi perché senza lavoro, e un anziano caporale un po' anarchico deciso a disertare per passare in Francia. Prima di morire, il giovane comprenderà che è una guerra fratricida anche per gli italiani. Non colma una lacuna, purtroppo. Inetto nelle scene di massa (bombardamento di Malaga nel 1937, battaglie di Guadalajara e del Jarama), melodrammatico nei principali snodi narrativi, schematico nei personaggi, nonostante la discreta prova di Amato, fratello minore di Michele Placido, e di Salerno.(Here)
Membri della legione fascista "Dio lo vuole", i siciliani Michele e Luigi Ventura si conoscono a Malaga e fanno amicizia nel corso delle azioni controrivoluzionarie 1936-39 che, passando per Guadalajara ove provano il sapore della sconfitta, li portano verso la conquista di Madrid. Diversi d'animo, i due sono stati anche guidati da ragioni assai diverse nel reclutarsi: Michele, miserabile caruso, non vuole tornare alla miniera di zolfo e, combattendo, intende mettere da parte i soldi per l'acquisto di un campicello da coltivare "senza più baciare le mani a nessuno"; Luigi, "schedato" dopo tre tentativi di espatrio clandestino, blatera da "rosso", ma in realtà aspira soltanto a trovare il modo di raggiungere l'America ove ha famiglia. Mentre nel corso della guerra Michele apre gli occhi sugli orrori dello scontro fratricida e recupera un minimo di coscienza, Luigi passa dall'opportunismo al collaborazionismo vigliacco e cinico. Quando Michele si ribellerà al comando disumano di un gerarchetto, Luigi farà parte del plotone d'esecuzione che ucciderà l'amico insieme a tre rossi arresisi con la sicurezza di avere salva la vita.(Here) |
本站简译: 影片描写西班牙内战时期来自意大利法西斯黑衫军的两个成员迈克尔和路易斯,在战争中的遭遇和他们不同的心态.自相残杀的战争使他们产生了良心的危机 |